Quick Transmigration: The Fierce Host Teases The Sick Boy God

Chapter 309 The Villain's Mysterious Wife

Chapter 309 The Villain's Mysterious Wife (26)

After Murong Qin left, Nan Qiao saw a black shadow appear.

He stood outside the fence, climbed up to the fence with one vigorous movement, and quickly climbed over the fence.

Nan Qiao frowned slightly, isn't that Gu Bei?He also came here to save people?

Thinking of this, Nan Qiao found a blind spot for monitoring, found behind him, had an extra mask in his hand, put it on casually, then rushed to the wall, and turned over quickly.

At this moment, in a certain room on the third floor of the villa, Wu Shuangshuang was standing in the center of the room, looking around.

I checked the room inside and out, but there was no clue, Murong Qin seemed to have disappeared out of thin air.

"You were the first to notice that she was missing?" Wu Shuangshuang's eyes fell on the servant who delivered the meal earlier.

"Yes, I came in to deliver food to her, but I didn't see her in the room. I looked for a place to hide, but I didn't see her. I called someone immediately, and they didn't find her after they came in." The servant answered honestly.

She lowered her head slightly, her voice trembled, and her body couldn't help shaking. She was really afraid of Wu Shuangshuang.

Everyone who worked in the Wu family knew how vicious Wu Shuangshuang's methods were, and killing them was not the cruelest.

If they made a mistake, she would torture their family in front of them.

Even if they die, they have to watch their family members being tortured to death before they can die.

As long as they are afraid of Wu Shuangshuang, they will never easily betray Wu Shuangshuang, unless Wu Shuangshuang can be brought down, and nothing will happen afterwards, and the lives of them and their families will not be endangered.

Once they betrayed Wu Shuangshuang, but they couldn't take Wu Shuangshuang down, then what awaited them was cruel and merciless revenge.

A vicious, capable and powerful person like Wu Shuangshuang is not something they can compete with, so it is impossible for them to kill themselves and their family members in order to save strangers.

Wu Shuangshuang looked at the strong men who had rushed into the room when they heard the servants' shouts, "You rushed in the first time?"

"Yes. We heard her voice and we came in."

Wu Shuangshuang's eyes narrowed, she didn't quite believe what they said, "Are you sure you rushed in to search? And you didn't see that woman?"

"Sure! We did search, and there was no sign of the woman in the room."

Wu Shuangshuang glanced at them, staring at them without speaking.

She suspected that they let Murong Qin go together, and conspired to make a confession in an attempt to wipe them out on this matter.

is it possible?
It is impossible for them to pick it clean, no matter whether the woman was let go by them secretly, or the woman used some method to escape, it is all due to their dereliction of duty, it is impossible for them to pick it clean, and those who should be punished should still be punished.

I didn't hear Wu Shuangshuang's voice for a long time, and several strong men and servants knelt down in fright.

The servant choked with sobs and said tremblingly: "Miss, you must believe what I say, I will never betray you, even if I have the guts of a bear, I will not dare to betray you."

"Miss, it's not what we did, we really didn't let that woman go." One of the strong men also said.

"Hmph!" Wu Shuangshuang snorted coldly, "Whether you let that woman go or not, it is your problem that she disappeared under your supervision, and you must be punished! Otherwise, how can I convince the public?"

(End of this chapter)

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