Douluo: Nine heavens, dragon and phoenix

Chapter 37 The Titled Douluo with a White Soul Ring

Chapter 37 Titled Douluo with Ten White Soul Rings

"You will know this in the future! I have said too much now, and you can't remember it! But the more you practice, the harder it will be..."

Old Jack said as he walked, at this moment, he saw a striking advertisement posted on a telephone pole by the roadside.

"Apply for various certificates, junior soul master graduation certificate, intermediate soul master graduation certificate, advanced soul master graduation certificate, soul saint badge, Titled Douluo badge..."

Tang San's eyes were rather sharp, and he was immediately attracted by that advertisement.

The old village head Jack also stopped in his tracks. When he saw the ad, he showed a disdainful smile: "This group of lunatics in the ad is too outrageous, since even the badges of the Soul Saint and Titled Douluo have started to fake Now, can that thing be faked? People above Soul Sage are directly supported by the country, and Title Douluo, even in the entire empire, is one of the few!"

"Are you saying that they issued false certificates?"

They scratched their heads first. He naturally didn't understand such social routines, after all, he was just an ancient person.

"Yes! This kind of behavior is a liar. Don't be fooled in the future. Remember to practice in a down-to-earth way, and you can't be opportunistic. Even if you get more titles and badges, so what? If you encounter a strong enemy, you will not only be killed share?"

Tang San nodded slightly, still a little puzzled and asked: "Then, will anyone ask him to give false testimony to this kind of liar?"

"Yes, although it is said that there are very few people who fake the badges of Soul Sages and Title Douluo, it cannot be said that there are absolutely none. The main source of income for this kind of fake certificate is to get an intermediate soul master graduation certificate, because it is easier to get a job if you get an intermediate soul master graduation certificate, but it can only be deceived for a while, not for a lifetime , These fake testimonials are simply too hateful, not to mention deceiving people, but also affecting the appearance of the city and polluting the environment!"

Old Jack's face was filled with indignation. He unceremoniously tore off the advertisement and threw it into the trash can.

Next, Tang San and Old Jack almost focused on their journey, Tang San rarely asked any more questions, Old Jack had already told him enough and in detail, anything else would probably be a spoiler.

Star Dou Great Forest, the activity area of ​​thousand-year-old soul beasts...

A guy with 9 tails and 9 pairs of wings, a figure like a green giant ape, a burly guy with a blood-red sword in his hand, is killing all directions.

Just as he slashed and slashed, a thousand-year-old soul beast was tortured to death by him. He looked at the thousand-year-old soul ring on the soul beast, shook his head, and sighed: "It's another piece of rubbish attribute!" Soul ring!"

This person is none other than Tang Jiu.

Now the length of the tail and wings behind Tang Jiu is not very long. After this period of practice, he found that the length of the tail and wings is related to the cultivation of the soul power in his body.

Every time his soul power increases by one level, the length of his tail and wings will increase by one inch, so now he can completely judge the level of his soul power cultivation based on the length of his tail and wings, without going to the Spirit Hall Only after going through the appraisal can you know what level of soul power you are.

He estimated that the length of his tail and wings is about 30 inches, which means that his soul power has reached level 30, so now Tang Jiu is not only a great soul master, but also a soul master who has reached the peak level. A great soul master, if he can obtain a soul ring and break through the bottleneck of level 30, then he can become a soul master!
At level 30 soul power, the length of the tail and wings is 30 inches, ten inches is one foot, and three feet is one meter, so now Tang Jiu's tail and wings are both one meter long.

A three-foot tail and three-foot wings, logically speaking, are not too short, but the body of his beast spirit is about three meters high, that is, one foot high, so in comparison, his tail and wings look a bit It is so short that even if his nine pairs of wings wave together, it can barely lift him about a foot off the ground, and he cannot soar into the sky like a bird.

The body of Tang Jiu's Beast Soul looks like a green giant ape. Its appearance is somewhat similar to that of the Titan giant ape, but compared with the Titan giant ape, it is obviously much smaller, and the color of the Titan giant ape is dark. Red, while his is dark green, the lines on his body seem to be inlaid with green gems, full of the power of life.

Although Tang Jiu's wings can't take him soaring in the sky, his jumping ability is very good. He can use his jumping ability to jump to a height of several feet, and then use his wings to glide, which looks like flying .

And the 9 tails behind him also play a role in balancing the body, and can also be used as weapons in battle, as flexible as arms.

Tang Jiu was also surprised to find that the feathers on the wings of the beast martial soul became fuller with the improvement of his soul power, and the hardness of each feather was also getting stronger. If this trend continues, From now on, each of his feathers can be turned into a sharp blade, and then those feathers and sharp blades can be turned into his hidden weapons.

At this time, Tang Jiu looked at the sentence in front of him indifferently, the corpse of a thousand-year-old soul beast, with an indifferent expression on his face, so what about the thousand-year-old soul ring?

What Tang Jiu wanted was not the age of the soul ring, but the attributes of the soul ring. The soul beast he just killed this time was a powerful soul beast, an earth lizard.

If it was before he obtained the Kui Niu soul ring, maybe he would have thought about it, but now, he has no interest in the earth lizard's soul ring at all.

Although the spirit ring of the Kui Niu spirit beast he obtained was only a 99-year spirit ring, its attribute enhancement effect is much higher than that of the thousand-year spirit ring. The most important thing is the age of the spirit ring. The lower it is, the lower the consumption of soul power will be when releasing the soul skills. This is the main reason why Tang Jiu didn't want to pursue high-level year-limit soul rings at the beginning!

He plans to wait until the later stage to raise his soul power to a certain height, and then find a way to upgrade the low-level soul ring to a high-level one without worrying about the lack of soul power. Now he plans to give the beast martial soul to absorb all the white for ten years. Soul rings, I don't know what kind of expression people will have when they see all the white soul rings on his body?

"The title Douluo, all of whom are 10-year spirit rings, may be interesting!"

Since the thousand-year-old soul ring on the soul beast in front of him is useless to Tang Jiu, he didn't want to waste time. The red flame sword in his hand slashed down suddenly, and the body of the soul beast was cut in half. The soul ring on his body also instantly disintegrated, turning into a purple light and disappearing, and above its corpse, a purple crystal nucleus was suspended.

(End of this chapter)

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