Chapter 189

"One and only, where did you go? I went to pick you up but you didn't receive it, and you didn't bring your phone with you. I was so anxious!" Yin Ziran was the first to stand up and meet her.

The only one stared at him straight, "Zi Ran, why did you lie to me?"

Yin Ziran's face changed slightly, and he evasively said, "What are you talking about? How could I lie to you?"

"What happened to Leng Yan?"

"Leng Yan?" Yin Ziran smiled sarcastically, "Isn't he with..."

"I met Fei'er today! She didn't go on honeymoon with Leng Yan at all!" The only one was aggressive and interrupted him.

"Oh! Then...then how do I know! Maybe someone changed the date... Oh, what a heartless person, why do you keep mentioning him! Come, see what good things I bought for you today..." Yin Ziran turned around disheartened .

Just to talk about him casually, it turned out that there was a real possibility that he didn't go to the honeymoon!So, where did Leng Yan go?

"Yin Ziran!" Wei Wei's eyes were hot/hot, and he yelled, "You are good at everything in this life, the only thing you can't learn is lying in front of me!"

"I'm going upstairs to take a shower! Don't follow me!" Yin Ziran's plan was to go.

"Stop!" The only gaze swept across the faces of the old man and Yin Xiaozhuo, and they both lowered their heads.

Their guilty conscience made it even more obvious that there was something wrong with it, she panted, "Okay! You are all hiding it from me, right? OK! Keep hiding it! I will find it myself! From now on, I will search every corner of the earth, I must find him too! I want to see people alive! I want to see dead bodies! If I can’t find me, I won’t come back! I, Ran Weiyi, will do what I say! Yin Ziran, you know it very well!”

Meimei's words had completely confused her mind, she turned around and ran out.

"The only one! Stop! Calm down!" Yin Xiaozhuo shouted.

She paused, turned around and burst into tears, "Brother! You know, if I don't get to the bottom of it, I will not be peaceful in my life. Even if I am stupid or idiot, I just want to know what happened to him ? It’s a lie that Qisheng can’t keep going, and it’s a lie that Yin’s injury is also a lie. You all helped him lie to me. Do you think I can calm down?”

Yin Xiaozhuo was deeply moved, and Yin Ziran hinted at him, "Brother, he..."

Yin Xiaozhuo waved his hand, "I can't hide it any longer. Even if we hide it today, the only one will still look for the answer tomorrow, but, the only one, we don't know where he went!"

The only tight string suddenly loosened, and he fell limply to the ground, "So, he really didn't marry Mayfair? He... he did it on purpose? Why? Mayfair must know where he went, I asked her! "

She got up quickly and sat down by the phone.

Yin Xiaozhuo held her hand and shook his head sadly, "Only, stop beating, Fei'er doesn't know, and everyone doesn't know where he went. In fact, we are all looking for him, because... because Dr. Lu in a hurry……"

"Doctor Lu? What does this have to do with Dr. Lu?" The only one grasped Yin Xiaozhuo's hand tightly, and the inexplicable premonition and fear made her nervous and breathless.

Yin Xiaozhuo's eyes were slightly red, and he suddenly hugged her into his arms, "Only, we don't want you to be sad, but I also know that you will not stop here, okay, let's go see Dr. Lu, he will give you more professional treatment." Explanation."

At Dr. Lu's office, the only thing in front of his eyes was the following lines:

Wilson's disease, also known as hepatolenticular degeneration, mostly occurs in adults aged 20 to 40. Tremor, rigidity, and decreased movement may occur. Very few patients may have convulsions, and in the later stage, even walking will cause wrestling.Sometimes a delusional syndrome may appear, which soon develops into dementia.Symptoms of liver disease may manifest as symptoms in the acute phase, such as jaundice, hemolysis, and liver failure.

The only one fell down on the chair and didn't move. At this moment, she knew what the real doomsday was!

Compared with that, she would rather believe that Leng Yan abandoned his wife and son, and talked with others hand in hand!As long as he is good, good, that is enough; as long as he is happy, she is happy...

Considering his heart with her heart, he must also think that as long as she is happy, he will be happy, so he will not let her be dragged down by him who is stupid or even unable to act in the end, and will not let the death that comes at any time hurt her heart, so he would rather Choose her to hate him in order to give her another chance to find happiness...

It's just, two silly people!Only being together is happiness, no matter how hard it is, no matter how difficult it is...

"This disease is very rare, it is a genetic disease, and the chance of inheritance is very small. However, I can only say that the young master is very unfortunate. He himself felt that something was wrong recently, so he told me. Moreover, after our repeated diagnosis, Madam's belly The fetus is also... so..." Dr. Lu looked at the only empty eyes, and couldn't bear to say many words.

"The only one!" Yin Xiaozhuo was afraid that she would be sad, so he held her hand.

no tears...

The pain was so extreme that there were no more tears...

"Doctor Lu, tell me, how long can I live?" She grabbed Yin Xiaozhuo's hand tightly, her nails dug deep into his flesh, but it was clearly her who hurt...

"Judging from the current situation, at most one year, the onset was earlier than his mother... But he completely gave up. How could he allow himself to die like that? How could he allow himself to be your burden? So, he I chose to disappear, to fend for myself, and I couldn't find it no matter how hard I searched..." Doctor Lu's voice choked up after speaking.

"Have you checked all the entry and exit records?" Wei Wei had a faint hope in his heart.

Yin Xiaozhuo was sad, "Why didn't you check? He wanted to disappear, so how could we find his records?"

The only heartache was almost bursting, it was pain, heartache, not pain, for such a man, for such a fate.This man who will always make her feel bad...

She pinched Yin Xiaozhuo's hand again, and asked stupidly, "Brother, tell me, I'm not dreaming, I'm not hallucinating, it's real."

Yin Xiaozhuo finally burst into tears, and hugged her into his arms, "Silly sister, it's true! It's not a dream! It's not an illusion!"

(End of this chapter)

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