Quick Transmigration: The Fierce Host Teases The Sick Boy God

Chapter 247 The Countryside Sweet Wife of the Rich CEO

Chapter 247 The Countryside Sweet Wife of the Rich CEO (40)

Hearing what Nan Qiao said, the three people who were still wailing on the ground stopped their wailing immediately, and all stared at Nan Qiao speechlessly, with question marks all over their faces.

Obviously they were the ones being beaten!
What do you mean they hit her?They didn't even touch a single hair of her!
They can only be beaten in front of her, how can they have the ability to fight back?

It's nothing more than talking nonsense with your eyes open.

Mo Fan was beaten so badly that his nose was bruised and his face was swollen. Both eyes were swollen, and there were only two slits left in the eyes.

He had to squint his eyes when staring at people, it was almost as if he hadn't opened his eyes.

Mo Fan always felt that the man who appeared looked familiar, and tried hard to see who he was.

"..." Gu Bei looked at the three people who had been beaten so badly that they didn't know what to say for a moment.

Gu Bei couldn't react to Nan Qiao's retaliation.

"They were trying to hit me on the head with a wine bottle, but fortunately I dodged quickly." Nan Qiao's voice was crying, as much wronged as he wanted.

With no injuries on her body, she looked even more pitiful than those three people with bruised noses and swollen faces.

"Then they threw themselves into this state." Nan Qiao tugged at Gu Bei's sleeves, looked up at him tearfully, and asked aggrievedly, "Do you believe me?"

"I believe." Gu Bei replied without hesitation.

Believe it!
The three of them have never been so speechless in their lives.

Obviously they are the ones being beaten, why is she more wronged than them?
A person who is intact can actually have the cheek to beat him up and throw the blame on them, people with bruised noses and swollen faces.

Wouldn't her conscience ache?
Tears fell from Nan Qiao's eyes, and she cried and hugged him, "Thank you for believing in me, they are so fierce, I am so scared."

Hearing what Nan Qiao said, and seeing her so aggrieved that she couldn't be more aggrieved, the corners of the three of them twitched fiercely.

She is probably the most brazen person I have ever seen in my life, and there will never be anyone who can surpass her.

"Don't be afraid." Gu Bei held her hand in a gentle tone, and led her back to the box, "I'm here, they dare not fight back, you go beat them, so as not to leave a psychological shadow."


The three of them had question marks all over their faces, and some wanted to cry.

Who is leaving a psychological shadow now?

It's them!They are the victims!They were the ones who were beaten!

These two are not human at all.

"Will I really not get beaten if I beat them?" Nan Qiao asked cautiously.

Gu Bei said aloud: "No, if they dare to touch you, I will let the whole family behind them be buried with them."

Hearing Gu Bei's voice, Mo Fan squinted his eyes, stared hard for a while, and broke out in a cold sweat instantly.

This man is actually Gu Bei!
It's over!This time he hit the iron plate, he didn't expect that this humble little girl would have something to do with Gu Shao.

Mo Fan trembled so much that he wanted to beg for mercy, but he didn't dare to say too much, for fear that the end would be even worse.

When others said that the entire family behind him should be buried with him, he would laugh at others for bragging to the sky, and he was simply beyond his control.

But when Gu Bei said such a thing, he completely believed that Gu Bei had that ability.

He is very regretful now, why did he provoke someone related to Gu Bei.

Mo Fan didn't want to make a sound, but the two stupid women he brought couldn't control it.

"Hmph!" Zhang Liuliu snorted coldly, "You guys are very loud, you don't open your dog eyes to see who we are!"

(End of this chapter)

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