Douluo: Nine heavens, dragon and phoenix

Chapter 62 I Buy a Bag for Xiao Wu

Chapter 62 I Buy a Bag for Xiao Wu

Tang San shook his head, said: "No, it's just that I don't want to rely on you brother for everything, I want to learn to be independent."

Tang Jiu hummed, and said, "Your brother has grown up, okay! If that's the case, then I will force you."

Tang San was a very strong person, even if Tang Jiu didn't give him money, he wouldn't starve to death, so Tang Jiu stopped forcing and took the money back into the Qiankun Ring.

"I'm going out to buy some daily necessities, are you going?"

"I won't go, the teacher has given me a quilt, and now I don't need anything."

Tang San said with a blank face.


So Tang Jiu left the Soul Master Academy, while Tang San walked towards his dormitory. He had to digest the knowledge the master taught him just now.

"Soul masters are divided into two categories: combat soul masters and tool soul masters. Under these two categories, there are sub-categories such as food department, investigation department, combat department, auxiliary department, control department, and medical department. The strength of a soul master mainly depends on the rating of the martial soul, the level of soul power, and the effect of the soul ring, and the relationship between these three is a relationship that complements each other and grows with each other..."

This is all the knowledge Tang San has learned about martial spirits from his teacher today. Of course, he knows that this is just a small boat in the ocean of martial arts knowledge, just the tip of the iceberg. If he wants to get more martial spirits Knowledge, then you must continue to learn from the master. The master decided so soon to take him to kill the soul beast to obtain the soul ring, and his brother Tang Jiu was with him. Tang San was very excited when he thought of this.

As long as he can obtain the first spirit ring, he will soon be able to determine the relationship between the Xuantian Kungfu he cultivated in his previous life and the martial spirit in this world.

After returning to the dormitory, Tang San found that no one else was there, probably because they could leave the academy before school started, so everyone went shopping for daily necessities!
Tang San's life was relatively simple. He never brushed his teeth since he was a child, and washed his face with his hands, so he didn't need any daily necessities at all.

And Tang Jiu is a modern time traveler. If he doesn't brush his teeth for two days, he will feel very uncomfortable. This is the living habit brought by his previous life, and this world is very similar to the modern world where Tang Jiu lived in his previous life, so he is in the modern world. The ability to adapt to this world is naturally much stronger than Tang San.

Tang San didn't feel very hungry, but he felt a little tired after a day's exhaustion, so he lay quietly on the bed, began to review the martial arts knowledge the master taught him, and fell asleep unconsciously.

At this time, the Notting City trading market is extremely lively!
Perhaps it was because the school had just started, and the students had all returned to the city, ready to start school, so now the trading market in Notting City is much more lively than usual, and many parents are bringing their children to buy all kinds of things they need for study. thing.

Among the crowd, there is a little girl who is particularly eye-catching. Although she is only six or seven years old, she already has a beautiful face, and her face is full of curiosity about everything.

"What is this? It's so beautiful!"

She stopped in front of a vendor selling candied haws.

"Sister Wu, this is called candied haws."

The people following Xiao Wu were Qishe's students, Wang Sheng and the others.

"Candied haws? Can I eat it?"

Xiao Wu blinked her eyes and asked curiously.

"Of course I can eat it!"

Wang Sheng replied.

As soon as she heard that it was edible, Xiao Wu immediately said: "Okay! Then give me a bunch."

"Well, little girl."

The candied haws vendor took off a bunch of candied haws and handed them to Xiao Wu.

"Well, not bad."

Xiao Wu took a sip, then said with a smile, but soon she seemed to have discovered something novel, so you ran over: "What is that?"

Wang Sheng quickly took out a copper coin, handed it to the candied haws vendor, and chased after him.

"Sister Wu, it's getting late, why don't we go back!"

When he first came to the trading market, Wang Sheng had already spent more than a dozen copper coins on Xiao Wu. If this continued, the little money in his pocket would be drained by Xiao Wu sooner or later, so he urged Xiao Wu to go back.

"go back?"

Xiao Wu curled her lips, shook her head and said, "No, I don't want to go back so early, I haven't visited enough yet!"


At this time, Wang Sheng was about to cry, and now he wanted to slap himself, because at the beginning he was the one who said that he would bring Xiao Wu to the trading market, who knew that this girl would buy whatever she saw, This made him very speechless.

"The first-level space backpack is cheap and sold..."

At this time, Xiao Wu had already set his sights on a backpack, and saw that the backpack was pink, like a cute little rabbit, and that was what Xiao Wu asked just now.

Wang Sheng reminded in a low voice: "Miss Xiaowu, those are space backpacks, we can't afford them."

Xiao Wu continued to ask: "What is a space backpack?"

Wang Shengdao: "Space backpacks are a kind of soul guide that can be used to store items. Although they are not big in size, they can be used to hold many things. Even if they are first-level space backpacks, their internal space It is also as big as one cubic meter, and can accommodate at least ten beddings. It is a treasure for home travel, and with it, you don’t have to carry big and small bags when you go out.”

"Sounds pretty good, how much does it cost to buy?"

Xiao Wu rubbed her chin, feeling a little moved.

Seeing Xiao Wu's expression, sweat dripped from Wang Sheng's face, thinking that this girl must be crazy, right?Thinking about buying a space backpack?

So he quickly said: "Miss Wu, even the most common first-level space backpacks cost 1000 gold coins to buy, the price of the second-level space backpack is 2000 gold coins, the price of the third-level space backpack is 3000 gold coins, and the price of the third-level space backpack is 4000 gold coins. The space backpack you are looking at, although it is the smallest in size, it is the most advanced fourth-level space backpack, with an internal space of four cubic meters, which can almost fit a carriage. The price is in 5000 to [-] gold coins."

"So expensive?"

Hearing Wang Sheng's words, Xiao Wu finally gave up.

Not to mention 5000 gold coins, even 5 gold coins, they can't make up now.

"Little dance!"

At this moment, a young man appeared in the crowd, it was Tang Jiu.

Xiao Wu looked up, a joyful smile appeared on her face, and she shouted, "Ninth Brother!"

Tang Jiu had already noticed that Xiao Wu wanted to buy that fourth-level space backpack, and now he happened to have 5000 gold coins on him, and he didn't need to spend money for the time being, so he planned to buy Xiao Wu that fourth-level space backpack.

"How? Do you like it?"

Tang Jiu came over, patted Xiao Wu on the shoulder, and said, "As long as you like it, brother will buy it for you."


Hearing Tang Jiu's words, Xiao Wu was surprised and delighted, but Wang Sheng and the others had already widened their eyes and looked at Tang Jiu in disbelief. The eyes were no different from seeing a fairy.

(End of this chapter)

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