Douluo: Nine heavens, dragon and phoenix

Chapter 17 How Many Hearts Do People Have?

Chapter 17 How Many Hearts Do People Have?
"Of course it's the heart."

Tang San is quite sure about this point, he used to be a disciple of the Tang Sect, and he also has a better understanding of body structure, the two most important deadly organs in the human body, one is the brain, and the other is the heart.

If the heart is punctured, it will die soon, so the importance of the heart is second only to the brain.

The human head protects the brain, but the heart is only protected by muscles and a few ribs, and a sharp sword can easily pierce the heart.

Tang Hao nodded appreciatively. He didn't expect Tang San, who doesn't like to talk, to know so much. His sons are indeed talents, and they feel that they are born with a lot of knowledge.

"Well, you are right, it is indeed the heart, then tell me, how many hearts does a person have?"

"How many hearts does a person have?"

Tang San looked at Tang Hao in surprise, wondering what Tang Hao's words meant?Immediately felt a little confused.

Don't all people have only one heart?Of course, there are also legends that some people have two hearts, but it is really just a very rare human being. Normally, each person has only one heart.

Just when Tang San was hesitating, Tang Hao's aura instantly became stronger, and a sense of oppression attacked Tang San.

"Tell me, how many hearts does a person have?"

Tang Hao's voice was cold, it didn't seem like he was talking to his son at all, like he was scolding a prisoner.

That powerful breath made Tang San feel a little difficult to breathe, so he quickly replied: "One!"


Tang Hao laughed suddenly, then shook his head, "No, no, you are wrong, people have more than one heart."

"Not a heart?"

Tang San opened his mouth slightly, and suddenly remembered what Brother Tang Jiu said, so he quickly borrowed it, "I know, my brother said, people have several hearts, there is the heart of a bodhisattva who is merciful and compassionate, and there is a tactful and exquisite heart." Heart, some people even have a vicious black heart, Dad, is this what you want to talk about?"

"This one……"

Black lines appeared on Tang Hao's face, he is such a foolish son!
He patted Tang San on the shoulder, "Everyone does have three hearts, but the three hearts you mentioned are not the three hearts we use when blacksmithing."

"Aren't they the three hearts that forged iron?"

Tang San was completely confused, how many hearts did his mother have?

I saw Tang Hao lightly hammered Tang San's heart with a small hammer, and then lightly touched Tang San's two calves with the hammer handle.

"Here, the one on the heart is the first heart, and these two parts on the legs are the second heart and the third heart. These are the three hearts that everyone uses!"

"If a person wants to unleash all the power in his body, it must be the result of the three hearts rotating at the same time. Therefore, when using power, it is not the waist that exerts force first, but these three hearts!"

"When the little heart in your heart is beating, the two calves also start to exert force, and then the force is continuously transmitted upwards, from the calf to the thigh, and then from the thigh to the waist, or the power is transmitted to the back. , the back transmits the power to the arms, and finally releases it from the hands, this is a full blow, the three hearts exert force at the same time, and then use the waist as the axis, watch it!"

As soon as Tang Hao lifted the casting hammer, a terrifying breath swayed instantly, making Tang San subconsciously take a few steps back in fright.

Tang Hao let out a low cry, turned his body half a circle, his feet clinging to the ground, his two exposed calves suddenly tensed, and his muscles protruded instantly, like a tiger waiting to prey, his legs suddenly exerted force , the waist turned around, very coordinated, to drive the arms, and the arms to drive the hands, the huge casting hammer has been brought back by him.


Hearing a loud noise, the casting hammer smashed heavily on the red-burned iron lump, a terrifying force instantly swayed, and with a fiery red light, the whole room trembled suddenly. There is a possibility of dumping.

Tang San could clearly feel that this was pure physical power, without any fluctuations in spirit power.

And the red-hot iron lump sank in an instant, leaving only 1/3 of its shape, obviously deformed.

"Use the calf to start exerting strength, and then connect the strength of your whole body into a whole, so that you can exert your full strength."

Tang Hao handed the casting hammer to Tang San while talking: "Come on, remember what I said, come and try it once!"

Tang Shan didn't expect that there are so many tricks in forging, and his brother seems to have mastered these tricks, otherwise it would be impossible to become a master so soon.

And this trick can not only be used in forging, but also can be used in his Tang Sect unique knowledge, or in future training and battles.

Tang San took the casting hammer, spread his legs apart, squatted halfway, and then imitating Tang Hao's way, he slowly raised the casting hammer, his eyes fixed on the piece of red-hot iron After that, the Xuantian Kung in his body circulated, his internal force sank into his legs, a faint white qi appeared on his feet, and the soles of his feet sucked the ground tightly...

Tang San exerted all his strength, and with a loud shout, Xuantian Kungfu instantly operated to the extreme, the muscles of his legs tightened suddenly, and his physical strength was also exerted to the extreme, a terrifying force spread from his calf directly upwards in an instant , the waist turned, driving the back, that force came to the shoulders, and then poured into the arms.

At this moment Tang San clearly felt that his strength had never been so strong, and the flying casting hammer seemed to bring his whole body into the air.


There was a loud noise, Tang San's casting hammer accurately hit that piece of red-hot iron, Tang San jumped off the ground because of the hammer's drag, and after his feet left the ground, he lost his center of gravity Balance, next, the iron hammer hit the iron block, and the shock force produced made Tang San's arms feel numb. Thanks to him hastily cast the black jade hand to protect his palm, so the handle of the forged hammer He didn't let go of his hands, and with the operation of Xuantian Kungfu, his numb arms gradually regained consciousness.

The effect of this full blow is obvious. Of course, it is just a comparison with his own before. The effect of his hammer is more obvious than his previous continuous swing of the real hammer.

However, if compared with Tang Hao, because his stature is short and his physique is not as good as Tang Hao's, so compared with Tang Hao's hammer, there is still a world of difference.

Even so, Tang Hao still looked at Tang San in surprise, because Tang San's performance had exceeded his expectations. Although this kid's understanding was not as good as Tang Jiu's, he was already very good. Within a short period of time, you can understand the essentials of exerting force.

(End of this chapter)

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