Quick Transmigration: The Fierce Host Teases The Sick Boy God

Chapter 307 The Villain's Mysterious Wife

Chapter 307 The Villain's Mysterious Wife (24)

"From now on, don't say anything, just do what I say." Nan Qiao said.

Murong Qin didn't speak, but nodded seriously.

Not long after, there was the sound of opening the door, and the lights came on at that time.

The servant who came in to deliver the meal originally wanted to ask Murong Qin to eat, but he didn't see Murong Qin when he looked around the room.

The servant immediately went to the bathroom, but he didn't see Murong Qin, and he didn't see anyone in the bathroom, and there was no one hiding under the bed.

In this room, there were only three places where people could hide, but Murong Qin was not seen in any of them.

Murong Qin looked at the servant's every move in bewilderment, and it wasn't until a moment later that she suddenly realized.

The woman who came to rescue her also hid her, like an invisible one, so that no one else could see her at this moment, let alone notice her existence.

She can't speak now, and she can't make a sound, otherwise, these people will know.

Murong Qin slowly raised his hand, tightly covered his mouth, and shrank in place, not daring to move.

Without that woman's prompt, she didn't dare to make a little action on her own, for fear that it would spoil the plan.

The servant didn't find Murong Qin in the room, so he knew that something was wrong, and immediately ran out in panic, shouting loudly: "It's not good! She ran away!"

Before she could finish her sentence, several strong men rushed in with fierce expressions on their faces.

She carefully searched every corner of the room, but she did not see Murong Qin's presence.

They immediately divided into two teams, one team stayed here to guard, and the other team went to report and asked people to search the whole villa.

"Now, leave this room." Nan Qiao said in Murong Qin's ear.

Murong Qin just wanted to open his mouth to respond, but when he thought of something, he immediately closed his mouth and nodded slightly.

She didn't wear shoes, and walked towards the door of the room with bare feet, her movements were as light as possible, not daring to make any noise, and she even took care of her breathing.

Finally, Murong Qin stepped out of the door of the room and walked right under the noses of the two strong men guarding the door, which made her heart rise in her throat.

Murong Qin was so nervous that cold sweat broke out on her forehead, and her heartbeat was a little loud. She was very afraid that they would notice, but the more afraid she was, the faster her heartbeat became.

With careful movements, Murong Qin finally put some distance away from the strong man guarding the door, but she still didn't dare to breathe a sigh of relief.

Murong Qin kept holding his breath, from upstairs to downstairs, then to the gate of the villa, then passed through the yard, and came to the front of the black retro hollow gate.

She couldn't see the existence of the woman, and looked at the black retro empty door closed, she could only look at the air around her asking for help, she thought that the woman should be nearby, and she could see her asking for help.

"Don't worry, wait a minute." Nan Qiao's voice sounded.

She had many ways to rescue Murong Qin, but she wanted to use this method now, so she asked her to wait.

Not long after, a car appeared outside, and the black retro hollow door opened to let that car in.

"Go out now." Nan Qiao said.

Murong Qin nodded, and walked forward without hesitation. When passing by the car, she couldn't help but glance at the car window.

She couldn't see anything from the car window, but she could feel a pair of eyes watching her closely inside.

Murong Qin was so frightened that he quickened his pace, held his breath, and rushed outside in one breath.

(End of this chapter)

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