Quick Transmigration: The Fierce Host Teases The Sick Boy God

Chapter 278 The Countryside Sweet Wife of the Rich CEO

Chapter 278 The Countryside Sweet Wife of the Rich CEO (71)

Mo Fan and Wu Shuangshuang could only stand there stiffly, letting the flames burn their bodies.

After being ignited by the fire, the feeling of sticking and burning the skin made them miserable.

This process of being burned to death slowly gave them the feeling of being hacked into pieces.

When everyone else died, they secretly rejoiced that they were not the ones who died.

But now, they are experiencing this kind of pain, and they regret it very much. If they knew that they would die in such pain, they might as well die sooner.

By the time Gu Bei arrived here, the abandoned warehouse had been burned down, and all the people inside were burned to death, leaving no one alive.

Gu Bei anxiously entered the abandoned warehouse, looked at the charred corpses, and carefully identified them to see if they were Nan Qiao.

But after so many people watched it, he was sure none of them were Nan Qiao, which made him secretly relieved, but he didn't let go of his heart.

He didn't find Nan Qiao, even for a moment, he couldn't feel relieved.

Finally, Gu Bei found Nan Qiao unconscious behind the abandoned warehouse.

"Nan Qiao?" Gu Bei hugged Nan Qiao, his face full of anxiety, "Nan Qiao..."

He had never been so flustered, and his heart ached unbearably at the thought of losing Nan Qiao.

Gu Bei felt that he had experienced this scene of losing Nan Qiao many times. His dream seemed to be a foreshadowing. From the moment she was sure that it was Nan Qiao, she was worried all the time that she would lose Nan Qiao.

Gu Bei quickly left with Nan Qiao in his arms, and drove to the nearest hospital by himself.

After arriving at the hospital, Nan Qiao was immediately sent to the emergency room.

Gu Bei waited anxiously outside, pacing non-stop, looking at the closed emergency room from time to time.

He was afraid that the door of the emergency room would be opened, and he was also afraid that the door of the emergency room would not be opened.

Gu Bei didn't want to hear bad news, he never accepted that Nan Qiao would die, he couldn't lose Nan Qiao.

Thinking of the pain of losing Nan Qiao, Gu Bei's heart ached uncomfortably, and his breathing became a little difficult. He couldn't bear the pain of losing Nan Qiao.

It was only at this moment that Gu Bei fully understood why he had that kind of unspeakable pain in the dream.

This is the pain he experienced when he lost his beloved, but it had already appeared in that dream.

Amidst the nervousness, Gu Bei finally waited until the door of the emergency room opened, and the doctor came out with a blank expression.

"How is her condition?" Gu Bei hurried forward and asked worriedly.

The doctor shook his head, "We tried our best, she has regained a little consciousness now, you can go in and see her for the last time."

Hearing these words, Gu Bei had no time to get angry with the doctor, and ran into the emergency room in panic.

Seeing Nan Qiao with a weak face, Gu Bei's eyes turned red, and he rushed to her, holding her hand tightly.

"Bei." Nan Qiao smiled and looked at him with a weak voice.

Gu Bei held her hand and put it on his lips, his voice could not help but choke, "Well, I'm here. You must have nothing to do, don't just leave me like this... Our engagement banquet will be in a few days..."

"Bei, I...I want to wear a wedding dress..." Nan Qiao's voice was very low.

Gu Bei suppressed his pessimistic emotions, "I'll put on the wedding dress when you get better."

"My situation, I know very well, I... If I don't... don't wear it now, then... I won't be able to wear it in the future."

Nan Qiao's begging eyes fell on him, "Bei, can you... can you fulfill me? I don't... don't want to leave... regrets."

"Okay." Gu Bei choked up and kissed the back of her hand, "I'll take you there, I'll take you there now."

(End of this chapter)

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