Quick Transmigration: The Fierce Host Teases The Sick Boy God

Chapter 280 The Countryside Sweet Wife of the Rich CEO

Chapter 280 The Countryside Sweet Wife of the Rich CEO (73)

The turbulent grief impacted his heart, and he couldn't restrain it, and his spiritual world collapsed.

Without Nan Qiao, all beliefs collapsed, and in a world without her, they could no longer be built.

Gu Bei hugged Nan Qiao tightly, weeping silently, he couldn't say a word now.

The staff in the bridal shop had already left silently, and no one dared to disturb them at this moment.

Some people even think that they love each other so much, but they can't be together. In the end, life and death are separated, and their eyes are red, and they secretly wipe away tears.

Gu Bei hugged Nan Qiao like this, and he could still feel her body temperature, as if she was just asleep.

"You are Nan Qiao." Gu Bei choked up, "You are my Nan Qiao."

He hugged Nan Qiao, no tears, no eyesight, like a walking dead without a soul.

Gu Bei seemed to be waiting, as long as he waited like this, he would be able to wait for her to come back to life.

Many pictures appeared in his mind. From the moment he saw Nan Qiao, as long as it was related to Nan Qiao, every bit of it was in his mind.

Nan Qiao's every frown and smile are all lingering in Gu Bei's mind, such a deep memory, as long as he is not dead, he will always remember it.

"Would you blame me?" Gu Bei hugged Nan Qiao and muttered to himself, "If I had you by my side all the time, such a thing would not have happened."

"Nan Qiao, I'm sorry, I didn't protect you well." Gu Bei said.

While he was hugging Nan Qiao and muttering to himself, Su Mingkai and Murong Qin were looking at the two of them outside.

Su Mingkai's eyes were red, and he wanted to go forward several times, but was stopped by Murong Qin.

The two of them stood outside silently, giving Gu Bei and Nan Qiao time to be alone.

Su Mingkai resented Gu Bei in his heart, for Gu Bei did not protect his sister well.

But what he resents most is himself. If he protects his sister well, his sister will not end up like this. Instead of blaming others, he hates himself even more.

They didn't know how long they waited outside, when they suddenly heard Gu Bei's excited voice.

"Nan Qiao!" Gu Bei stared emotionally at Nan Qiao who slowly opened his eyes, and shouted again in surprise and joy, "Nan Qiao, is that you?"

"Well, it's me." Nan Qiao responded weakly.

When Su Mingkai and Murong Qin stumbled and rushed in, they just heard Nan Qiao's response.

Seeing that Nan Qiao really came back to life, they couldn't help but wet their eyes again. The impact of this lost and found was too great, and they couldn't control the turbulent emotions.

"It's great that you're fine." Gu Bei was so excited that he hugged her tightly again.

Nan Qiao also hugged him, with a smile in his voice, "Can you stop hugging me so hard? I'm a little out of breath."

Gu Bei was so frightened by her words that he let go immediately, for fear that if he got agitated too hard, he would strangle her.

"Qiao Er, it's my brother's fault, it's my brother who didn't protect you well." Su Mingkai said with a sob.

"No, brother is very good. In Qiao Er's eyes, you are all the best and Qiao Er's closest relatives." Nan Qiao smiled and shook her head, "Qiao Er is very happy to have a family like you. .”

"Don't talk about it yet, take Qiaoer to the hospital and get checked again." Murong Qin reminded.

Gu Bei and Su Mingkai immediately nodded in agreement, so as not to be delayed due to any problems.

She is very weak now, unable to walk by herself at all, Gu Bei picked her up without hesitation, and walked out with big strides.

(End of this chapter)

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