Quick Transmigration: The Fierce Host Teases The Sick Boy God

Chapter 199 The 3-year-old Prince's Useless Princess

Chapter 199

After Gu Bei passed out, he was taken down to be treated by the imperial doctor, but Gu Bei never woke up.

The imperial doctor said that Gu Bei fainted due to excessive grief, after feeding the medicine, he had to wait until Gu Bei woke up before continuing to treat him.

The ninth-rank martial artist who followed Gu Bei, seeing his situation, if it continues, it may be life-threatening.

After the death of the princess, the prince probably lost all thoughts, and now he is unconscious again, and his will to survive is extremely weak.

If he doesn't save the prince now, he is afraid that the prince will never be saved again.

Thinking of this, the ninth-rank martial artist can only take the risk of using a taboo secret technique he knows to save the prince.

It's just that the price to be paid for using this taboo secret technique is extremely high, and it is likely to kill him on the spot, but he can't take that much into account.

Even if he dies, the prince can't die!
If he is lucky, the backlash he suffers will only greatly reduce his strength. Compared with this, he will be even less afraid.

The prince's life is more important than his own.

Without the slightest hesitation, the ninth-rank martial artist made a move. After he performed the secret technique, he successfully woke up the prince and repaired a lot of internal injuries.

It's just that he was backlashed by the secret technique, and he spit out a big mouthful of blood on the spot. Fortunately, he didn't die, but his strength was greatly reduced.

He was directly downgraded from a ninth-rank warrior to a seventh-rank warrior, and his current strength is not even as good as that of a prince.

Although he can't protect the prince in the future, he saved his life anyway. If something happens to the prince in the future, his life can delay the prince for a while.

What the ninth-rank martial artist didn't know was that he used the secret technique this time, which should have ended in death. It was Nan Qiao in the system space who helped him and saved him from death, but his strength was greatly reduced.

The man who saved her with her life, of course, she would not just watch this loyal ninth-level warrior die, and she would give this ninth-level warrior even greater benefits in the future.

After Gu Bei woke up, he found that his strength had actually dropped to the seventh level, and his mood was a bit complicated, "Li Feng, you know that this king has no intention of living, why did you save this king? You brought death upon you."

"I am a person who exists to protect the prince. When the prince lives, I live. When the prince dies, I die. My life belongs to the prince." Li Feng said with a firm expression.

Nan Qiao, who was in the system space, suddenly realized when he heard Gu Bei's name for the ninth-level warrior.

No wonder he was loyal to Gu Bei. It turned out that this ninth-rank warrior was Li Feng.

"You know, even if you save this king, this king will not live long. Once the princess dies, this king has no intention of living anymore." Gu Bei said in a heavy tone.

"My lord, even if you are going to die, you have to wait until the concubine's funeral is held before you die, let alone..." Li Feng looked at him, and suddenly thought of a lie that would make the lord no longer want to seek death.

"What's more?" Gu Bei asked out loud.

Li Feng lied without blinking, "I have a secret technique that can bring people back to life, but the person who performs this secret technique must break through the strength of a ninth-rank warrior. If the prince wants to save the princess, there is only this way." gone."

He is very smart, and he didn't point out in his words that the prince must live. He knew that once he said that the prince should live, with the prince's intelligence and sensitivity, he would definitely be able to detect that he was lying.

"Are you serious about what you said?" Gu Bei asked immediately with a look of surprise.

He clearly knew that it was impossible to break through the ninth level. So far, there has been no warrior who has broken through the ninth level between the two countries.

Among the two countries, the highest warrior level is the ninth rank, and there are only two ranks of the ninth rank, one in each country.

Ninth-rank warriors are such rare existences, let alone warriors beyond the ninth rank.

(End of this chapter)

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