Quick Transmigration: The Fierce Host Teases The Sick Boy God

Chapter 141 The Overbearing CEO's Second Married Wife

Chapter 141 The Overbearing CEO's Second Married Wife (55)

Gu Bei never thought that Nan Qiao would play such a naive game, let alone that forgetting to lock the door would be an assist for Nan Qiao's abrupt actions.

The most deadly thing at this moment is Nan Qiao's fiery gaze.

A woman who doesn't know how to write the word 'shame' at all.

Nan Qiao stared straight at her without blinking her eyes. While Gu Bei was helpless, a rush of blood rushed to her whole body.

I thought this was the limit of Nan Qiao's cheekiness, who knew...

Nan Qiao was like a curious baby, with his eyes wide open, and he pointed at him without even turning red.

For her, an old driver, this was no longer a big deal.

Gu Bei lowered his head and looked at her, then raised his eyes to look at her, his eyes were terribly gloomy, full of wild aggression.

He gritted his teeth and squeezed out four words, "Su, Nan, Qiao!"

"Huh?" Nan Qiao looked blankly at his predatory cold eyes, and then blushed perfunctorily, "I...I'll go right away."

She turned around with flushed cheeks and wanted to leave, but when she was about to step out of the bathroom, her arm was pinched hard, preventing her from going out.

"Since you're here, don't think about leaving." Gu Bei suddenly pulled her back with a pun.

Whether it was breaking into his world or into this small space, he would never let her have a chance to leave.

Nan Qiao didn't even have time to turn his head to look at him, so he pulled her back and fell into his arms immediately.

His body temperature was much higher than normal, and when the exposed skin touched his skin, she could clearly feel the burning sensation.

Nan Qiao is also aware of the hot blood rolling in his body, like a raging wave, about to slap violently on the stone wall, ushering in the sound of fierce collision.

"North..." Nan Qiao had just uttered a word, but his slightly opened mouth was completely sealed, and all words disappeared in his offensive.

From the most primitive way, it gradually extends to the crazy mode.


The next day.

At two or three o'clock in the afternoon, Nan Qiao slowly opened his eyes.

The all-night carnival made her exhausted, she slowly got up, her eyes swept across the master bedroom, and there were still wonderful scenes in her mind.

Suddenly, Nan Qiao's eyes stopped, his expression was slightly startled, and he stared straight at a bundle of ropes.

She frowned imperceptibly, and when she was about to get up, she heard Gu Bei's low and slightly hoarse voice.

"woke up?"

Nan Qiao looked in the direction of the bathroom, and saw Gu Bei in a bathrobe walking towards her, his eyes were still as cold as a cold pool, but with a little more charming nostalgia.

"Why is there a bundle of ropes all of a sudden?" Nan Qiao pointed to the thick bundle of ropes, feeling that they were what Gu Bei wanted to use to tie her up.

Gu Bei looked in the direction she was pointing at, not surprised, but walked over with a normal expression, picked up the bundle of ropes, and approached Nan Qiao step by step.

A trace of unknown meaning flashed in his cold eyes, and the corners of his mouth curled up into an obvious arc, making goosebumps unbearable when he smiled.

(End of this chapter)

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