Chapter 41 Apprenticeship
But he laughed, and there was a hint of bitterness in his laughter: "I'm just a bastard who eats and drinks here, but I'm a serious paddling master, and you call me master just like everyone else Right! As for my name, no one has called me for a long time, so I almost forgot what my name is. On your Wuhun Awakening Certificate, the name written is Tang San, Tang San, the teacher and the master have a lot in common Big difference! Unless..."

Having said that, the master stopped in his tracks, staring at Tang San again with a pair of eyes, his eyes flashed with fiery light again, "Unless, you really want me to be your teacher."

Tang San was curious when he heard the words, "Are you planning to teach me how to practice martial arts?"

The master smiled slightly: "Then are you willing?"

Tang San also raised his head and looked at the master seriously. Looking at such a close distance, he raised his head again. At this time, the master's face was a little closer to him, and he could see a thick thick sheet under the two black nostrils. lips, Tang San stood there in a daze, without answering whether he was willing or not.

The master showed a stiff smile like a zombie, and nodded slightly appreciatively, "Not bad, you are indeed a smart kid!"

The reason why Tang San didn't rush to answer mainly has two meanings. The first meaning is that now Tang San doesn't know Da Shi's true identity, and he dare not reject Grand Master rashly, lest he will be retaliated after offending Grand Master.The meaning of the second layer, he wants to know whether the master is qualified to be his teacher, he is only seeing this so-called master for the first time, who knows how much the master really has?

Of course, the master has also seen Tang San's graveyard, it seems that if he doesn't release his unique move today, it is impossible for this little brat to be convinced by him.

So he said slowly: "I once investigated 647 people whose martial spirit was Blue Silver Grass, among them, only 16 people could possess soul power, that is to say, the probability of the awakened Blue Silver Grass possessing soul power is still low. It is less than 3%, and among the 16 people, almost 0 have innate soul power over level 10, but you are actually full of soul power with a soul power of level [-]. According to the list of the top ten core competitiveness of Wuhun that I published A theory, the level of innate soul power is directly proportional to the quality of the martial soul. Obviously, your blue silver grass is the most common martial soul, it is impossible for it to give you such a powerful innate soul power, so I am sure , I even dare to bet that with two packs of spicy strips, you must have a more powerful martial spirit!"

Hearing the master's words, Tang San's heart suddenly trembled, at this moment he finally knew why he was like a transparent person in front of the master.

However, relying on his concentration, Tang San still maintained a calm look, and retorted a little unconvinced: "The theory may not be absolute, right? There is no absolute in the world! There may be exceptions to everything, why can't I be What about the exception?"

The master nodded and continued: "That's right, there are exceptions to everything, but your Blue Silver Grass is absolutely impossible to be that exception! In the past hundred years of the Heaven Dou Empire and the Star Dou Empire, the only person who has awakened twin martial souls is Two! But there are 19 people who are born with full soul power, but among these 19 people, their martial souls are all very powerful existences, even the youngest one has now reached the title of Great Soul Master, Among the 19 people, 14 people's martial souls are inherited from the bloodline of the family, and they are all very powerful bloodline martial souls, and 5 people are indeed exceptions! Their backgrounds are not noble, and the bloodline martial souls of their families The soul is also very weak, but they have innate full soul power, and the real reason why their martial soul is different from the martial soul inherited from the family blood is the mutation of the martial soul!"

"And according to my research for so many years, there is almost no bloodline, martial soul that can mutate with blue, silver, grass, and martial souls, and your blue silver grass is the most common martial soul, so I am so sure My own judgment is absolutely correct, you must still have a very powerful martial soul, I changed my mind, I bet three packs of spicy sticks!"

Of course Tang San was not interested in spicy sticks. He was not interested in martial arts before, but now he was successfully aroused by the master. The word mutation was indeed a little strange to Tang San, but to a modern person like Tang Jiu To put it bluntly, it is similar to a genetic mutation. The blood of the two parents is different. The offspring born after mating will naturally fuse and give birth to a new blood. There is a possibility of genetic mutation. Tang How could such an ancient person know?

Tang San's eyes suddenly opened, "Variated spirit? What do you mean?"

The master explained very patiently: "This has to start with Pangu... No, we have to start with the inheritance of the martial soul. The martial soul awakened by one person is not a matter of him alone, but with his father." He has a close relationship with his mother. Under normal circumstances, a person will only awaken a martial soul. The martial soul is just like our soul. Maybe this is because a person only meets the soul! Martial souls come in various shapes and forms, but the awakened martial souls of most people are either the same as their father's or their mother's. As the saying goes, you will reap melons if you sow melons, and you will reap beans if you sow beans. This is a family-style blood inheritance! , there are some exceptions, that is, the so-called mutated martial souls. Their martial souls also come from their parents, but because the martial souls of fathers or mothers have a certain variability, new martial arts may be fused. Hun, this kind of martial soul, we call it a mutant martial soul! Some mutant martial souls will be very powerful, and even have innate full soul power, but this is only a minority. Most people's mutant martial souls will only become more powerful. For example, a dragon becomes a pig! A mutated martial soul is like a child born of a marriage between relatives, the probability of appearing idiots and mentally retarded is very high, and of course there may also be wise men far superior to ordinary people."

Hearing the master's detailed explanation, Tang San was already overwhelmed with admiration, he nodded slightly, then took two steps back, and knelt down in front of the master with a plop.

This action of Tang San actually startled the master, the master looked at him with a puzzled face, and asked: "Boy, what are you doing?"

"Master, oh, no, teacher!" Tang San got excited, knelt on the ground, kowtowed and said: "Teacher, please accept me as an apprentice!"

But it was only then that he realized that he didn't expect this kid to be persuaded by him so quickly, and it turned out that he wanted to worship him as a teacher.

So the master laughed, and he was very satisfied. He took a step forward, helped Tang San up, and said, "Silly boy, who told you that you have to kowtow to apprentice? There is gold under the man's knees, unless the person standing in front of you is King or parents, otherwise you will not worship, you just need to bow to me!"


Tang San seemed a little embarrassed when he heard the words, it seemed that he still knew too little about this world, he thought this world was similar to the ancient time he was in before, but this is kneeling, so let's give him a favor, he He said with a serious face: "Of course I know what you said, but you are not an ordinary teacher in my heart, but an existence like a father. As the saying goes, a teacher for a day is a father for life! You are worthy of my kneeling! "

(End of this chapter)

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