savage babe

Chapter 10

Chapter 10

Tian Xiaoruan and Meng Man were very busy last night.Don't think about it!It's business!
Tian's father said that he would finish his trip and return to China in half a month. Meng Man said that it was okay to take his time, but he hoped that the father-in-law would appear in front of him immediately, and he would drag Tian Xiaoruan to the Civil Affairs Bureau tomorrow.

half moon?also good!Take advantage of this half month, just in time to arrange the handover of the company.

Chinese people have the traditional idea of ​​returning to their roots, and he and Geng Hao are no exception. Although the performance of the company in the United States is booming, the desire to go home is stronger than money and career, especially when there is a beautiful woman at home!
Fortunately, the preparations for the domestic branch are almost done, although Geng Hao is mostly worrying about it!These days, in order to get Tian Xiaoruan back, he basically put aside his affairs with the company. Now that Tian Xiaoruan is settled, it's time for him to work for the company. Let Geng Hao go on leave!That kid's resentment almost filled the whole world!
Tian Xiaoruan's situation is basically the same as his, and a large number of documents have been piled up for approval.During this period of time, she tried her best to avoid her, and racked her brains to think about punishing him. Most of the company's affairs were handed over to the old factory manager and two department managers, but there were still many important documents that had to be left to her. decide!

Therefore, the two of them were busy until 03:30 in the middle of the night, fell asleep on the bed and hugged each other!

Women are a little cooler than men!That is, you can be playful, coquettish, and rambunctious!

A man can't, even if the sky falls, he has to do what he should do, and he has to go forward without hesitation!

After only sleeping for four hours, Meng Man had to get up and rush to the company. There were many things waiting for him to deal with.

Tian Xiaoruan threw the alarm clock onto the bed with a bang, sweet dream, continue!

'Ding ding ding ding' A burst of ringing that was different from the alarm clock rang in Tian Xiaoruan's ears, which really disturbed her to sleep unsteadily, so she got up reluctantly, with a fluffy hair on her back, and staggered to open the door.

She half-closed her eyes, looked sleepy and lazy, scratched her hair, scratched her scalp, and yawned a lot, looking lazily at the woman standing at the door, she was a lean aunt in her 50s!
"Who are you looking for?" She was rude due to lack of sleep, and she grabbed the shoulder straps of her nightgown that was about to fall off.

Auntie looked surprised, looked at the house number, looked at her, then looked at the house number, then looked at her again, it took a long time to find the voice, still a little uncertain: "This is ~~~~~~ Meng Man? ?"

Looking for Meng Man?Tian Xiaoruan woke up suddenly.

"You are?" His tone changed suddenly.

"I'm his mother!" Auntie said calmly.

Tian Xiaoruan slammed the door with a bang, straightened out her slovenly face as quickly as possible, straightened her messy hair, pulled back her nightgown that was about to collapse, wiped her lifeless face, and put on a new one. With a flattering smile, he opened the door: "Hello, Auntie!"

Meng's mother is relatively petite, full of energy, and has a serious expression on her face that is not angry but mighty, which may be the expression that a teacher must have!As soon as she stepped into the door, her face was a little stiff, Tian Xiaoruan followed her gaze, almost fainted with shame!
Tian Xiaoruan hurriedly picked up the newspapers, magazines, clothes, and snacks on the sofa and threw them into the trash can in the kitchen, then wiped his sweat secretly, and came out with a smile: "Auntie, what would you like to drink?"

"Plain water is fine, thank you!" Meng's mother said lightly.

Tian Xiaoruan was so annoyed that she was about to die, what day is it today?Such bad luck!

Just after handing the water to Meng's mother, the alarm clock under the bed started screaming again, Tian Xiaoruan hurried into the bedroom and lay down beside the bed, groped for the alarm clock, and after she killed the alarm clock completely, raised her head, I saw Meng's mother's unhappy face, oh!why?

Laughing awkwardly, Tian Xiaoruan scolded Meng Man thousands of times in her heart, why didn't she give her a little mental preparation?Woo!She wants to cry!
Mother Meng looked at her sloppy appearance and said, "Aren't you going to wash and wash?"

"Oh! Yes, yes! Auntie, you sit first, you sit first!" She quickly slipped into the bathroom.

He beat himself hard in the bathroom and dared to come out after dawdling for a long time. He sat obediently opposite Mother Meng with his head lowered. Would it be too late to pretend to be a lady now?

Meng's mother asked: "Are you Tian Xiaoruan?"

Tian Xiaoruan looked up in surprise, Mother Meng knew her?
"Xiao Man told us about it!"

"Oh!" She nodded obediently.

Meng's mother's appraising gaze has been on her since she entered the room. Judging from her expression, she doesn't seem to realize how much surprise Tian Xiaoruan can give her.

Tian Xiaoruan felt like she was sitting on pins and needles, she didn't know what to say to the old man, and she didn't know how to win back the old man's love. She secretly glanced at the time, and there was still an hour and a half before Meng Man returned home. How would she spend this time? ?

Tian Xiaoruan decided to do something to save her image that was on the verge of collapse in Meng's mother's heart. She said flatteringly, "Auntie! What do you want to eat, can I make it for you?"

Mother Meng looked at her flattering smile, she had to respect her son's choice!

"All good!" Let's see her performance!

"Oh! Then I'll get ready, Auntie, sit down first!" She quickly slipped into the kitchen, beside Mama Meng, the atmosphere was so oppressive that she could hardly breathe.

As soon as Meng Man stepped into the house, he smelled the fragrance, and then saw his mother sitting on the sofa with a calm expression.

"Mom, when did you come? Why don't you call, Xiao Ruan and I can pick you up!"

Mother Meng looked at her son sitting beside her, and smiled slightly: "You want to marry a wife, I have to investigate!"

Meng Man's face collapsed: "From your point of view?"

Meng's mother glanced at the busy figure in the kitchen, and curled her lips: "It's hard!" It didn't meet the standard she wanted.

"Mom!" Meng Man called.

"But your dad and I will respect you! I hope she still has room to improve."

"Thank you!"

Standing up to look at the cook, Tian Xiaoruan was busy with sweat dripping from his forehead, but his hands and feet were still neat, he was surprised: "You know how to cook?"

Tian Xiaoruan was startled, and then pulled him into the kitchen with one hand, avoiding the sight of Meng's mother, and pouted: "You just came back! You scared me to death!"

Meng Man pecked her on the mouth and laughed: "You will always be alone, what are you afraid of? Mom won't eat you again."

"But the problem is that they are not prepared at all. The house is as messy as a kennel, and your mother saw it! It's over! I must be a mess in your mother's eyes." Tian Xiaoruan yelled softly, about to collapse!
But Meng Man laughed heartily, jokingly: "Tian Xiaoruan, who is not afraid of the sky and the earth, is afraid of her future mother-in-law?"

"Are you still laughing?" Tian Xiaoruan gritted his teeth.

"She will like you!"

Tian Xiaoruan's face was as flat as a bitter gourd, it was so difficult!
Seeing a table of delicious dishes, Meng's mother finally had a little smile.

Tian Xiaoruan breathed a sigh of relief!
Meng Man quietly approached her and asked, "When will you be able to cook?"

Tian Xiaoruan annoyed him, humming softly: "Do you think I will starve to death without you?"

As soon as he left back then, she went to learn to be a chef, she still didn't believe it, she couldn't live without him?She must raise herself to be white and fat, and completely abandon her dependence on him, because after he left, whenever she was hungry, she would think of him involuntarily. Think about it, three meals a day, she would not eat. If you starve to death, you will die because you miss him!

At the dining table, Meng Man clamped a piece of sweet and sour pork ribs for his mother, and said, "Mom, since you are here, you can stay here for a few more days. I will go to the United States the day after tomorrow. It just so happens that you can be with Xiao Ruan."

Tian Xiaoruan was smiling sweetly on his face, and his feet under the table were stomping hard, Meng Man is dead!
Meng Man retracted the foot that was stepped on by her, and quietly reached out to pat her small fist on her knee to calm her restless mood.

Mother Meng asked, "How long will it be?"

Meng Man: "Maybe a week!"

Tian Xiaoruan was startled: "So long? What are you doing?"

"There are many cases in the head office that I am personally responsible for. I have to go over and hand over the work. I will deal with it before your father comes back."

"Ah?" Tian Xiaoruan's face collapsed, she was afraid of being alone with Meng's mother!

Meng Manhong: "I will be back soon."

"Oh!" The voice sounded like crying!
(End of this chapter)

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