Douluo: Nine heavens, dragon and phoenix

Chapter 5 Wuhun Temple, the six-pointed star array appeared

Chapter 5 Wuhun Hall, the Hexagram Array Appears Surprisingly
There are a total of 9 people participating in Wuhun Awakening this year, and Tang San and Tang Jiu are the last two to come in.

Blacksmithing is the most humble occupation in Douluo Dalu, so most of the peers in the village look down on the two brothers of the Tang family.

But in the Tang family, the two brothers are both timetravelers with memories of two lives. Although their bodies are still children, their minds have already become uncles, so they can't play with a bunch of little kids at all.

Other children of the same age are still playing with mud, but Tang Jiu and Tang San have already done all the things that adults can do, so for them there is no childhood at all, and naturally there are no childhood playmates. The two brothers are very similar, maybe they are both time travelers, and they both have adult thoughts, so there is no big obstacle in communication. The view is definitely different from Tang Jiu's. Tang Jiu's thoughts are modern people's thoughts, which are very open. Tang San's thoughts are ancient people's thoughts, so they are more conservative. That's why they have two completely different personalities.

In addition to the nine children and old Jack who had just arrived, there was another person outside the Wuhun Temple at this time.

I saw that man, standing with his hands behind his back, aged in his 20s, with sword eyebrows and heart, he looked very handsome, and there was a trace of coldness, he was wearing a strong suit, and then he was wearing a cloak with golden patterns , Exuding the air of nobility.

There is a golden word "hun" on his heart, which is about the size of a fist. This kind of clothing can be called the uniform of the Wuhun Palace, and only the personnel directly under the Wuhun Palace can wear it.

On that person's left chest, there was a badge with a strange pattern carved on it. If you looked carefully, you would be surprised to find that it turned out to be three crossed long swords.

It turns out that this kind of badge is a representative of a soul master. It is shaped like a long sword, which means it is a battle soul master, and there are three long swords, which are the third level title of a soul master, the great soul master.

Old Jack is the hidden soul saint of Saint Soul Village. He naturally knows soul masters very well, so he can tell at a glance that the other party is a great soul master.

However, he didn't want to expose himself, but showed great humility. He bowed his head slightly to the great soul master, and saluted the great soul: "Master of war soul, you have worked hard. I'm counting on you for these children."

Awakening the spirit, only the professional spirit awakening masters in the Hall of Spirits have this ability, not everyone can become a spirit awakening master, otherwise, the old village head Jack probably would have awakened these children by himself.

There was a hint of arrogance between the young man's brows, and he bowed slightly to Old Jack as a return, but the arrogance on his face did not weaken, he just said lightly: "My time is precious, You seem to be late, if you do this again next time, you won’t have to wake up later.”

"No, no, we must pay attention next time. I'm sorry for wasting your time."

Old Jack quickly apologized, the young man was referring to Tang San and Tang Jiu when he was late.

The young man was a little impatient now, "Forget it, stop talking, you have successfully wasted 10 seconds of my time, let's start now!"

"Okay okay."

The old village chief Jack nodded repeatedly, like a chicken pecking at rice, then turned to the children and said, "Children, this is the Master of Battle Soul who will help you awaken your martial spirit this year. You must obey him obediently and fight for it." Able to awaken a martial soul that can be cultivated and become a great soul master!"

At this time, the young man had completely lost his patience and said with a displeased face.

"Okay, okay, you didn't say these few words in any year, but when did martial arts that can be cultivated really appear? I went to several villages in a row, but I didn't meet a single one that could be cultivated. Wuhun, let alone your Holy Soul Village."


Hearing this, Old Jack couldn't help but sighed, "Yes, yes! Martial spirit has a lot to do with blood. Most of the children in our holy soul village are children from ordinary families. How could they be like those nobles and Just like the disciples of the great sects of the big families, they have awakened a powerful martial spirit..."

Old Jack shook his head and sighed, then walked out of the Wuhun Temple.

After seeing Old Jack leave, the young man looked at the nine children in front of him, and his expression softened a lot.

Although it is said that the Martial Soul is greatly affected by the blood and the environment, the facts are not absolute. It is possible for some children who do not have a strong bloodline and no strong background to awaken a powerful Martial Soul. Although the probability is very small, it is not Doesn't mean it's impossible.

Therefore, before awakening the spirit, as the awakening master of the spirit hall, he will not easily offend any child. If a child happens to have a powerful spirit, let alone whether he can coax the other party to join the spirit hall, In case that child holds a grudge and comes to revenge on himself when he grows up, wouldn't that mean throwing a stone at his own foot?

This young man is the inspection deacon of the Wuhun Temple, commonly known as the Wuhun Awakening Master of the Wuhun Palace. It is his job to help children who have reached the age of 6 to awaken their Wuhun, and he has long been used to it.

"Children, come and stand in a row, yes, it's so good!"

Nine children lined up in a row, and Tang Jiu was at the end.

The young man didn't talk about martial arts and said with a smile: "Hello, children, I am the master responsible for helping you awaken your martial soul. My name is Su Yuntao, and I am a level 26 great soul master. You must listen to me." My words, I am your guide, I will awaken your martial soul in a while, and start your cultivation path!"

"By the way, it might be a bit scary when the martial soul is awakened, so no matter what happens in a while, you can't run around and scream, please remember."

Su Yuntao staggered and said, and then he unwrapped his package, and saw that he took out 6 black stones and a blue crystal ball from the package.

With a wave of Su Yuntao's hand, a gust of wind blew by, and the ground of Wuhun Hall became much cleaner in an instant.

Next, he squatted down and carefully placed the 6 stones on the ground. Only then did everyone discover that there was a hexagram array on the ground.

It's just that they haven't mopped the floor for a long time and it's covered in dust, so they didn't notice it at the beginning.

Su Yuntao placed 6 black stones at the 6 corners of the hexagram, and with the slightest sound, the hexagram lighted up slowly, exuding a strange light.

(End of this chapter)

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