Chapter 46
There is only one building in the dormitory, so it is very easy to find. The students and teachers of the academy live in the same building. As Old Jack said, there are very few people who can become soul masters, especially in this country. This is even more so in the bustling city of Nottingham.

The total number of students and teachers in the entire college is not too much, so only one dormitory building is needed to accommodate it.

There are only 7 dormitories for students, that is, 7 dormitories. Because the students of the college are relatively young, in order to better manage uniformly, there is no distinction between men and women, but grades. Each grade lives in a dormitory , the first-grade students live in the first house, the second-grade students live in the second house, and so on, the sixth-grade students live in the sixth house, even the sixth-grade students are only 12 years old That's all, so according to the academy, they are just children, and they don't feel anything wrong!
The most special thing is Qishe. Qishe is not allocated according to grades. There is no such dormitory as Qishe. That dormitory was originally a large classroom, but the reason why this huge classroom is listed separately It was used as a dormitory, the main reason is that all the students living in this dormitory are work-study students!
That's right, all the work-study students live there, and there is no distinction by age or gender. As long as they are work-study students, they all live in Qishe.

Because in the academy, children are also very sensitive to their status, especially those from noble families, they look down on work-study students very much, and often have conflicts, so in order to separate them, Qishe is listed separately as work-study students bedroom.

The lower three floors of the dormitory building are all dormitories for students, and each dormitory is in charge of a teacher.

Qishe is a rather special existence. It was transformed from a huge teacher, so the accommodation conditions are naturally not as good as the previous 6 dormitories, so only work-students will live in it.

After all, the college is not a charity hall, because the work-study students hardly need to pay money, tuition and miscellaneous fees, and dormitory fees, so the conditions are naturally not comparable to other dormitories. To put it bluntly, as long as there is someone who can sleep The place is already very good.

Because the Qishe is not divided by grade, no matter whether it is a first-year freshman or a sixth-grade senior who is about to graduate, as long as they are working-study students, they all live here.

Tang San searched for a long time, and finally found the location of Qishe. Before he reached the door of the dormitory, he heard a loud noise coming from that dormitory. The smell of feet came out, even Tang San couldn't help frowning, he covered his nose and looked into the dormitory.

I saw that it was a very spacious room, about two to three hundred square meters. At first glance, it didn't look like a dormitory at all, but there were quite a few iron beds in it, there should be forty or fifty, but Only some of the beds have bedding, while most of the beds are covered with boards, which are full of dust. It can be seen that no one has slept for a long time.

But at this time, there were eight or nine students in the dormitory who were fighting, completely oblivious to Tang San.

Tang San knocked lightly on the door panel a few times with his hands, those children who were fighting stopped, and then looked at Tang San one after another, those children were all wearing the blue school uniforms of the academy, and standing at this time Tang San at the door, he hadn't had time to change into the school uniform he just got, his whole body was covered with patches, he looked extremely shabby.

Among those people, an older boy came over, his figure was much taller than Tang San, at least two heads taller, he walked up to Tang San, looked down at Tang San, and asked: "Who are you?" Are there any new work-study students in our college this year??"

Tang San smiled slightly, looking benevolent, he said very politely: "Hello, I am a work-study student from Saint Soul Village this year."

"Hello, my name is Wang Sheng, and my martial spirit is a battle tiger! I am the future war spirit master! I am also the leader of this dormitory, boy, what is your name? What is your martial spirit? "

Tang San replied: "My name is Tang San, one two three is three, and my martial spirit is a plant, Blue Silver Grass!"

"What? A blue silver grass?"

Wang Sheng's eyes widened, and he wondered, "Wuhun Lanyincao can also be cultivated?"

This student named Wang Sheng, how could his knowledge be as broad as the master's? In his cognitive range, there is no blue silver grass that can be cultivated, so he put on a look of extreme surprise, and at the same time the students in the dormitory The other students also laughed loudly, they looked at Tang San as if they were looking at an idiot.

But Tang San didn't get angry, still kept smiling, and said calmly: "I want to go in, please let me go?"

"Hmph! Want to go in?"

Wang Sheng snorted coldly!Still stopped Tang San, and his tone became extremely unfriendly: "I said, newcomer, young man, right? I told you just now, I am the boss here, everyone here must obey My management, Qishe is not a place where you can enter or leave whenever you want, do you hear me clearly?"

Hearing Wang Sheng's words, the smile on Tang San's face gradually disappeared, and his voice became a little cold, "My name is Tang San, not some little boy, I ask you to speak with respect!"

In the village, or in the Tang Sect in the previous life, only kind people would call Tang San the mistress, but outsiders had never called him that, and no one dared to call him the mistress directly. This is Hong Guoguo's threat. It seems that Wang Sheng wants to give him a blow.

"Yo huh? Are you unhappy?"

Wang Sheng stepped forward and took a step closer, put one hand on Tang San's shoulder, patted it lightly, then pushed hard, and immediately shouted: "Why, I like to call you little Sanzi, maybe you still don't accept it?" ??"

"Hehe! Why should the poor embarrass the poor?"

Tang San smiled lightly, he shook his head while talking, and then put the box containing the school uniform in his hands on the bed beside him.

Tang San's movements were unhurried, and his expression was also a little weird. Just when Wang Sheng didn't know what kind of medicine was sold in Tang San's gourd, Tang San suddenly disappeared out of thin air.

Because Wang Sheng was relatively close to Tang San, he didn't see Tang San's movements clearly, but the other students saw it clearly. They saw Tang San take a step very quickly, and instantly turned behind Wang Sheng. Seeing that Tang San didn't turn his head back, he raised his right arm suddenly, and slammed his elbow into Wang Sheng's waist, at the same time, one of his legs caught Wang Sheng.

Wang Sheng didn't have time to react, because Tang San was not only fast, but also very effective in attacking. He staggered suddenly and fell out of the door of the dormitory. Wang Sheng's foot was relatively stable, so he didn't fall directly, otherwise he would have to fall A dog can't eat it to death.

(End of this chapter)

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