Chapter 166

In the dark, he held a glass of red wine and shook it lightly, the liquid in the glass swirled out a beautiful arc.

The phone rang, and he answered it indifferently, "It's me, what's the matter?"

"Boss, we finally found out about Aunt Lian's movements. She actually used a new bank card to withdraw money, not her name!"

"Well, go on."

"I said that there is nothing unusual about us keeping an eye on her bank account. It turns out that she didn't send money to her card, but gave her another card."

"You caught her?"

"Yes, she admitted that she killed Only, and said..."

"okay, I get it!"

He stared at the liquid in the cup, swallowed it in one gulp, and walked out coldly.

The car drove to the countryside overnight.

In front of the big house he bought for his housekeeper's family in the countryside, he parked the car, held the urn and tapped the doorbell.

"Who is it!" Jing Lan's face was exposed through the gap in the iron gate, and when Leng Yan came, her eyes immediately shone with surprise. "Yan! It's so late, why are you here?"

"I brought Zeng Ma's ashes!" Leng Yan's eyes fell on the urn in his hand.

Jing Lan's face changed slightly, "She died? How did she die?"

Leng Yan's expression was solemn and his eyes were dark, "The police said it was a suicide. I didn't get your consent, so I cremated it without permission. You don't mind?"

Jing Lan hurriedly opened the door and let him in, smiling all over her face, "Of course I don't mind, isn't my mother also your mother? At least it used to be!"

"Really?" Leng Yan remained calm, "But, I don't understand why she committed suicide. Is it because she doesn't want to go back to the countryside?"

"Well, I don't know!" She looked over his shoulder and looked back, "Yan, where is the only one? Why didn't you come?"

"Oh! She's pregnant, it's inconvenient, I let her rest at home." Leng Yan put down the ashes, looked around, "Where's the housekeeper?"

"Oh, my dad is asleep, what's the matter?" Jing Lan pointed upstairs.

Leng Yan put his hands into the pockets of his trousers and shook his head, "It's okay, just ask. Jinglan, I have always been grateful to your family. Although we made trouble like this later, the butler's kindness to my life-saving, and your mother I have not forgotten the kindness to me during my lifetime, so I am also very sad that Zeng Ma has gone this way."

Jing Lan's eyes were moist, and she leaned lightly on Leng Yan's chest, "Yan, forgive me, in fact, I never wanted your property, it was my mother, it was my mother who forced me. Yan, do you hate me? Although you You don’t love me, but I still love you the same in my heart.”

Leng Yan froze slightly, didn't back down, and patted her on the shoulder, "I don't know why Mama Zeng became such a person, but death is like a lamp going out, let's forget all the past, how can she She used to love me, but this time, firstly, I brought her urn back, and secondly, I also held a small funeral for her, and it was not in vain that she once loved me."

"Yan, don't blame my mother, okay?" Jing Lan cried, "She is also planning for me. After all, I am her biological daughter and I am sick. She is afraid that I will not be able to rely on you after losing you, and she is afraid that she will be a hundred years old. After that, no one cared about me, so I was impulsive, but she regretted it later..."

Leng Yan closed his eyes and nodded, "Okay, okay, I said, this is over, so don't mention it again! I remember, only her is good! Anyway, I used to be her half son .I will stay here for a few days until Zeng Ma's funeral is over, it is very late, find a room for me to rest."

"Okay!" Jing Lan wiped away her tears, a hint of surprise flashed in her eyes, and led him upstairs.

Entering the room on the second floor, Leng Yan closed the door casually, shut Jing Lan out of the door, and went to the window. The lights outside the window were solitary, in stark contrast to the splendor of the city. Will such night cover up more things?

He is elusive in the silence...

Later, there was a knock on the door, and Jing Lan came in with a glass of milk, "Yan, you often don't sleep well. I heard that drinking milk can help you sleep, so I'll make you a glass. You can drink it." Bar."

"Okay! Put it down, I will drink it, thank you!" Leng Yan stood tall and straight in front of the window, without turning his head.

Jing Lan retreated to the door, repeatedly reminded, "Remember to drink!"

"Okay!" Leng Yan turned around, Jing Lan's figure disappeared outside the door, he walked to the table, picked up the milk cup...

Tiredness gradually hit him, and he lay down on the bed with his eyes closed, apparently falling asleep.

The door quietly opened a crack, the light from the corridor leaked in, a woman in a pink nightgown came quietly, her eyes fell on the empty milk bottle, her smile spread...

Gently approaching the bed, she lifted the quilt and lay beside him, quietly breathing his breath sideways, tears rolling down.

Yan, do you know how long I have been waiting for this moment?

In fact, I really just want to have my own happiness like an ordinary woman. Every night, I can sleep next to the person I love deeply, and I can see him when I wake up in the morning.

In my opinion, this is such a humble life goal, but it is all I have, Yan, why don't you give me this chance?

I love you, I really love you!For you, I can do anything, I love you no less than the only one!Why don't you want to look me in the eye?

Tears soon soaked the pillow cover, she propped her arms, carefully looked at his face by the moonlight outside the window, outlined his outline over and over again in her heart, she couldn't help stroking it up, and her silent recitation turned into a whisper .

"Yan, Yan, I love you, do you know? I have only loved you in my life, before, now, and in the future! Yan, don't dislike me, okay?"

(End of this chapter)

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