Quick Transmigration: The Fierce Host Teases The Sick Boy God

Chapter 300 The Villain's Mysterious Wife

Chapter 300 The Villain's Mysterious Wife (17)

Faced with such a situation, Gu Bei didn't move at all, as if he didn't see Su Yanyan's outstretched hand.

"Sorry, my clean freak is very serious." Nan Qiao said with a smile.

As soon as her words came out of her mouth, Gu Bei didn't have the intention of being disgusted, and the atmosphere suddenly became very awkward.

Su Yanyan's outstretched hand froze in mid-air in embarrassment.

"I'm sorry, I was the one to be abrupt." Su Yanyan could only smile awkwardly.

Nan Qiao said with a smile: "It's okay, you don't know him, it's normal that you don't know him."

Such simple words completely separated Su Yanyan and Gu Bei.

Many people immediately understood that they had misunderstood the relationship between Gu Bei and Su Yanyan, and they had nothing to do with each other at all.

"Aren't you joking?" Su Yanyan's heart was filled with anger, but she still had to smile, "If Young Master Gu and I didn't know each other, how could Young Master Gu come to my birthday party?"

"I called him here." Nan Qiao said with a smile in his voice.

Su Yanyan's family was taken aback by Nan Qiao. They all thought that it was Gu Bei's initiative to come to the birthday party, but they never expected that it would be Nan Qiao's request.

None of them knew that the face under the mask was Nan Qiao. If they knew, they would be even more shocked and angry.

"I don't seem to know you, do you? Why did you come to my birthday party?" Su Yanyan knew that this would not be good, so she could only break the pot and throw it.

Nan Qiao said, "Your family is coming to an end, and I should come to see you for the last time, both emotionally and rationally."

Not only did their family sell the original owner, but they also did other bad things, otherwise, they would not have climbed to the position of the upstart rich family.

The sins she committed were enough for them to die ten thousand times, and she just wanted to deal with them when she had nothing to do.

"You!" Su Yanyan was too angry to speak.

Su's father and Su's mother also looked very bad. If it wasn't because Gu Bei was here now and she knew Gu Bei again, her fate would not be so good.

"Don't be so angry, I've always been very accurate in my calculations. I see that your Yintang has turned black, and your whole body is enveloped in black air. You really don't have long to live." Nan Qiao said.

At other people's birthday banquets, they said that other people's family members were dying, and Nan Qiao, who was standing beside Gu Bei, dared to say such things.

Even someone who disliked Su Yanyan's family would not directly curse the whole family to death in front of so many people.

"How do you talk, girl? What do you count? You're not a fortune teller, can you count accurately?" Father Su said angrily.

Mother Su was also annoyed, "What do you mean by cursing our whole family to die at my daughter's birthday party? You came to curse people on purpose, right?"

"Young Master Gu, look at the person you brought. Did she come to the birthday party happily? This is obviously for disgusting people."

Gu Bei looked at her expressionlessly, "I like it, you don't care."

These words made Mother Su's nose almost crooked with anger. She never thought that the dignified president of Gu's Group would be such a rascal.

Not only did Mother Su not expect Gu Bei to react like this, but no one in the audience expected that Gu Bei, who has always been aloof and indifferent, would have such a self-willed side.

All the women present wished that they were Nan Qiao, enjoying being protected by Gu Shao's waywardness, that was simply a palace-level enjoyment.

(End of this chapter)

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