Quick Transmigration: The Fierce Host Teases The Sick Boy God

Chapter 359 The Villain's Mysterious Wife

Chapter 359 The Villain's Mysterious Wife (76)

"Why are you willing? Kill the man she likes?" he asked.

Except for his sister and Murong Qin, he didn't care about anyone's death, especially the man Murong Qin liked, he didn't care even more, and even looked forward to it.

If killing that man can make Murong Qin stay by his side willingly, then he will be happy to see the result.

He didn't care what kind of mentality Murong Qin would live with after that man died, he just wanted her to stay by his side.

Before he died, Murong Qin must not die either.

Wu Shuangshuang shook her head, "Brother, you still don't know her well enough."

"If the person she likes dies, with her personality, she will definitely try her best to follow him."

Listening to his sister's words, he frowned slightly, "Then what should I do? I don't want her to die, and I don't want that man to live."

"Then you have to think about it, let that man live or her die, which will make you more uncomfortable." Wu Shuangshuang said.

If he wanted Murong Qin to stay by her brother's side willingly and not casually commit suicide, he could only threaten him with Su Mingkai's life.

He just fell silent for a while before making a choice, "Let him live."

Compared with the pain of losing Murong Qin, he could bear that man alive more.

"As long as we threaten her with that man's life, she will definitely stay by your side willingly." Wu Shuangshuang said.

Hearing this, he finally smiled, "Okay, just do what my sister said."

Wu Shuangshuang didn't realize at this time that there were already two extra people in this room.

They just appeared here so silently, but she didn't notice it at all.

The people who were in the room before were sent out by Wu Shuangshuang, and now there are only four of them left.

The door was slowly closed, like a gust of prestige gently closing the door, making a slight sound.

The moment Wu Shuangshuang noticed the sound, she turned her head to look, but she didn't see anyone.

It wasn't until the moment the door closed that Wu Shuangshuang realized something was wrong, and stared around vigilantly.

"who is it!?"

Wu Shuangshuang frowned tightly, guarding in front of her younger brother, looking around vigilantly, realizing that the danger was hidden in a place she couldn't see.

No one responded to her words, and there was no other sound in the room except the breathing of her and her brother.


Even if the door is closed, it won't be so quiet, could it be...

Just as Wu Shuangshuang thought of something, she saw two figures appear in front of her.

After seeing the two of them, Wu Shuangshuang realized the seriousness of the problem.

One is Gu Bei, and the other is the wanted Sunan Qiao.

Judging from the figures of these two people, they were the two she had seen before, that is, the two who injured her!
Thinking about what happened recently, Wu Shuangshuang felt dizzy, and her thoughts became clearer and clearer.

Perhaps, it was the two of them who hurt Fang Yuege and Luzhen Sect.

If this is the case, it is the mansion master of Tianqing Mansion who lied to her. There is no expert help behind the mansion master, but they are all fooled by these two people!


Wu Shuangshuang gritted her teeth and cursed secretly, she finally got everything in order.

If the Palace Master of Tianqing Mansion hadn't lied to her, then she would never overthrow the four major sects so easily and establish a big sect with the Palace Master of Tianqing Mansion.

If the other two sects are still there, maybe they can fight against these two people if they work together.

(End of this chapter)

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