Douluo: Nine heavens, dragon and phoenix

Chapter 15 Do you want to become a soul master?

Chapter 15 Do you want to become a soul master?
"Eat an egg, don't eat it, I'll go to Notting City to eat again, anyway, it's not far away, if I use my nine-day dragon and phoenix martial soul to possess, it should be there soon."

After all, Tang Jiu was about to leave, Tang Hao hurriedly chased him out, and then said to Tang Jiu in a low voice: "Boy, you can't use that hammer martial soul casually, and you can't let him absorb the soul ring casually. "

"Dad, do you think I'm a three-year-old child? You should tell Xiaosan these words! He doesn't understand anything, so you really have to remind him. As for me, don't worry about it. I know the knowledge of Wuhun. I also know what a spirit ring is, from now on I will use my beast spirit and sword spirit, as for the hammer, we will save it for the last, and we will not easily attach low-level spirit rings to him."

After hearing Tang Jiu's words, Tang Hao was stunned. Although Tang Jiu was not a three-year-old child, he was only a six-year-old child. How could he know so much?Could this be the legendary peerless genius?
"Okay, since you don't understand anything, then I won't talk nonsense. Are you planning to go to Notting City to be a thug for others?"

Tang Hao looked at his strange child curiously.

Tang Jiu nodded, "Yes, although my casting technology has reached a certain standard, it is still too slow to make money by blacksmithing, so I plan to join the mercenary group and take on some tasks, so that I can make money quickly. You also know that soul master is a very money-consuming profession, I not only need to earn enough for my registration fee, but also earn more money to buy other training materials."

"Well, you're right, kid, you've grown up, go!"

For Tang Jiu, Tang Hao was very relieved. His son was different from Tang San. Although Tang San was stable, his temperament and social experience were much worse than Tang Jiu's.

In fact, this is also closely related to Tang San and Tang Jiu's previous lives. Tang San's previous life was an ancient person, and he knew how to study hidden weapons all day long, and he didn't communicate much with the outside world, so it formed his current character.

And Tang Jiu was an orphan since he was a child. Before he joined the army, he was a gangster on the street. He had never seen anything in the world, so he naturally had rich life experience.

After Tang Jiu left, Tang Hao also returned to the room, and continued to sleep.

While Tang San was cooking, he was thinking about life. He originally thought that his awakening of two martial spirits would definitely impress his father, but he didn't expect that his elder brother Tang Jiu would steal the limelight so soon.

Although twin martial souls are rare, triple martial souls have never appeared before!

So Tang San and Tang Jiu are slightly inferior, and they seem to lack an important halo.

It seems that no matter who it is, without that important halo, they feel that they can't do anything.

"No, my brother is a Sansheng Wuhun, but I have hidden weapons. That's right, Xuantian Kungfu and Tangmen hidden weapons are my trump cards! I can't be discouraged. I must work hard to make my first hidden weapon. , I believe that in the future, my hidden weapons will surely shine brightly on this continent."

Thinking of this, Tang San's face suddenly glowed, and he became more confident in an instant, but he never imagined that the equipment hidden in Tang Jiu's military supply warehouse, compared with his so-called hidden weapons, It's nothing short of trivial.

The military supplies in the military supply warehouse are of various types and complete functions, even medical supplies.

"By the way, my Xuantian Kungfu must be related to the soul ring they are talking about. When I have a chance in the future, I will definitely get a soul ring to try and see if I can break through my Xuantian Kungfu. As long as my Xuantian Kungfu gets Breakthrough, let's not talk about Wuhun, just relying on my hidden weapons is enough to dominate the world!"

Tang San was so fascinated by his thoughts that he was a little out of his mind even when eating.

His every move was watched by Tang Hao. As a father, how could anyone not know what his son was thinking?
But he hesitated because Tang San and Tang Jiu were different.

Tang Hao was not very worried about Tang Jiu, because even if Tang Jiu didn't use the Haotian Hammer Wuhun, he still had a very powerful beast-shaped Wuhun Nine Heavens Dragon and Phoenix and a tool-shaped Wuhun Zhuxian Sword.

If possessed by the nine-day dragon and phoenix, Tang Jiu's defensive power would become very terrifying. Similarly, the attack of the Zhuxian Sword is also extremely terrifying. Such a guy with powerful attack and defense power, plus a clever It is estimated that few people can hurt him.

But Tang San is different, he only has an ordinary Blue Silver Grass that can be displayed in front of outsiders, even though he has the Clear Sky Hammer spirit, what's the difference between being unable to use it and being sealed?
Moreover, Tang San gave Tang Hao the feeling that he was not very smart, at least not as good as Tang Jiu in terms of experience, so he was very worried that one day this guy would accidentally expose the Clear Sky Hammer and cause death, that would be bad up.

However, Tang Hao couldn't bear the fact that a genius with twin martial souls was buried in this holy soul village like this.

"My two sons are both peerless geniuses, and they both have the Clear Sky Hammer martial soul. Perhaps, one day, the three of us, father and son, will be able to..."

Thinking of this, a golden light finally shot out from Tang Hao's originally cloudy eyes. He seemed to have made a very important decision. At the same time, his aura also changed instantly. He was no longer decadent and cowardly, and instantly glowed with splendor. .

Tang San didn't know why his father had these changes, he thought his father wanted to drink to go crazy again, although Tang Hao didn't really hit him, but the fear in his bones still made him stand up quickly, pretending to collect the bowl.

Usually at home, his elder brother Tang Jiu is careless all day long, and Tang Hao is not so restrained, but Tang San is different, he is always very careful and afraid of making his father angry, so he is also an obedient and sensible boy in everyone's eyes .

"Okay, let's stop for a while! Sit down, I have something to tell you..."

Tang Hao didn't ask Tang San to finish collecting, but motioned Tang San to sit down.


Tang Shan didn't know why, but he sat down obediently.

Tang Hao took a deep breath, stared at Tang San seriously again, and then asked: "Little San, I ask you a question, you must answer me truthfully, and you must not lie."


Tang San suddenly seemed a little nervous, he didn't know what his old father was going to ask him, he even wondered if his identity had been exposed, but so what?He is still Tang Hao's son.

"Dad, what do you want to ask?"

Seeing that Tang Hao didn't speak for a long time, Tang San took the initiative to ask again, because waiting is a very painful thing.

Tang Hao's eyes stared at Tang San, as if he wanted to see through this son. After a while, he asked: "Little San, let me ask you, do you want to become a soul master like your brother?"

(End of this chapter)

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