Douluo: Nine heavens, dragon and phoenix

Chapter 3 I am 1, the Prophet

Chapter 3 I am a Prophet
Notting City is not far from Holy Soul Village. It is a prosperous city. Not everyone in this world can awaken a martial soul, so swords and weapons are relatively easy to sell.

After Tang Jiu sold the big sword and shield, he exchanged a lot of soul coins, then bought a large bag of rice, vegetables, and some meat products, and returned to the holy soul village in a carriage.

Now that they were growing their bodies, looking at Tang San who was skinny, Tang Jiu, who was an older brother, felt distressed for a while.

Although the two of them are twins, Tang Jiu's figure is much bigger and a little taller, and he does look like an older brother.

Of course, this is not because Tang Jiu's life is better, they have the same food and housing, but Tang Jiu is taking the route of tempering the body, while Tang San is taking the route of internal strength, so Tang Jiu's body looks strong a lot of.

Next, Tang Hao began to spend less time drinking, and their quality of life has also been significantly improved.

A family of three, father and son, lived an ordinary life, and a month passed without knowing it, but Tang Jiu and Tang San's cultivation has been stuck in the bottleneck, and there is no sign of breakthrough.

Through understanding, Tang Jiu knew that this world is called the Douluo Continent, and there are two largest empires on this continent.

There is a special thing in this world called Wuhun.

So Tang Jiu couldn't help wondering if he still couldn't break through the bottleneck of quenching his body. Could it be related to this thing called Wuhun?
"Old Jiu, good boy, are you busy?"

At this moment, a hoarse and deep voice sounded.

Tang Jiu stopped what he was doing, looked up, and saw that the person who came was an old man. Although the clothes on the old man were only ordinary coarse clothes, they were washed clean, not as sloppy as his father Tang Hao .

"Grandpa Jack, why are you here? Are you here to buy a hoe again?"

Tang Jiu asked with a smile.

The old village chief Jack shook his head, and then asked, "Is your father there?"

"I'm here, I guess I haven't woken up yet!"

Tang Jiu replied, at this moment, he saw Tang Hao walking out of the room with a crooked body and sleepy ease.

"What is the old man doing?"

A smell of alcohol came to his nostrils, and Old Jack covered his nose in disgust, "Tang Hao, Tang Hao, let the two children raise you, can you show some face?"

Tang Hao said impatiently: "Stop talking nonsense, this is my family business, tell me, what do you want from me?"

The old village head, Jack, just remembered the purpose of this visit.

"Little San and Lao Jiu, they should be almost six years old this year, right? We should also arrange for them to participate in the Awakening of the Martial Soul!"

Hearing Old Jack's words, Tang Hao opened his eyes, cheered up a bit, and asked, "What day is it?"

Old Jack replied: "Hurry up, the master who is in charge of awakening the martial arts for the children in our holy soul village is probably here in two or three days. When the master of martial soul awakening comes, I will pick up these two children to participate Martial soul awakened."

"it is good!"

Tang Hao answered very simply, then grabbed a wine jar and continued to drink.

At this moment, Tang Jiu's younger brother Tang San asked curiously.

"Grandpa Jack, what is Wuhun awakening?"

Seeing Tang San, Old Jack patted his head dotingly, and then patiently explained: "When everyone reaches the age of 6, under the guidance of the martial soul awakening style, the martial arts in their body can The soul is released, and some people release the martial soul for the first time, so it is called the awakening of the martial soul."

Old Jack saw that Tang San listened seriously, so he continued: "Martial spirit is a special thing, he can assist us in labor, for example, if you awaken a hoe, then your digging speed will be faster than others in the future." Much faster, if you awaken a sickle, then you can cut grass faster than others. If the awakened martial soul can be cultivated, then it can also assist us in fighting and become a real Soul Master!"

"Soul master?"

Hearing this address, Tang San's eyes widened, his face full of curiosity.

"Yes, soul masters are a very precious profession in this world, and soul masters also have different levels. Do you know why our village is called Holy Soul Village?"

"do not know!"

Tang San shook his head and answered, but his face was a little more curious.

Seeing old Jack with his hands behind his back, he said with some pride: "Because there was a great person in our village back then, he was a soul master with the title of Soul Sage, so our village was called Holy Soul Village."

"Is Soul Sage very powerful?"

Tang San asked reluctantly.

Old Jack hummed, "Soul Saints are very powerful existences in this world, they have the power to destroy heaven and earth!"


Just when Old Jack was talking in high spirits, he went to listen to Tang Hao, who was already drunk, casually said something, and Old Jack was angry and angry.

"Dog Tang Hao, if it wasn't for the sake of these two children, I would have kicked you out of the village a long time ago!"

Tang Hao disagreed, and sneered.

"Bah, what is a mere soul sage if it's not rubbish?"

"Tang Hao, if you have the ability, can you say it again?"

A terrifying aura suddenly erupted from the seemingly ordinary old Jack.

Tang Jiu saw that the situation was not good, so he hurried forward and said to Old Jack: "Grandpa Jack, the soul saint you are talking about is you, right?"

"This this this..."

Hearing Tang Jiu's words, Old Jack instantly became very embarrassed.

It shouldn't be!The old man's identity has been hidden for so many years, how could anyone know?

It was Tang Jiu who said in a low voice: "If I'm not wrong, your martial spirit should still be a goat, right?"

"you you you……"

Old Jack looked at Tang Jiu in horror.

"Don't worry, I won't talk nonsense."

Tang Jiu smiled and said in a low voice.

Old Jack asked in a low voice: "Boy, how do you know?"

Tang Jiu said mysteriously: "Because I have the ability to know the past and predict the future!"

"Know the past and predict the future?"

Old Jack was shocked. Although he didn't quite believe it, he never imagined how Tang Jiu would know that he was a soul sage.

"Why, don't you believe it?"

It seems that the old man would not believe it without showing some real skills, so he said, "Then I will make a bet with you, do you dare?"

"What are you gambling?"

"Three days later, my poor little brother San will awaken a crippled martial spirit Blue Silver Grass with innate full soul power. If I'm right, then he will be given the work-student quota in Holy Soul Village, okay?"

"Are you cursing your brother?"

"It's not a curse, but a foreknowledge!"

Tang Jiu continued to speak with a mysterious face.

Old Jack thought for a while, and then said: "Okay, if you really guessed right, then I will give him the number of work-study students in Holy Soul Village this year!"

(End of this chapter)

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