Quick Transmigration: The Fierce Host Teases The Sick Boy God

Chapter 211 The Countryside Sweet Wife of the Rich CEO

Chapter 211 The Countryside Sweet Wife of the Rich CEO (04)

Su Yanyan, who was hit by this surprise, dragged her mother back home in a hurry.

Anyway, it's impossible for Sunanqiao to come back to life, so let her replace Sunanqiao's identity to enjoy the glory and wealth, wouldn't it be good?
If she didn't pretend to be, the glory and wealth would not be in the hands of Sunanqiao. Instead of wasting such a great opportunity, it is better to fulfill her and make her dreams come true.

Although Su's mother didn't understand why her daughter suddenly became so anxious, she was also eager to be able to climb into such a rich family and have a rich son-in-law.

"This is Nan Qiao." At home, Mother Su introduced Su Yanyan by her side.

Su's father had a smile on his face, and he didn't mean to expose it. The two of them wanted their daughter to replace Su Nanqiao and go to the city to marry the rich young master.

As long as their daughter becomes the wife of a wealthy family, then the husband and wife will not have to worry about food and clothing for the rest of their lives, and why do they have to do farm work.

At that time, you can follow me to live in a luxury house in the city, eat, drink and have fun every day, and you don't have to do anything and have someone to serve you.

Thinking of such a life, Su's father and Su's mother felt ecstatic. Just imagining that kind of life is too beautiful, let alone enjoying it.

Su Mingkai landed on Su Yanyan's body, looked at him calmly, and then a trace of disappointment flashed in his eyes.

"You are Su Nanqiao?" Su Mingkai asked blankly.

Facing his cold attitude, Su Yanyan frowned slightly, feeling that he was too rude.

After she became Gu Bei's wife, she must make the rude man in front of her pay the price.

Su Yanyan hasn't become Mrs. Gu yet, but she already wants to put on the airs of Mrs. Gu, thinking that she is superior to others in her heart.

Just now she thought that Su Mingkai was handsome, and it would be nice to marry a handsome driver, but now she started to dislike Su Mingkai because she would become Mrs. Gu.

"That's right, I'm Su Nanqiao. Are you the driver sent by the Gu family to pick me up?" Su Yanyan asked arrogantly.

Su Mingkai frowned, and became more convinced of the judgment just now, this is not the Sunanqiao he was looking for.

However, it wasn't the Sunanqiao he was looking for, but it didn't affect that the girl in front of him was the Sunanqiao that Gu Bei was looking for.

"Back then, Master Gu gave your parents a token, so you can take a look." Su Mingkai still didn't show any expression.

Su Yanyan and her parents were slightly stunned, they had to ask for a token to pick her up and leave.

They did know that the token was a jade bracelet, but they didn't know where Sunan Qiao put it.

They were eyeing the jade bracelet before and wanted to pawn it off, but Sunanqiao just refused. Later, Sunanqiao hid it, and they couldn't find it no matter what.

"Can't you take it out?" Su Mingkai asked immediately when he saw them hesitate.

Su Yanyan bit her lower lip, wringing her fingers unwillingly, secretly wishing she didn't force Su Nanqiao to tell where the jade bracelet was hidden first.

Now Sunanqiao is probably turned white by the water. It is impossible for a dead person to speak again, and it is even more impossible to find the jade bracelet again.

"Yes... I should be damned..." Mother Su suddenly knelt down and cried, "Our family is too poor to eat, so I came up with the idea of ​​the jade bracelet. Pawned..."

Seeing this, Father Su's guilty eyes fell on Su Yanyan, "Nan Qiao, it's Uncle and Aunt who are sorry for you, pawning your jade bracelet and making you lose your token.

We thought they had broken their promise a long time ago, after all, they never showed up, there was no news, and they didn't come when your parents died..."

(End of this chapter)

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