Quick Transmigration: The Fierce Host Teases The Sick Boy God

Chapter 255 The Countryside Sweet Wife of the Rich CEO

Chapter 255 The Countryside Sweet Wife of the Rich CEO (48)

Murong Qin threw himself into Su Mingkai's arms, while Nan Qiao jumped up suddenly when he was a little closer to Gu Bei.

She leaped onto Gu Bei's body, her hands hugged his neck tightly, and her legs wrapped around his waist.

When she pounced on him, Gu Bei was already ready to meet her. The moment she jumped onto him, he immediately supported her with both hands.

She hung on him like a sloth.

Nan Qiao blushed and lay on his shoulders, as if muttering to himself, "Am I heavy?"

"Not heavy." Gu Bei responded immediately.

"Will you be tired if you hold me like this?" Nan Qiao asked again in a daze.

The corners of Gu Bei's mouth hooked slightly, and a deep, magnetic voice sounded, "No."

Just holding her like this for the rest of his life, he won't be tired or annoyed, on the contrary, he will feel very sweet, and he will have an unprecedented sense of security.

If she had been hanging on his body like this all the time, the two of them seemed to be tied together, and he wouldn't have to be so afraid that she would suddenly disappear one day, like his dream, bringing him an indescribable sense of fear.

"Then will you hold me all the time?" Nan Qiao asked.

Gu Bei walked back with her in his arms, and said firmly, "Yes."

Hearing this, Nan Qiao laughed foolishly a few times, and muttered, "I want to hug you all the time, too."

The corners of Gu Bei's lips were slightly hooked up even more after hearing what she said.

The sweetness in his heart was like eating honey. Before meeting Nan Qiao, he had never experienced such a feeling, but now that he experienced it, he felt it was real and illusory.

The more his heart leans on Nan Qiao, the nightmare that always wakes him up will always appear in his mind, and it seems to remind him all the time that Nan Qiao will suddenly disappear in his heart one day. In the world, he would lose Nan Qiao.

After walking for a while with a sweet and heavy heart, Gu Bei knew that she had fallen asleep again without hearing Nan Qiao speak.

Gu Bei smiled helplessly, said nothing, held her firmly in his eyes, and returned to their residence.

After entering the house, Gu Bei planned to carry Nan Qiao into his room, but was stopped by Su Mingkai, who was eager to protect his sister.

"Take her back to her room and let the two of them sleep in the same room." Su Mingkai said.

He stared at Gu Bei full of vigilance, even with a little dissatisfaction, his eyes seemed to be complaining about Gu Bei, under his nose, he would never do anything like a beast.

Gu Bei saw that he was blocking the door of the room and was afraid of waking Nan Qiao up, so he could only compromise and send Nan Qiao back to her room.

When sending Nan Qiao back to the room, Gu Bei was already planning in his mind how to speed up the progress, so that he could go through the registration procedures with Nan Qiao earlier and get the marriage certificate earlier.

Su Mingkai also sent Murong Qin to Nan Qiao's room. Seeing the two girls lying on the bed, sleeping like two little sweet pigs, he couldn't help showing a doting smile.

These are the two most important people in his life, and he will try his best to love them, try to give them the best, and protect them from harm.

If anyone dared to hurt them, he would seek justice for them even if he risked his life.

When Su Mingkai exited the room, he just closed the door instead of closing it. He was afraid that the two of them would wake up after sleeping for a while and do something crazy and irreversible.

Thinking of this, Su Mingkai went in again worriedly, and locked the floor-to-ceiling windows. If they woke up and wanted to mess around, there was still time for them to rush in.

(End of this chapter)

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