Quick Transmigration: The Fierce Host Teases The Sick Boy God

Chapter 311 The Villain's Mysterious Wife

Chapter 311 The Villain's Mysterious Wife (28)

They looked at each other, and they all made a tacit decision, that is, to fight to the death.

When those people wanted to catch them, they suddenly stood up to resist and wrestled with those people.

Seeing that they dared to resist, Wu Shuangshuang became even more angry, and looked at them with murderous intent.

Perhaps it was the will to survive that made them explode with astonishing strength. They who were originally at a disadvantage suddenly gained the upper hand and beat those people so badly that they couldn't afford to be injured.

Now there are only servants and Wu Shuangshuang who have no ability left, and they look at Wu Shuangshuang with fear and killing intent.

They were afraid of Wu Shuangshuang, but also wanted Wu Shuangshuang's life.

Because they knew that if Wu Shuangshuang didn't die, they would die, and they couldn't escape from here.

With scars on their bodies, they all rushed towards Wu Shuangshuang with fierce expressions on their faces.

"Overestimating one's abilities!" Wu Shuangshuang said with a cold face, and when they rushed forward, she released a huge force from her whole body.

An invisible force knocked them into the air, and they immediately fell to the ground, spitting out blood from their mouths.

"Just because you dare to fight against me?" Wu Shuangshuang looked at them with the eyes of an ant, completely ignoring them.

They are not at the same level as her. If they want to fight her, they are undoubtedly hitting a stone with an egg and asking for their own death.

The injured strong man and servants were all lying on the ground, their eyes full of despair.


Gu Bei, who was lurking in a corner outside the villa, did not notice anyone approaching behind him at all.

Even if he is as keen as him, it is difficult to detect Nan Qiao's whereabouts.

Nan Qiao smiled and came behind him, raised his hand and patted him on the back.

Someone slapped his back suddenly, Gu Bei's conditioned reflex was to fight back, subconsciously attacking the person behind him.

Nan Qiao easily dodged his attack, lowered his voice and said, "It's me."

Hearing Nan Qiao's voice, Gu Bei immediately stopped attacking and took a closer look, it was indeed her.

"Why are you here?" they both asked in unison.

Nan Qiao approached him, "You speak first."

"You told Su Mingkai at the banquet that the woman he was looking for will return to him tomorrow. I am here to rescue his woman so that they can meet tomorrow, and what you said will come true." Gu Bei said softly .

Nan Qiao smiled helplessly, "Are you afraid that my calculations will be inaccurate, and you want me to be accurate in one step?"

"Could it be that you also found out that the person he was looking for is here, and you came here to save her?" Gu Bei felt that he had already guessed eight or nine points.

Nan Qiao said, "I'm sure I can calculate it accurately, and I'm really here to save people. This is not a conflict, do you understand?"

"Well, I understand, you are the most powerful magician in the world." Gu Bei replied solemnly.

Nan Qiao was amused by his appearance, "I just like the way you flatter me in a serious way."

"Shall we go in and save people now?" Gu Bei asked aloud.

Nan Qiao said, "I've already rescued people."

"Oh." Gu Bei replied with a cold face, raised his hand and grabbed her hand, "Then let's go back."

He pretended to pull Nan Qiao away, but was pulled back by Nan Qiao forcefully.

Nan Qiao's strength was so strong that she couldn't stop even when she pulled him in front of her. Gu Bei hugged her with both hands, and stopped after turning around a few times. The two looked at each other.

(End of this chapter)

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