Douluo: Nine heavens, dragon and phoenix

Chapter 13 Hammer, His Dad's

Chapter 13 Hammer, His Dad's
After Tang San sent Old Jack away, he stood outside the yard in a daze, looking a bit disappointed.It would be a lie to say that it is not sad, brother Tang Jiu awakened a very powerful nine-day dragon and phoenix martial soul, but what he awakened was just a useless martial soul, Blue Silver Grass.

He is now very sure that the reason why his Xuantian Kungfu has not been broken through must have something to do with the spirit and the spirit ring. However, now Tang Hao doesn't let him go to the spirit academy to study, so he is a little depressed.

However, he firmly believed that even if he couldn't go to the Soul Master Academy to study, he would still have a chance in the future. In order not to let his father notice his strangeness, he didn't show it and kept a calm face.

After all, he is also a human being in two lifetimes, how could he cry and make noise like a child.

Tang San turned and entered the blacksmith's shop, but was surprised to find that Tang Hao didn't go back to sleep at this time, but was lying on a reclining chair that was about to fall apart, closing his eyes and resting his mind.

"Dad, go to bed and lie down for a while, brother should be back soon, I'll cook right away!"

After saying these words, Tang San was about to walk towards the kitchen.


Tang Hao still didn't open his eyes, as if he was talking in his sleep, his voice was a bit lazy.

"Tell me the truth, are you a little disappointed? In fact, you really want to be a soul master, right?"

Tang San quickly waved his hand, "No, Dad, it's okay if you can't become a soul master, my brother will definitely become a soul master, and when he wants to leave this family, then leave me to take care of you, yes Well, didn’t you say you still want to teach me how to blacksmith? After my brother leaves, I will take over his job, and I will raise iron to support you..."

"No, neither can your brother!"


At that time, Tang Hao had slowly opened his eyes, only to see his eyes were cold, his fists clenched, and he looked extremely excited.

"So what about becoming a soul master? Whether it's a weak martial soul or a powerful martial soul, in the end it's nothing more than a waste!"

Hearing a bang, Tang Hao stood up excitedly from the wheelchair. The chair under him shattered instantly. In his eyes, there seemed to be something crystal rolling.

Seeing Tang Hao's sudden outburst of anger, even Tang Jiu was a little stunned, wondering what kind of nerves this old guy was having.

Seeing Tang Hao who was filled with grief and anger, Tang San was so frightened that he almost cried.

He quickly grabbed Tang Hao's fist, "Dad, don't be angry, we are no longer soul masters, I will cook right now, we will never leave you in the future, we will always be by your side, I will Go cook for you!"

But Tang Hao grabbed Tang San's hand, and his excitement calmed down a little.

"Little San, summon your Blue Silver Grass martial soul and show me!"

"Okay, Dad, wait a moment!"

Tang San, I don't know why Tang Hao suddenly wanted to look at the blue silver grass in his body called the waste spirit, thinking it was a matter, what's the turning point?So he quickly activated Xuantian Kung, raised his right hand, and saw blue light flashing, a blue grass appeared in the palm of Tang San's right hand.


Tang Hao's expression became excited again, "It really is a grass, a blue silver grass, a grass like him, woo woo woo..."

An imposing seven-foot man actually began to sob, perhaps realizing his gaffe, Tang Hao suddenly turned around, and then walked towards the bedroom.

His father's strange expression once again startled Tang San, he almost fell down, the blue silver grass in his hand also turned into a blue light and disappeared into the palm of his hand.

"Dad, what's the matter with you?"

"Don't bother me, I want to sleep!"

After finishing speaking, Tang Hao opened the curtain and got into the bedroom.

"But, but I have one more..."

Tang San's voice became lower and lower, thinking that his father probably wouldn't be able to hear him, so he didn't finish speaking.

Article 1 of the general outline of Xuantian Treasure Record: "Never let someone you can't trust know how much strength you have!"

Even Su Yuntao and Old Jack didn't know about the fact that he possessed two martial souls, so he only wanted to tell his father about it, but it was a pity that none of this seemed important.

However, at this moment, the door curtain was pulled open abruptly, and Tang Hao rushed out immediately. The sad look on his face had once again turned into a look of shock. overflow.

But Tang San didn't realize that Tang Hao turned back suddenly, and saw him slowly raising his left hand. He felt all the internal force in his body rushing into his left hand, and the soul power in his palm fluctuated, accompanied by black The light appeared and gradually condensed into a hammer.

The whole body of the hammer is black, the handle is about half a foot long, and the hanging heads on both sides are round, which is the same shape as the casting hammer, but much smaller than the casting hammer. They are all models of children's playthings that look like casting hammers. The hammer emits a faint There is a black light, and there is a circle of mysterious runes on the cylindrical hammer head.

Whirring whirring!

As soon as the hammer and spirit appeared, Tang San's aura instantly changed, and the whole room immediately became oppressed. Above the hammer, there was a faint blue arc surging, accompanied by bursts of thunder, Tang San felt the hammer It was getting heavier and heavier, and the internal force in his body was being consumed rapidly.

A pocket-sized and cute hammer, Wuhun, is actually heavier than a real forging hammer.

"This, this is actually a hammer!"

Tang Hao hastily supported Tang San's wrist with both hands, his excitement was on the surface, Tang Hao's hands possessed powerful strength, with these hands.Holding his wrist below, Tang San suddenly felt a lot more relaxed.

This is the first time he has held his hand so kindly since then, and it warms his heart, and he feels a sense of flesh and blood connection, and he can't help but feel a little moved.

"Dad, what's the matter? Is there something wrong?"

At this moment, Tang Hao's eyes were firmly fixed on the hammer in Tang Shan's hand, and his eyes were shining with fire, appearing extremely excited.

"It's really a hammer! It turned out to be two martial spirits. My son has twin martial spirits? Son, you really are my good son!"

The excited Tang Hao hugged Tang San into his arms. Tang Hao's arms were thick and his limbs were developed. It felt safe to be embraced by Tang Hao, but soon he felt suffocated...


Soon, Tang San had a feeling of difficulty breathing, he wanted to struggle, but found that it was like being tightly bound by steel bars, unable to move at all.

Now without Tang Hao's hands to support his wrists, he couldn't move his breath normally at this moment, so Tang San felt that the hammer was getting heavier and heavier, almost unable to hold it.

"Dad, I can't hold on any longer!"

Tang San shouted with all his strength.

Only then did Tang Hao realize suddenly, how could Tang San's small body withstand his ravages like this?
He quickly let go, and when he looked at Tang San again, he saw Tang San's face was blue and his lips were purple. If it was a step later, this little guy would probably go into shock.

"Put back your hammer!"

(End of this chapter)

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