Quick Transmigration: The Fierce Host Teases The Sick Boy God

Chapter 250 The Countryside Sweet Wife of the Rich CEO

Chapter 250 The Countryside Sweet Wife of the Rich CEO (43)

Holding the mop, Nan Qiao looked at Gu Bei hesitantly, as if he was afraid to do anything, and asked cautiously, "Can you really hit them?"

Seeing Nan Qiao like this, and the three people who were beaten like that, became even more speechless.

It was as if a huge egg had been stuffed into the mouths of the three of them, which made them choke so hard that they almost stopped breathing.

It's a big loss for the entertainment industry if this woman doesn't enter the entertainment industry, she's just a drama star!

If they hadn't experienced it personally, seeing her weak appearance, who would have thought that she beat them like this.

No evidence was left behind, and no one would believe the three of them even if they said something.

Thinking of the viciousness with which she beat them, and seeing her weak appearance, they trembled with anger, but they dared not say anything, let alone resist.

They couldn't beat any of them, and now that Gu Bei was added, they had no chance of winning.

Instead of resisting and being beaten even worse, it is better to lie flat and let it be beaten.

Gu Bei reached out and touched her head, his tone was gentle but firm, "Well, you can hit her as you like."

"Then I really hit it?" Nan Qiao smiled, biting her lower lip lightly, shy and playful.

Gu Bei stared at her softly, "Well, something happened, I'm responsible."

"Yeah." Nan Qiao nodded, smiling a little excitedly.

The three people whose noses and faces were swollen, listened to the conversation between the two of them, and secretly scolded them for being inhuman.

He said that beating them was as normal as eating, and that if something went wrong, Gu Bei would be responsible.

Responsible ass!
The three of them were terribly angry, and also terribly afraid. I was really afraid that this woman's attack was not serious, and they would die on the spot with a stick.

"You three." Nan Qiao pointed at the three of them with a mop in hand, "Put your ass up."

With Gu Bei's support at this moment, Nan Qiao's arrogance seems to have become a lot more arrogant, and the whole person looks so proud that it makes people itch.

Under the threatening eyes of Gu Bei and Nan Qiao, the three of them turned around unwillingly, and lay down and pouted their buttocks.

I have never been so humiliated in my life, to be spanked when I grow up so big.

Nan Qiao was standing next to Mo Fan holding a mop, and was about to give him a few hits, but she thought of something and said out loud, "You, get up."

"Me?" Mo Fan pointed back at himself suspiciously, staring at her suspiciously.

Nan Qiao nodded, "Well, hurry up."

Hearing this, Mo Fan was overjoyed, and immediately stood up, his face full of joy.

It's just that before he was happy, Nan Qiao's next words froze his smile on his face.

"You hit them, the three of you take turns." Nan Qiao threw the mop to Mo Fan.

Mo Fan caught the mop reflexively and stared at her blankly.

I was too happy just now, I thought that only Zhang Liuliu and Wu Shuangshuang would be punished, and he would be exempted from such a punishment, who knew that the three of them were going to 'kill each other'.

What a vicious woman!

Nan Qiao didn't care about Mo Fan who was stunned, and went directly to hold Gu Bei's hand and sat on the sofa.

"Beating them with my own hands, I think it's too cruel, I can't bear to do it, why not let them do it themselves." Nan Qiao said softly, her eyes fell on Gu Bei, "Do you think this is okay?"

"Very good." Gu Bei held Nan Qiao's hand and said distressedly: "You hit them yourself, and I'm afraid your hand will hurt."


The three of them are speechless to the extreme today, how can there be people like the two of them in this world!

It can drive people crazy.

 ——Thank you readers for rewarding and asking questions, plus more for you, okay.

(End of this chapter)

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