Quick Transmigration: The Fierce Host Teases The Sick Boy God

Chapter 233 The Countryside Sweet Wife of the Rich CEO

Chapter 233 The Countryside Sweet Wife of the Rich CEO (26)

Su Yanyan froze immediately, staring at Su Nanqiao in astonishment.

Where did she still have the timid look before, only the indifferent look on her face, and the sarcasm smile on her face that looked particularly dazzling.

"Are you kidding me?" Su Yanyan was furious, feeling like she was being tricked.

"Yeah." Nan Qiao admitted generously, "I'm just kidding you. I'm so bored, I can only come out for a walk with you."

"What did you say? Walk me?" Su Yanyan was furious, "Do you think I'm a dog!?"

"How is it possible?" Nan Qiao blinked her innocent eyes, "The dog is much cuter than you, do you deserve it?"

Su Yanyan was so angry that she rushed towards Su Nanqiao irrationally, and shouted angrily, "Ahh! I'm going to kill you!"

It's just that before she rushed to Nan Qiao, she received a firm kick in the chest.

With a bang, Su Yanyan was kicked to the ground, frowning in pain.

Nan Qiao didn't show mercy at all, he just went up and kicked and punched.

"Ah...help help...don't hit me in the face...uh...I was wrong, don't hit me again..."

Su Yanyan rolled on the ground and begged for mercy, but Nan Qiao's attack did not lessen at all.

This is a piece of rubbish that took a life on its back. It's just a hard beating. It's not too cheap for Su Yanyan.

Nan Qiao didn't stop until he beat Su Yanyan until his nose was bruised and his face was swollen, and he could no longer get up from the ground.

"Host, you didn't beat her to death, did you?" The system baby looked at Su Yanyan who was lying motionless on the ground, and asked in a low voice.

"If I want to kill him, I will kill him. What's the problem?" Nan Qiao asked confidently with his hands on his hips.

The little baby of the system looked at Nan Qiao's murderous eyes, and immediately said in order to save his life: "No problem! The host can fight if he wants to. If the host is not relieved now, he can go up and mend a few more feet. This baby can help the host bury the body."

"Don't worry, I won't kill her, let her die like this, that would be too cheap for her." Nan Qiao said.

"What the host says is what it says, and it's all up to the host." The system baby said wittily.

Nan Qiao felt that the system had become more and more up-to-date recently, so she asked aloud, "If you want to come out and make up a few feet, I can let you out."

"Really?" The system baby asked excitedly.

He can only stay in the system space and take shape in the system space, but cannot leave the system space, let alone take form outside the system space.

Let him transform outside the system space, he doesn't know how many tasks he has to do to get the reward from the main god Baba, he didn't expect Nan Qiao to make him transform outside the system space so soon.

I feel that holding Nan Qiao's thigh tightly is better than hugging Papa's thigh, which is the real golden thigh.

What kind of papa, Nan Qiao will be his bully from now on!

"Well. But I can only come out for a while. As long as you are obedient and obedient, I guarantee that you will not lose your benefits, understand?" Nan Qiao asked aloud.

"Understood! I will not disappoint the host!" The system baby responded excitedly.

It feels like he only needs to follow Nan Qiao to shuttle in various spaces, and when all the remnants are collected, he can truly possess the entity.

Perhaps, seeing how well he performed, Nan Qiao might make him become a god immediately.

The more the system baby thought about it, the more excited he became, and he was full of fighting spirit.

He decided to play with Nan Qiao well, and all the main gods would play in the mud.

Nan Qiao is the eternal god!

(End of this chapter)

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