Quick Transmigration: The Fierce Host Teases The Sick Boy God

Chapter 231 The Countryside Sweet Wife of the Rich CEO

Chapter 231 The Countryside Sweet Wife of the Rich CEO (24)

"Host, what do you want to do?" The system baby couldn't suppress his curiosity.

As Nan Qiao walked forward, he rattled his hands and turned his neck a few times.

Seeing Nan Qiao's appearance on the big screen, the system subconsciously retreated to the corner, staring at the big screen tremblingly, really afraid that the host would appear in front of him in the next second and beat him up violently.

"I want to beat up Su Yanyan, what's the problem?" Nan Qiao's tone was indifferent, and he slightly raised his head and shook his hair.

The system baby hiding in the corner immediately responded: "No problem, please don't show mercy to the host."

After the system baby knew that the host was going to beat up Su Yanyan, he secretly breathed a sigh of relief and came out from the corner.

It was better for someone else to be beaten than for him to be beaten.

I hope that the host can relieve his anger from the beating, so that he won't feel bad about the beating, and he will come back to settle accounts with him. He is a weak and helpless baby who has made no mistakes.

At this time, Su Yanyan was struggling to eat in the restaurant, completely unaware of the imminent danger.

She carefully chewed the rice in her mouth, she was obviously very careful, but the whole mouth still hurt her uncomfortably.

Su Yanyan couldn't help but think of what Sunanqiao had said to him, and frowned tightly.

If you say she has a bad mouth, will she have a bad mouth?This is impossible, right?

Sunanqiao's mouth is not a crow's mouth, how could it be possible to say that her rotten mouth made it happen, she must have thought too much.

Suppressing the pain in her mouth, Su Yanyan finally filled her stomach, paid the bill and left the restaurant.

She didn't have much money on her, and if she found a cheap hotel to stay in, the remaining money might be just enough to travel home.

Su Yanyan originally planned to stay in this city, but her mouth was getting more and more painful, and her mouth seemed to be a little ulcerated. She had to go back as soon as possible and ask her parents for money to have a look.

Not long after leaving the restaurant, Su Yanyan heard a familiar voice behind her.


Isn't this voice Sunanqiao's?The woman she hated so much.

At first Su Yanyan thought she heard it wrong, so she didn't look back, her footsteps just paused a little, and then she continued to walk forward.


Hearing this disgusting voice again, Su Yanyan frowned, stopped and turned to look.

The moment she saw Su Nanqiao, Su Yanyan almost gritted her teeth and rushed over to beat Sunanqiao hard.

Sunanqiao made her suffer so badly that she dared to appear in front of her!

"Why did you come to see me?" Su Yanyan asked impatiently.

When she asked these words, she still looked around to see if anyone was following Sunanqiao.

If there is no one, she intends to call Sunanqiao to a place where there is no one, give Sunanqiao a good meal, and then leave here.

Su Yanyan always felt that it was not worthwhile to leave without beating up Su Nanqiao.

When Sunanqiao was pushed into the pond, why wasn't Sunanqiao drowned on the spot.

If Sunanqiao was drowned on the spot, there would be nothing after that, and her plan to marry into a wealthy family would not be destroyed.

"That... that..." Nan Qiao lowered his head slightly, and said in a weak voice, "Yanyan, I'm afraid you will starve and freeze, so I will give you some money."

Su Yanyan sneered and said, "You are so kind? Didn't you curse my bad mouth before? You bloody bitch."

"Yanyan, I was just angry at the time. Now I have calmed down and thought clearly. I don't blame you. We will always be two sisters. I hope you have a good life." Nan Qiao's face was full of weakness. .

(End of this chapter)

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