Quick Transmigration: The Fierce Host Teases The Sick Boy God

Chapter 291 The Villain's Mysterious Wife

Chapter 291 The Villain's Mysterious Wife (08)

"You're quite calm." Lu Lianxin said sarcastically.

Zhang Liuliu put away the money, stood up, and stared at her condescendingly, "She is going to die, there is nothing strange about calming down."

"It's a little early for you to talk, and you don't know who died." Nan Qiao said with a sneer.

Both Zhang Liuliu and Lu Lianxin couldn't help laughing, their faces were full of sarcasm, and they didn't take Nan Qiao seriously at all.

Just because she can kill Mo Shao, knock down those bodyguards, and rescue those girls doesn't mean she will be their opponent.

The girls who were locked in the basement were the ones who were found by the two of them, and they were suitable for renewing Mo Fan's life.

If they can lock her up once, they can lock her up twice. If they want her life, she can't live.

"We're not Young Master Mo. You can kill Young Master Mo, but you can't move us." Zhang Liuliu smiled confidently.

Lu Lianxin followed up and said, "Only Mo Fan, that idiot, would fall into your hands, not us."

The two of them were full of confidence, and they didn't take Nan Qiao seriously. They looked at Nan Qiao as if they were looking at an ant.

In the face of powerful forces, no matter who they are, they are as small as sand.

"Really?" Nan Qiao raised his eyebrows, "Look around."

Zhang Liuliu and Lu Lian looked around in confusion, but they didn't find anything wrong.

"Are you kidding us?" Lu Lian glared at her angrily.

Nan Qiao shook his head and said with a smile, "I didn't play tricks on you. If you can't see the problem, that's the biggest problem."

As soon as Nan Qiao's voice fell, Zhang Liuliu attacked her, but she reacted quickly and dodged Zhang Liuliu's attack in an instant.

Zhang Liuliu, who was shot in the air, was stunned for a moment. She didn't expect Nan Qiao's speed to be so fast, and her reaction ability was amazing.

"Looking for death!" A ball of fire appeared in the palm of Lu Lianxin's palm, which contained powerful power.

Anyone who is hit by the fireball in her hand will be burned to ashes at any time.

Nan Qiao's expression was indifferent, showing no trace of fear, and even a smile on his face.

Nan Qiao raised her hand and lightly flicked the small fireball in Lu Lianxin's hand, and the small fireball disappeared instantly.

It was a small fireball that Lu Lianxin had condensed with spiritual power, and Nan Qiao flicked it out of the air, causing her to consume most of her spiritual power before she could make a move.

Zhang Liuliu wanted to use the curse technique, but found that it was useless. Seeing that the small fireball in Lu Lianxin's hand was easily flicked off, she began to realize the seriousness of the problem.

The two came back to their senses and looked around again. Only now did they know why Nan Qiao asked them to look around. It turned out to be the reason!
When the two of them made such a big commotion, the people around them didn't respond at all, as if they couldn't see them.

"What's going on?" Lu Lianxin looked at Zhang Liuliu with a little fear, and looked around.

"How would I know!" Zhang Liuliu responded irritably.

Nan Qiao looked at them with a sneer, "I told you to look around a long time ago, but you just couldn't see it. It's because your skills are inferior to others. Don't feel wronged if you die at my hands."

"Now..." Nan Qiao stared at the two of them, and said word by word: "It's your turn to die."

Before Nan Qiao finished speaking, the two of them found that they couldn't move their bodies, and it was only at this moment that they felt great fear enveloped them.

Is she actually so strong?
Since she was so strong, why was she no different from ordinary people when she was sold?
With her ability, she can resist at any time.

(End of this chapter)

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