Douluo: Nine heavens, dragon and phoenix

Chapter 65 Can You Sing Little Star?

Chapter 65 Can You Sing Little Star?
Looking at Xiao Wu's little red face, coupled with her playful voice, and those glowing red eyes, Tang San slowly raised his hand, unable to bear the desire to pinch it.

However, with good concentration, he finally endured it.

Seeing Tang San's action, Xiao Wu said: "What? Could it be that you still want to hit me? I want to tell your brother that you bullied me."

"You can do whatever you want. Xiao Wu, I'm leaving the academy tomorrow, and I don't know when I'll be back, so I'll say hello to you first."

"Oh, you can go wherever you want, none of my business?"

"Uh, you're not the boss of our Qishe, so..."

Tang San was suddenly a little embarrassed, "By the way, that, my brother Tang Jiu is going too."

"Brother Jiu is going too?"

Xiao Wu opened her eyes and asked curiously, "Where are you going?"

Tang San didn't intend to hide it, so he confessed honestly: "My spirit power is already full, if I don't want to find a way to break through the bottleneck, I can't continue to practice, my teacher and my brother plan to take me to get the first suitable spirit ring .”

Xiao Wu is the head of Qishe. As a member of Qishe, she should report her whereabouts to the head of the house. It is definitely not the strict wives that some people say.

Of course this is also related to what happened in the cafeteria today, he is not in the mood to pay attention to Wang Sheng now, of course this can't be blamed on Tang San's stinginess, this may also have something to do with his Tang Sect in his previous life, so he still has a little grudge .

When everyone heard that Tang San was going to obtain his own spirit ring, everyone showed envious expressions, of course most of them were jealous, if a person was much stronger than himself, then they would only feel admiration, such as Tang Jiu, in their minds, Tang Jiu is simply a god-like existence, beyond reach, and can only be worshipped.

And Tang San's current spirit power is level 10, Wang Sheng's spirit power is level 9, no more, no less, just one level more than him, this may be the weakness of human nature, when the opponent is only a little bit stronger than himself, Then it will arouse jealousy.For a soul master, there is nothing more important than advancement.

Although there is only one level of difference between a soul warrior with a soul power of level 10 and a soul master with a soul power of level 11, no matter in terms of strength or status, there is a world of difference. It became more and more obvious later.

Xiao Wu, on the other hand, seemed very calm and unmoved, as if whether Tang San advanced or not had nothing to do with her. It was just that he was a little moved when he heard that Tang Jiu was going. When she heard that Tang San and the others were going to kill spirit beasts and obtain spirit rings, her face immediately became a little sad, "Is the spirit ring really that important?"

Before Tang San could speak, the work-students around him immediately exploded, and the atmosphere became weird in an instant, and they looked at Xiao Wu as if they were monsters.How important a soul ring is, anyone who cultivates will know, without a soul ring, one cannot advance, and without a soul ring, one cannot continue to practice, it is simply too important, to paraphrase a word, that is to love a soul ring more than a woman.

"Go, go! But after you're gone, what about the work of the work-students? Do you want me to do it alone?" Xiao Wu looked at Tang San angrily, her eyes seemed to turn redder, As if to breathe fire.

Tang San was a little helpless now, Xiao Wu was still playful and smiling just now, but she didn't expect to be angry in a blink of an eye, women really turned their faces faster than turning a book!

"Okay, how about this, how about you work hard for these two days first, and when I come back, you don't have to do both of our work from now on, I will do it all by myself, and you will still be paid half of the wages, how about it?"

In fact, it doesn't take much effort to sweep the floor, it's just a waste of time, but Xiao Wu is a girl, so he also wants to take this opportunity to show courtesy.

Hearing Tang San's words, a smile appeared on Xiao Wu's face, "It's not too bad, so let's settle it like this. Come on, this is the cake your brother asked me to bring back for you, eat it quickly Bar."

Xiao Wu took out a piece of cake from the space backpack behind her and handed it to Tang San.

Looking at that piece of cake, Tang San was moved in his heart, "It turns out that my brother has not forgotten me..."

After eating the cake, he found that the other work-study students had already sat cross-legged on the bed and began to cultivate their soul power.

Compared with other students, work-study students practice harder, their aptitude is average, and they don't have much cultivation resources, so practicing hard is their only way out.

Through careful observation, Tang San was surprised to find that the way Wang Sheng and the others meditated was similar to his own method of practicing Xuantian Kungfu. Their eyes were slightly closed, and there was a faint wave of soul power on their bodies, just I don't know how their specific cultivation is carried out.

In fact, this is the most basic way to improve your soul power, that is, to improve your cultivation through meditation, but this method is very slow. If you want to quickly increase your soul power, you must refine crystal cores or soul coins. However, That is not something the poor can aspire to.

Only Xiao Wu is a restless person. She sat by the bed and didn't practice. She muttered and howled, "Oh, I'm almost bored to death. Brother Nine is already asleep. Tang San, how about you Come with me for a walk."

If it was changed before, Tang San would definitely not agree, because he still needs to practice Xuantian Kungfu, and his internal strength has already reached the bottleneck, even if he continues to practice Xuantian Kungfu, it will be useless.And Ziji Motong also needed to practice in the morning, but in the end he couldn't bear Xiao Wu's urging, and the two left the dormitory together.

It was early autumn at this time, and the weather was the most comfortable now. The evening wind was not pleasant for a while, but it didn't bring a trace of chill. Soon the sky completely darkened, the moon and stars were sparse, and crows flew south.

"Xiao San, look at the moon tonight is so beautiful!"

Xiao Wu is still a child, innocent and lively is her nature.

Xiao Wu called Tang San Xiaosan, not Xiaosanzi, and she was a beautiful and lovely little girl, so Tang San didn't feel insulted, of course he felt very kind.

"Xiao Wu, can you sing Little Xing Xing?"

"little stars?"

Xiao Wu looked at Tang San blankly, shook her head, "You can sing?"

Tang San hummed, "Yes, my brother taught me, can I sing it to you?"



"Although I haven't heard of it, I know that you must have run away!"

Tang San is an ancient time traveler, plus he didn't have the talent to sing, so Xiao Wu endured listening to a few words, and then said.


Tang San became a little embarrassed again, "Well, you called me out, wouldn't it be just to look at the stars and the moon?"

(End of this chapter)

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