Chapter 148

Lei Tingen didn't leave Chunnuanhuakai, and slept in the guest room all night on his own initiative, and got up the next day to go to Leng Yan, when he arrived at the door of the bedroom, the door opened.

Leng Yan appeared in front of Lei Ting'en in a neat and exquisite black suit. The freshly shaved beard gave off a clean breath, and his short hair returned to its usual unruffled condition, but his eyes were as cold as before.

Lei Tingen twitched the corner of his mouth, "Hehe, the iceberg is back!" He didn't know whether it was joy or worry.

With a straight face, Leng Yan said coldly, "I'm leaving, you can do whatever you want."

"Hey, hello!" Lei Tingen chased after him all the way, and in the end he only got a burst of dust behind his car, and his car drove away.

He stared, "It's pulled up again!"

Qisheng Company.

Leng Yan walked all the way with the subtropical winter wind that is not too cold. What is colder than the wind is his face. The moment every employee sees the president again, they are first surprised, because the company has been disturbed by people. , but when Leng Yan walked past them, that surprise was also frozen into ice cubes, and it seems that the days to come will not be easy...

In the conference room, this season's performance report meeting was going on, and everyone was listening to the boastful talk of the largest shareholder present. Qin Ran was already impatient, but there was nothing he could do. Leng Yan handed over the company to him. Lan destroys everything before wiping his ass, but his ability and power are limited!

When Jing Lan was spitting, a department manager murmured a few words to the people next to her, and Jing Lan immediately became furious: "Do I have your share in talking here? Qin Ran, fire him!"

"This...can't be done, right? Only the president can come back to make the decision..." Qin Ran murmured.

Jing Lan patted the table, "Will the company be closed if the president doesn't come back? I can't decide on such trivial matters? Qin Ran, don't you want to do it too?"

Qin Ran was speechless. He knew Jing Lan's situation, and he didn't dare to disobey her too much. The CEO was not around, so he couldn't handle it if he got sick...

"Get out!" Jing Lan pointed at the door of the conference room and shouted at the department manager.

At the same time, the door opened, and a gust of cold air hit, "Who do you want to get out?" There was a cold voice and cold words.

Jing Lan's movements froze instantly, the corners of her mouth twitched, and she smiled awkwardly, "Yan, I didn't mean you! I meant him..."

"Get out!" Leng Yan strode over, without even looking at her.

"Yan...I..." Jing Lan tried to lean towards him.

"Security!" Leng Yan's face was so calm that he didn't even frown, his voice was not loud, but it was as cold as ice.

"Let's go!" Jing Lan turned and left the conference room.

The managers of each department breathed a sigh of relief, the president came back, and finally they can live a normal life!Although I used to complain in private that the president was too cold and heartless, but in comparison, it was better than the moody and chaotic vice president!

"Vice President?" Leng Yan frowned, listening to Qin Ran's report, "Who made it?"

Qin Ran stopped making a sound.Leng Yan opened the folder, and said four simple and indifferent words, "Continue the meeting!"

Two hours later, the meeting ended, Leng Yan closed the folder, "All departments are operating normally, and the performance must pick up by the end of this month, otherwise you will come to see me with your resignation letter!"

The managers of each department watched the president walk out of the meeting room with the same ice-cold face as before, covered in cold, sweating profusely in winter.Resign?No one wants to give up Qisheng's high salary and status, and thousands of people outside want to squeeze their heads in, so start working hard today!

Qin Ran followed Leng Yan closely, "President, how are you doing?"

Leng Yan stopped in his tracks, breathed a sigh of relief, narrowed his eyes slightly, and the coldness in his eyes overflowed even more, "Qin Ran, thank you for your hard work!"

Qin Ran's eyes were slightly moist. He had been with the president for so many years. The president gave him the highest salary and the best benefits. Although he was a subordinate, he was also a confidant. Not bitter, he suffered for him...

"President, you have to take care..." He choked up.

Leng Yan snorted a laugh, "Yes, you go to work, I'll walk around."

Sitting on the rooftop of the top floor of Qisheng, you can overlook the whole city and look up at the widest sky, but what you think of is the distant Greece, the Aegean sea, the blue sky, the blue sea, and the night sky drifting away with the sea breeze. oath……

"Aegean Sea, you have to remember that the only one who loves Leng Yan will never complain or regret!"

"The Aegean Sea testifies, Leng Yan loves the only one, and will never complain or regret!"

A tear fell from the corner of his eye. Standing at the highest point of the city, he shouted to the sky, "Leng Yan loves the only one, and never complains or regrets! Leng Yan loves the only one, never complains or regrets..."

I hope this wind can bring his love to heaven, to someone, no, now it should be said, some angel listen, because he once said that he will never leave her, even if she hates him someday , he will not leave her...

At night, back to the warm spring, the flowers in the garden on the roof have withered, just like time passing by, never to return, but those gorgeous pictures will remain in memory forever.

Through the glass above the head, you can see the vast night sky. Someone said that her wish is to see the stars in the sky under the glass roof, but there are no stars tonight...

She remembered the story he told the only one—the legend of the Aegean Sea. In the story, after the king died, the luthier plucked the piano against the night sky every night. She hoped that the king in heaven could hear it.

So, every night, he would play the piano under the glass roof, playing her piece—the only one.He believes that the only one in heaven will hear and forgive him...

"Baby, you are my one and only, say I love you to the phone alone, I really love you..."

Before you know it, the night is deep, the moon is sinking, the sun is rising, and a new day will come...

(End of this chapter)

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