Quick Transmigration: The Fierce Host Teases The Sick Boy God

Chapter 215 The Countryside Sweet Wife of the Rich CEO

Chapter 215 The Countryside Sweet Wife of the Rich CEO (08)

Su Yanyan, who was on airs, saw that the threat was not responded to, and was so angry that she wanted to speak again, but looking into his eyes, there was a kind of fear growing from the bottom of her heart.

Su Mingkai pursed his lips tightly, stared at Su Yanyan without saying a word, and released a little coercion.

He didn't pay attention to anyone at all, even Gu Bei, he didn't care, he just treated Gu Bei as a kind of medium, trying to find the person he was looking for.

Not to mention that Su Yanyan, who was nothing in front of him, wanted to threaten him, it was an act of courting death. If he didn't want to kill, Su Yanyan could be killed instantly by just moving his fingers.

What Su Yanyan wanted to say, under the influence of coercion, she couldn't say it at all, and the momentum just now disappeared in an instant, leaving only the sense of fear that made her more and more flustered.

She just felt a little difficult to breathe, and it became more and more difficult to breathe, with a feeling of being out of breath.

Even her legs were weakening, as if some invisible force was pressing on her shoulders, pushing her down, making her want to kneel down.

Su Yanyan didn't want to kneel in front of this man who was just a servant. She gritted her teeth and persisted desperately, resisting the inexplicable sense of fear and pressure, fine sweat oozing from her face.

Suddenly, the invisible pressure disappeared in an instant, and her body immediately became much more relaxed, which made her secretly relieved.

"Understood." Su Mingkai said calmly, "What else does Miss Su have to say?"

Su Yanyan panted slightly, her eyes fell on Su Mingkai in surprise, her brows were slightly frowned.

Could it be this man's fault that caused her to have the symptoms just now?
As soon as this question came up, Su Yanyan denied it by herself.

It's just a man with a good skin, and there is nothing special about him. If he is really that powerful, how could he be willing to be someone else's assistant driver?

Unusual talents will only appear in novels or TV plots, and it is impossible to appear in real life.

Therefore, Su Yanyan completely denied herself, and did not believe that a man who was willing to be a servant would have any great abilities.

"No, you go out, I want to take a break." Su Yanyan pretended to be calm, not wanting him to see any clues.

Su Mingkai didn't say anything, just turned around and left.

The moment the door was closed, Su Yanyan dared to take a big breath, and then slumped on the ground powerlessly.

Su Yanyan was waiting in the presidential suite. Even though she was hungry, she never thought of going out to eat, nor would she use the hotel's order service.

But even if she knew it, she didn't want to order food. She still wanted to wait for Gu Bei to say that she was very hungry and pester Gu Bei to take her out to eat.

With such a handsome, rich and well-built boy by his side, it is even more face-saving when you think about it. I believe that other women will scream with envy and contort their faces with envy when they walk on the road.

Su Yanyan was lying on the bed, her stomach growling, but thinking of the scene where she and Gu Bei went shopping and eating, she couldn't help laughing.

According to the development of idol dramas, she has to have a plot where she falls on Gu Bei. In that case, the progress of the relationship between the two of them can be accelerated, and there will be a vigorous and sweet love story in the future.

Su Yanyan thought very well, but she didn't know that Gu Bei had no intention of having anything to do with her at all, and she didn't even bother to know her name.

(End of this chapter)

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