savage babe

Chapter 4 Past Events

Chapter 4 Past Events (Part [-])
That year, Tian Xiaoruan was in her third year of high school.The approach of the college entrance examination did not cause panic to her who had average grades, she was still as leisurely as a little fish slipping through the net!

When her classmates were desperately trying to make up for it, she was slumped on the sofa at home watching a series, and when her classmates were distressed by their stagnant grades, she was lying on the bed and sleeping soundly.Anyway, no matter how she looks at it, she doesn't look like a good seedling who is motivated!

She doesn't care!Anyway, it doesn’t make any difference to her whether she goes to university or not. If dad expects her to be admitted to Tsinghua University or Peking University, it’s a fool’s dream. He should have realized that she is not a material for studying!
The parents divorced for ten years, and now the man is remarried, and the woman is remarried. The charming mother has long been married to France, and she gave birth to a Chinese-French half-breed sister five years ago!The days are comfortable and easy!
Dad Tian Yuanming married a petite wife who is 15 years younger than him, bought a villa in the suburbs, and played fair games every day!
Tian Yuanming owns an average-sized company and two garment factories, so he can be regarded as a successful person!After five years of remarriage, there is still only one daughter, Tian Xiaoruan. Therefore, regardless of whether Tian Xiaoruan can pass the exam or not, it is inevitable for Tian Xiaoruan to inherit the family business!Since she doesn't have to worry about not having a job, what does she still do to stay up late and study hard?
Together with her to spend the weekend boarding in her father's love nest is her delicate stepmother's little niece, seven-year-old Wang Jiayi.

On Monday morning, those who should go to work go to work, and those who should go to school go to school.

Jiaorou's stepmother said: "Xiao Ruan, can you please take Jiayi to school? You can drop by! Can you?"

Tian Xiaoruan looked at the flattering smile on her stepmother's face, she couldn't say the words of refusal, she really didn't understand, where did she get so many hot faces to stick to her cold butt, she tried her best to show her impatience Why did she still have the cheek to smile innocently at her?Really!

Tian Xiaoruan reached out to Tian Yuanming who was having breakfast at the dining table: "Dad, give me the key to the apartment, I won't be here this month!"

Tian Yuanming took out the key to her and asked, "Is the money enough?"

"Hit me on the card!" Turning around, he hooked his finger at Xiao Jiayi: "Little girl! Let's go!"

Xiao Jiayi immediately followed behind her with a cute silly smile.The little girl was just like her aunt, who basically couldn't read other people's faces.Obviously, Tian Xiaoruan has a cool look on her face that no one should approach her, but the mother and daughter are trying to strike up a conversation with her, sticking to her side!
Sitting on the bus bound for school, Tian Xiaoruan looked at the passing scenery outside the window, thinking that yesterday the head of the class seemed to say that two students would be transferred to the class today, and that she and Li Ling had the exclusive table in the whole class, so Said, from today on, she must have a tablemate with you!What a sad news!
She was very puzzled, the college entrance examination was almost over, so why should she transfer to another school?How much money and relationships would it cost to transfer in this way!Rich people love to mess around!

The bus arrived at a stop, and a few people got on!Wang Jiayi who was by the window suddenly pointed out the window and asked Tian Xiaoruan loudly: "Sister Xiaoruan, what are the puppies doing?"

Tian Xiaoruan turned his head and looked, embarrassed!Next to a big tree outside the car window, two dogs are mating!
Facing Xiao Jiayi's eyes full of thirst for knowledge, Tian Xiaoruan's face flushed with embarrassment.How would she answer this?She tried very hard to find a suitable word, and in the end, she could only say helplessly: "They are fighting!"

'puff'!There were two discordant titters from the backseat!
Tian Xiaoruan shot two lasers in anger!It was two boys who were about her age, one cold!One sunshine!

Receiving Tian Xiaoruan's unfriendly glaring, the Sunshine Boy was young and vigorous, stared back unconvinced, and provocatively said: "What are you looking at? Want to fight?"

'Puchi', the stern boy couldn't help laughing out loud

As soon as the words came out of his mouth, Wen Jun, who realized that he had said the wrong thing, punched his friend Meng Man on the shoulder in annoyance, and Meng Man smiled even more!

Tian Xiaoruan was full of anger, his face was blue and white, and he was eaten tofu for nothing, and was about to attack when the car stopped!Xiao Jiayi's school arrived, and she dragged Little Trouble out of the car irritably. Before leaving, she gave the boy in the back seat a hard look.

This is just the beginning of a bad day!
I didn't know until I got to school that the newly transferred students were the two boys on the bus.
What is even more unfortunate is that Wen Jun, the boy who ate her tofu with words, became her roommate, Meng Man, the boy who ate her tofu with laughter, became you at her table, and she became a sandwich biscuit!

Tian Xiaoruan and Wen Jun glared at each other as soon as they met, and Meng Man calmly cleared the table and tidied up the textbooks, completely out of their war!
Then Tian Xiaoruan did the most disdainful thing in her life, breaking up the Chuhe-Han world with Meng Man, a trick that even elementary school students no longer play, but she seriously made an appointment with him, and Meng Man just twitched his lips contemptuously.

Time has passed like days and years, another weekend, and finally got through to the end of the last class. The apartment is only 10 minutes away from the school. Tian Xiaoruan bought daily necessities and dry food in the supermarket. Because she was lazy, she bought them all at once. For a month, her hands were full of big and small bags, and she was so tired that she was out of breath. Her father often said that she was called a lazy person who carried a heavy burden!

There is a notice posted at the doorman - there will be a fire drill in this building at ten o'clock tomorrow, which will be jointly performed and recorded by the fire department and the TV station. If the alarm bells on each floor ring at that time, all owners should not panic.If this exercise has caused any inconvenience to you, please forgive me, etc., etc.!
After reading the notice, Tian Xiaoruan picked up the things on the ground and walked towards the elevator. The door of the elevator was closing slowly, and she yelled: "Wait, wait!"

She hurriedly pressed the button with the hand holding the thing, and then pressed her finger on the other finger: "Is it you?"

Meng Man withdrew his painful finger from her poke, and the moment the elevator door opened, he and Tian Xiaoruan squeezed into the elevator at the same time.

Beep beep beep beep—the elevator's overweight alarm sounded!

A whole elevator full of people looked at Meng Man and Tian Xiaoruan who came in last with hostile eyes.It's rush hour after school!
Meng Man and Tian Xiaoruan stared at each other for a long time, until the people complained and complained!In the end, they were no match for Tian Xiaoruan's thick skin and dry flesh. Meng Man stepped out of the elevator, and Tian Xiaoruan smiled triumphantly!

Beep beep beep beep - the alarm continues!Tian Xiaoruan's smile froze on his face!

Meng Man sneered, Tian Xiaoruan looked at the elevator going up with hatred, and gave him a fierce look, disaster star!

When the elevator came down again, she and Meng Man were the only ones going up, as if all the people who wanted to go up were in the elevator just now.ill!It was packed to death just now, and now it is empty as hell.It's clear that the enemy's road is narrow, but they meet again on a narrow road!
Venting his anger, he poked his floor hard and stood at the door, ignoring Meng Man who was still snickering behind him.

Laugh! Laugh!Laugh to death!
As soon as the floor arrived, Tian Xiaoruan rushed out the door and let out a deep breath, really!Almost smothered her!
He took out his keys while walking, and heard footsteps behind him, what did he want to do?Tian Xiaoruan walked towards the door quickly, and the sound of footsteps came again.

Tian Xiaoruan turned around and yelled at him: "What the hell are you trying to do? Choking..."

Meng Man looked at her distorted face indifferently. He held a bunch of keys in his hand and was opening the door opposite her house...
Tian Xiaoruan is so embarrassing...

================================================== =======
The next day, Tian Xiaoruan woke up naturally after falling asleep. She opened her eyes and saw that it was past nine o'clock. She casually made cup noodles to fill her stomach, and then went to the bathroom to take a bath. She has the habit of taking a morning bath!

This weekend, she is not a good and motivated student, so she doesn't need tutoring, she wants to lie at home and watch series comfortably...
'Ding——' The fire alarm bell rang suddenly and sharply.

Tian Xiaoruan subconsciously jumped up from the bathtub, then suddenly remembered the notice she saw yesterday, oh!She lay back down again and continued to soak!
A few seconds later, the iron door of her house suddenly slammed loudly, so loud that Tian Xiaoruan couldn't ignore it, and it became louder and louder, as if even the walls were trembling, and she had to climb Get up, wrap in a bath towel, and run to open the door with bare feet.

"Knock on what? Knock on what? Want to tear down my door?"

I glanced through the cat's eyes, it was the enemy of the opposite door, why did he come to take pictures of her door early in the morning?
She opened a small gap, hid behind the door, and asked very unhappy: "What are you doing? Ah! Where are you taking me? Ah..."

Meng Man didn't say a word. As soon as her door opened, he grabbed her wrist in a panic and dragged her to the door. He stopped at the elevator for a while, as if worried, he directly dragged her up the stairs. Xiao Ruan couldn't keep up with his pace at all, and was dragged by him all the way, following him staggeringly, and had to free her hand to hold on to the joint of the towel, she screamed again and again: "Ah... You...hey...slow down...yeah..."

Meng Man still didn't say a word, just walked down the stairs briskly, Tian Xiaoruan followed him all the way down, accidentally said: "Ah! Oh - God!"

I sprained my ankle!
(End of this chapter)

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