Chapter 143

"The only one!" Yi Han greeted her first.

Ever since Leng Yan told him about this person last time, he has been paying special attention to Yi Han, and this time he also pays special attention to observing him.

"Come to buy a shirt?" Yi Han glanced over Lei Tingen's face intentionally or unintentionally.

"Yes! Are you here to buy it too?" Wei Wei stared at AMARNI in his hand and said in surprise, "Ah, you also like this brand of shirts? Leng Yan loves it the most!"

Yi Han's eyes flashed, and a ray of strangeness flashed past, "Really? Does that mean that handsome guys see the same thing?" He pretended to be relaxed and said.

The only one couldn't help chuckling, "Yes, yes! If you have something to do, go first, let's go and have a look!"

She signaled Lei Ting'en to follow her. When Lei Ting'en passed by Yi Han, he bumped into Yi Han by accident. Yi Han didn't pay attention and staggered a few steps. There were several steps behind him. The force of inertia prompted him to step on the steps. And keep going.

The only one turned around suddenly, and found that he was going downstairs in a very strange way, as if he was going downstairs with one foot.Hurriedly went over to support him, "How are you? Are you all right?"

Yi Han's face was flushed, and his eyes were very flustered when he shook his head, "It's okay! It's okay! I'm leaving first!"

"Are you really okay? I think your feet seem to be..." The only one raised his own doubts.

Yi Han waved his hands again and again, "It's really okay, I accidentally fell last time, and it still hasn't recovered, so when I went downstairs, my feet still hurt!"

"I'd better help you get into the car!" The only one worried.

"No need! Dick is waiting for me down there, Dick!" he yelled, and Dick came over from the other side.

A trace of panic also flashed across Dick's face, "What's wrong with you, you broke your foot and still act bravely, didn't you want you to wait for me?" He said while helping Yi Han to go downstairs slowly.

Yi Han nodded towards Weiwei and Lei Tingen, "Goodbye, you two, I'm leaving first!"

"Bye!" The only one smiled as he watched Dick help Yi Han go downstairs.Yi Han is an extremely handsome man, and he is usually personable, but this time he hurt his foot, he was so embarrassed even going downstairs!Why isn't there an elevator here!If you don't think about it, think about it this way, and realize that you have never seen him walk down the stairs, and you always take the elevator!

"Let's go! Go buy a shirt! You're a nympho! I'll be jealous again when Leng Yan sees it!" Lei Tingen whispered in her ear.

Wei Wei sticks out her tongue, laughs and follows Lei Tingen to continue looking for a shirt.

Downstairs, Dick helped Yi Han into the car, "Are you okay?"

Yi Han shook his head, "It's fine."

"What's going on? How come you fell down for no reason!" Dick asked.

Yi Han narrowed his deep eyes slightly, "That Lei Tingen bumped into me, I don't know if he did it on purpose."

"Did they find out?" Dick asked in surprise.

Yi Han shook his head, "I'm not sure, but probably not, I didn't show any clues, but this also reminds us to be more careful in the future."

"Well!" Dick agreed, "You should pay attention to the stairs in the future. There is no problem at all when walking on flat roads. It is completely like ordinary people, just go up and down the stairs."

Yi Han had no choice but to say, "My current situation has surpassed that of ordinary people. Who with prosthetic limbs can walk like me? The process of practicing... Hey, I don't even dare to think about it now, and I don't know myself. How did you get over it, but if I continue to practice going up and down the stairs, I can't do it anymore! I really can't do it..."

A playful smile appeared on Dick's lips, "Then you still often go to dances? Only your legs can still dance? Are you not afraid of being exposed?"

Yi Han looked frustrated, "Didn't I just watch from the side?"

Dick still looked at him with a smile, "I'm afraid you are here to see a certain woman? By the way, her marriage with Leng Yi has been declared invalid, isn't it a pity?"

"Women?" Yi Han's dark eyes flashed a cold light, "Do you think I will still trust women? I have suffered less from women in my life? Even my life is at stake!"

"Okay! When I didn't say it, I thought she was different!" Dick surrendered.

"It's no different! Women can only be used as playthings or pawns at best! Including your beauty, don't be so serious!" Yi Han warned.

"Of course not! No woman has ever captured my Dick's heart!" Dick sneered.

"That's good! What is our goal, you must be clear!" Yi Han paused, and then said, "I heard that Leng Yan divorced and gave that stinky woman 20.00% of the shares, and Qisheng has 19.00% In the hands of minority shareholders, Leng Yan still has 60.00% in his own hands."

"Yes! It's still a major shareholder! Do you think this woman's successful divorce is beneficial to us?" Dick asked with a frown.

"I've thought about it, we ordered those reporters to make a lot of noise about Leng Yan, Leng Yan and..." He paused for a moment, and the name below made his heart feel slightly softer, "Leng Yan And the only company, including Yin's performance, has plummeted, and the stock has also fallen quite sharply. No matter whether she can leave or not, it is beneficial to us. If she divorces, Leng Yan's shares will be reduced, and we will eat away at them step by step. "

"How to nibble?" Dick asked.

"There is still one person who can use it. There is only one person left who Leng Yan is willing to distribute the stock." A bright and innocent face appeared in Yi Han's mind.

"You are too confident about this, she will not betray Leng Yan, absolutely not!" Dick judged soberly.

Yi Han nodded slowly, "I've realized it too, so this move is not very safe, make a backup, I have to think again!"

"What if there's no divorce?" Dick asked again.

"If you don't leave, then the second plan, I give up on Qicheng, and continue to attack until it collapses!"

"But, have you read today's newspaper? It seems that someone will restore Leng Yan's reputation again! Qisheng's performance has always been so good, and it will be easy to recover." Dick threw the newspaper to him.

Yi Han didn't even look at it, "It doesn't matter, the big deal is that everything will be destroyed. If I can't get it, I will destroy it!"

(End of this chapter)

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