Douluo: Nine heavens, dragon and phoenix

Chapter 44 My name is Xiao Wu, the dancer of pole dancing!

Chapter 44 My name is Xiao Wu, the dancer of pole dancing!

Seeing the sudden 180-degree change in the concierge's attitude, Xiao Wu couldn't help being stunned.

She is a little girl in the shape of a soul beast. Although she has a bad temper, she is ignorant of the world. How can she know the way of it?

Although Xiao Wu is a ten-thousand-year soul beast in human form, she has not been in the human world for a long time, so in some respects he is indeed somewhat similar to Tang San, and in Tang Jiu's eyes, he is just a little kid .

"What are you still in a daze for, let's go!"

Tang Jiu touched Xiao Wu's rabbit ears, said with a slight smile.

Only then did Xiao Wu realize that she wasn't angry because Tang Jiu touched its ears, maybe it was because Tang Jiu was so handsome!As the saying goes, the five senses determine the three views.

After entering Notting College, Xiao Wu hurriedly caught up with Tang Jiu, stopped in front of Tang Jiu, with a lovely smile on her face, stretched out her hand and said to Tang Jiu: "Hello, my name is Xiao Wu, a pole dancer. dance!"

"My name is Tang Jiu. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, nine, you just have to call me Brother Nine from now on!"

Although Tang Jiu's actual age is only six or seven years old, his figure looks similar to that of an eleven or twelve-year-old child, a whole head taller than Xiao Wu. The most important thing is that Tang Jiu's limbs are very strong. He looks brave and powerful, and he really looks like an older brother.

The most important thing is the sense of maturity Tang Jiu displayed, which makes people feel very safe, so Xiao Wu who was originally lonely and arrogant at this time even shouted willingly: "Brother Jiu!"

Tang Jiu pinched Xiao Wu's face and smiled: "That's right, it's so cute, let's go, I'll take you to the Academic Affairs Office to register!"

"Aren't you also here for the first time? Why do I feel that you are familiar with this place?"

Xiao Wu looked at Tang Jiu in surprise.

Tang Jiu chuckled, "Because I have a very powerful magical power. I can know the past and predict the future. Not only do I know where the Academic Affairs Office is, I even know the name of the teacher who is responsible for registering us!"

"Hehe! What kind of predicting the future is this? Didn't the registration notice already say to ask Director Su to register?"


Tang Jiu was a little embarrassed, and it seemed that he had to use his big move. He looked at Xiao Wu seriously again, and then said in a low voice: "I can see your past, I can see that you are not human at a glance, and I can also see that you are not human. In the future, you will meet your future husband soon!"


After listening to Tang Jiu's words, how could Xiao Wu remain calm? Obviously, Tang Jiu immediately saw that she was in the form of a soul beast. Usually only people with extremely high cultivation levels can see through her real body, but The young man in front of him doesn't seem to have reached the Douluo level. How did he do it? Could it be that he can really see the past and predict the future?
"Don't worry! I have no malice towards you, stop thinking about it!"

Tang Jiu patted Xiao Wu's head and said softly.


Xiao Wu raised her head slightly, then stared at Tang Jiu again, "You said I will meet my future husband soon? Where is he and what does he look like?"

After all, as a child, Xiao Wu is full of curiosity about everything.

Tang Jiu said as he walked, "He's in this academy. He looks like me!"


Xiao Wu stopped in her tracks and stared at Tang Jiu, "Are you talking about yourself?"

Tang Jiu touched his forehead, made a handsome gesture, and said, "Of course it's not me. I admit that I'm handsome, but I'm not that narcissistic. Besides, I'm not interested in brats."


Xiao Wu still wanted to ask something, but Lao Jiu pointed to the front and said: "Let's go! The people in the Academic Affairs Office will probably get off work in a while, and they will be late, and they will have to wait until the afternoon to sign up."

So Tang Jiu brought Xiao Wu to the Office of Academic Affairs.

When Director Su saw Xiao Wu and Tang Jiu, he raised his head and asked, "Are you also here to sign up?"

Tang Jiu nodded, then pushed Xiao Wu forward, and said, "You guys help my sister register first!"

Director Su glanced at Tang Jiu, then looked at Xiao Wu, and said, "Show me your Martial Soul Awakening Certificate!"

Xiao Wu handed the Martial Soul Awakening Certificate to Director Su. When Director Su saw Xiao Wu's Martial Soul Certificate, he thought his eyes were blurred. Wuhun? It's a pity that Wuhun is just a rabbit! But it should be slightly better than the blue silver grass."

Hearing Director Su's words, Tang Jiu knew that the blue silver grass that Director Su mentioned should be the martial soul of his younger brother Tang San. "It seems that my younger brother has already arrived at the academy."

And Xiao Wu just asked with a puzzled look: "Director, is there something wrong with my Martial Soul Awakening Certificate?"

Director Su smiled slightly, then shook his head: "Well, there's nothing wrong with it, it's just that I think it's a little strange. I didn't expect that even a martial spirit like a rabbit can obtain full innate soul power. It's really rare! The strangest thing is this year's innate The owners of full soul power are all work-students?"

Tang Jiu said with a smile: "The world is so big, there are no surprises, and there is nothing to be surprised about. Besides, it is not a big deal to be full of soul power innately!"


Hearing Tang Jiu's words, the three teachers in the Academic Affairs Office all looked at Tang Jiu with complicated expressions, and one of the young assistants chuckled: "Boy, do you know what it means to be full of soul power innately? The entire continent has There are only a handful of people with full innate soul power, but you actually said that it’s okay to have full innate soul power? Let me see how much your innate soul power is?”

"I'm sorry, I can barely be regarded as an innate full of soul power!"

Tang Jiu smiled faintly, and also took out his Martial Soul certificate, and handed it to the young assistant.

The young assistant thought that Tang Jiu was talking big, so he caught the certificate of awakening the martial soul handed over by Tang Jiu, took a closer look, and immediately opened his mouth: "What? Wuhun!"

The so-called surpassing the innate full soul power means that it is higher than the innate full soul power. The innate full soul power is level 10, and the super innate full soul power means that the soul power has exceeded level 10, and the highest is said to be able to reach 20. class.

Elder Su also stood up suddenly, "How is this possible? Show me your martial soul!"


With Tang Jiu's mind moving, a spirit beast with nine tails and nine pairs of wings appeared behind him. At the same time, a white ten-year spirit ring emerged from Tang Jiu's feet.

"You have obtained the soul ring?"

The three teachers present all seemed to have seen a ghost, because the students they had taught obtained the first soul ring with the help of the teacher, and they were able to rely on themselves, and they obtained the first soul ring before entering school. They have never seen the soul ring students before.

(End of this chapter)

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