Quick Transmigration: The Fierce Host Teases The Sick Boy God

Chapter 173 The 3-year-old Prince's Useless Princess

Chapter 173

Su Yanyan stood up straight, with a smug smile on her face, "Do you understand?"

"Understood, servant girl will do it now." Zhang Liuliu turned and hurried away after speaking, with a smile on his face.

Su Yanyan looked at the back of the maid who was close to her as she left, the corners of her mouth curled up wider and wider, and a stern look flashed in her eyes.

At the same time, Nan Qiao, who was dragging the maid's body, was heading towards the general's mansion.

At the place where Nan Qiao dragged the corpse, there was a light red blood mark, and a long one was drawn out.

This kind of bloodstain was very deep at the beginning, but when it was dragged here, less and less blood flowed out, and the bloodstain became very shallow.

Even if it is such a shallow bloodstain, it can be dragged out for such a long distance. Looking along the bloodstain, it seems that there is no end. It is still shocking to look at.

The people who watched the scene, all of them thought that Sunanqiao was so cruel that it made people angry. Such a cruel method made some people dare not look directly at the maid's body.

They didn't understand the crimes committed by the servant girl. They only knew that Nan Qiao was cruel. When she looked at her, her eyes were full of disgust.

But they despised Nan Qiao's actions very much, and no one dared to stand up and speak for a maid, and no one wanted to be the second maid, such a fate would be too miserable.

However, they never thought that the servant girl's current fate was not the worst.

The guards guarding the General's Mansion saw their eldest lady dragging back the maid's body, looked at each other, and felt that the eldest lady was too cruel.

"You two..." Nan Qiao pointed at them, "Go in and ask more people to come out."

The two guards looked at each other, they were both reluctant, but they could only follow orders, "Yes."

After they entered, in addition to calling the guards in the mansion, they even informed the head wife.

After seeing several guards appearing, Nan Qiao ordered them to build a stake outside the general's mansion.

Although the guard didn't understand her intention, he didn't dare to ask more.

When the stake was being erected, the original owner's aunt appeared at the gate of the General's Mansion, and angrily said, "Stop, all of you! What are you doing!"

"Reporting to Madam, Missy ordered us to build a wooden stake." The guard lowered his head and responded respectfully.

The headed wife's eyes fell on Sunanqiao, seeing that she was still holding the hemp rope tied to the corpse in her hand, she frowned slightly, and asked in a gentle tone: "Qiaoqiao, do you want to build a tree?" What do piles do?"

Gu Bei, who originally followed Nan Qiao, told her that he was leaving the meeting when he was about to arrive at the general's mansion. He was not by her side at the moment, so the head wife naturally didn't know that Gu Bei followed her all the way back.

Nan Qiao pointed to the dead body on the ground, "I'll make it for her."

"Nonsense! How could you burn a maidservant's corpse outside the general's mansion!" The wife in charge said in a serious tone, looking at her with a look of helplessness.

When building a stake, a lot of wood will be used at the bottom, and a long log will be fixed on top. The original owner's aunt thought that Su Nanqiao was planning to tie up the maid's body and burn the maid's body.

"I didn't say I was going to burn her." Nan Qiao had a smile on his face, looking harmless and kind instead of any lethality.

It's just that anyone will think her smile is harmless when they see her holding the hemp rope that binds the corpse, and there is a bloodstain that can't see the end.

In the eyes of everyone, the more such a smile, the more creepy they are. They feel that such a Sunanqiao is particularly scary.

(End of this chapter)

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