Quick Transmigration: The Fierce Host Teases The Sick Boy God

Chapter 366 The Villain's Mysterious Wife

Chapter 366 The Villain's Mysterious Wife (83)

Nan Qiao gave Gu Bei a wink, Gu Bei understood instantly, and rushed towards the Palace Master of Tianqing Mansion with a stern expression.

At the moment when Gu Bei rushed over, the dagger held by Nan Qiao pierced fiercely into Wu Shuangshuang's shoulder without blinking her eyes.

"Ah..." Wu Shuangshuang screamed in pain, frowning tightly.

When the Palace Master of Tianqing Mansion was driving the Heavenly Thunder Talisman, he saw Gu Bei rushing over, and suddenly heard Wu Shuangshuang's painful cry, and was distracted.

It was these few seconds of distraction that gave Gu Bei a chance to strike, and directly interrupted the Palace Master.

The palace master wanted to continue, but suddenly he couldn't move, and watched Gu Bei punch him hard, and he was hit hard.

His body flew upside down, hit the wall fiercely, and spat out a mouthful of blood.

This time it was completely interrupted.

The palace master couldn't figure out why his body couldn't move just now.

Although it was only for a short time, it was enough for Gu Bei to injure him.

The palace master's eyes fell on Gu Bei, and he secretly cursed in his heart: This man has such terrifying strength?

How did he know that the inability to move his body just now has nothing to do with Gu Bei, but Nan Qiao's hands and feet.

It's not convenient for Nan Qiao to take action openly, but she can use tricks secretly. As long as she wants to do it, she can trip the other party anytime and anywhere.

Seeing that the Palace Master was settled so easily, Wu Shuangshuang's eyes were full of unwillingness, and at the same time, she felt very desperate.

Now not only she and her younger brother are going to die here, but one more person will die.

"Shuangshuang, I'm sorry, I'm so useless." The Palace Master looked at her apologetically.

Wu Shuangshuang didn't want to respond to him at first, but seeing his affectionate eyes and thinking that he was willing to risk his life for her, she said, "It's not your fault, I'm sorry for you, I'm dragging you down."

A man can risk his life for her, if he is not moved at all, it is fake.

Wu Shuangshuang was still a little moved in her heart, but no matter how much emotion she had, she would lose it.

Even if it can move her terribly, whether she is not emotional or not, to her, these are two different things.

"No, you're right, and you didn't drag me down. I came here willingly to find you, and it's none of your business." The Palace Master spat out another mouthful of blood as he spoke.

The punch he received was serious, he knew that there was no way out, and he had no ability to resist.

But to die with Wu Shuangshuang, his death is worth it.

"I know I will die today, but I don't regret it." The palace master stared at Wu Shuangshuang for a moment, with a smile on his face, showing a bit of happiness, "I feel very happy to die with you .”

Wu Shuangshuang looked at him like this, no matter how hard her heart was, she finally softened a bit, she couldn't bear to look at him, "Why are you doing this?"

"I don't know what's wrong with me, but I just like you, and I just want to be with you." The Palace Master said with a smile.

Perhaps, from the moment he saw Wu Shuangshuang for the first time, his heart had already fallen.

"I..." Wu Shuangshuang replied hesitantly, "I don't deserve you to do this."

"It's worth it. When I say it's worth it, it's worth it." The Palace Master said.

Wu Shuangshuang's nose was acidic and her eyes were slightly red. She turned her eyes away cruelly and stopped looking at him.

It was a feeling she couldn't respond to.

Her eyes fell on her dying brother, she struggled to climb up a few minutes, and raised her hand to his brother's face.

"Brother, you go first, sister will come soon."

(End of this chapter)

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