Douluo: Nine heavens, dragon and phoenix

Chapter 9 Innately full of soul power trash

Chapter 9 Innately full of soul power trash
"Your brother?"

Su Yuntao looked at Tang Jiu suspiciously.

"It's the boy who just awakened the Silver Grass Wuhun."

Tang Jiu pointed to Tang San and said.

Su Yuntao frowned, "What he awakened was just a very, very common blue silver grass martial soul, so there is no need to test the soul power?"

Tang Jiu chuckled, "He is my twin brother. We have the same blood in our bodies. I can awaken such a powerful martial spirit. Maybe his blue silver grass is different from other people's blue silver grass?"

"This one……"

After hearing Tang Jiu's words, Su Yuntao suddenly felt that there seemed to be some truth.

So he nodded slightly: "Well, anyway, it won't waste much time to test it."

Tang Jiu came out and said to Tang San: "Go!"

"elder brother……"

Tang San was a little moved. He used to be an orphan, and the brothers around him were far away from him, and he hardly realized what brotherhood is. But when he came to this world, with Tang Jiu, his twin brother, he felt Strong brotherhood.

"Don't be nervous, go in!"

Tang Jiu patted Tang San on the shoulder and encouraged him.


Tang San nodded, then walked into the hexagram formation.

Su Yuntao waved again, and the blue crystal ball floated above Tang San's head.

Tang San stretched out his right hand timidly, and held the blue crystal ball, the blue crystal ball slowly lit up, Tang San felt the true qi in his body surge, and the strands of true qi were captured by the crystal ball. Sucked in.

Soon there was liquid shaking in the crystal ball.

"It really has soul power?"

Seeing this scene, Su Yuntao opened his eyes and looked at Tang San in surprise.

I saw that the plane of the liquid in the crystal ball was still rising.

From the scale 1 to the position of the scale 5 very quickly, and there is no intention to stop.

"How is this possible?"

Su Yuntao's mouth opened wider and wider, and his eyes became wider and wider.

Because this completely exceeded his cognition, he had never heard of the innate soul power of the Blue Silver Grass Wuhun that could reach the first level of soul power.

However, the plane in the crystal ball is still climbing up, and it will soon reach scale 6, scale 7, scale 8, scale 9...

Blue light enveloped the entire Wuhun Hall, and a soft breath radiated.

Finally, the entire crystal ball is filled with liquid, and the position of the scale 10 is just filled.

Seeing this scene, Su Yuntao was completely dumbfounded.

"Blue Silver Grass, innately full of soul power, how is this possible?"

Su Yuntao seemed to have seen a ghost, a cyan light erupted from his body, and then flicked Tang San's hand away. At this moment, the way he looked at Tang San also changed, as if he was looking at a monster.

Tang San felt a little numb in his palm, and quickly took it back, with a puzzled look on his face, he asked: "Master, what is the innate full soul power?"

The impatience on Master Su Yuntao's face was gone, and he explained carefully.

"A necessary condition for becoming a soul master when awakening a martial soul. The strength of a soul master is greatly affected by the shape of the martial soul and the innate soul power. The shape of the martial soul determines the strength of the martial soul, and the level of innate soul power determines The speed at which the soul power increases, whether a person can become a soul master, has a crucial relationship with the innate soul power, no matter how powerful the martial soul is, if there is no innate soul power, that is to say, the innate soul power is 0 level, it is impossible to become a soul master. For example, the children who were awakened before, their innate soul power is 0 level, so they cannot cultivate. Another example is your brother, his martial soul form is very powerful , but if he does not have innate soul power, then he will not be able to cultivate soul power, and will never be able to become a soul master. Although the form of Wuhun is weaker, even if he has a little innate soul power, he can slowly improve it through meditation Soul power, there is hope to become a soul master in the end. The stronger the form, the stronger the power of the martial soul. The higher the level of innate soul power, the faster the speed of the acquired soul power will be. Your blue silver grass Although the form of the martial soul is just an ordinary plant martial soul, your innate soul power has reached the highest level, level 10!"

"Level 10 means innate full soul power?"

Tang San didn't expect his innate spirit power to be level 10, he only knew that the crystal ball just now sucked all the true energy in his body into it.

"Is the true energy in my body the soul power of this world?"

Tang San thought to himself.

Master Su Yuntao still took the trouble to explain: "Yes, if the innate soul power is level 10, it means the innate full soul! The soul power level of our martial soul is like this, every 10th level is a title, after the martial soul awakens successfully, If the soul power can reach level 10 or above, then it is called a soul warrior. Those with innate soul power of level 10 are called first-level soul warriors. He is a real soul master. I have participated in the awakening work for so many years, and I have never met a person whose innate soul power has reached level 10. You are the first one. The innate soul power of the lone wolf martial soul I awakened was only level two That's all!"

"Is level 10 the highest innate soul power? Can't it be higher than level 10?"

Now Tang San finally found someone who understands martial arts, so he wanted to take the opportunity to make up for it quickly.

Su Yuntao nodded, "Yes, the highest level is only 10. It is not easy to improve the soul power, because it is actually the peak of the soul warrior, which is the bottleneck period. At this time, no matter how much you practice, it is useless. Meditation also cannot break through the bottleneck. You need to kill a soul beast and absorb the soul ring on his body to break through the bottleneck, and then enter the next title to continue to practice and improve the soul power. If you can't get the soul ring, you can't break through the bottleneck. Then you will always be stuck at the pinnacle of that title."

"Soul ring, are those two halos on your body? Just now you said that your soul power is level 26, that is to say, when your soul power reached level 10, you absorbed a soul ring and broke through the bottleneck of level ten. Enter level 11. Then you continue to practice, and your soul power is raised from level 11 to level 20. When your soul power reaches level 20, level 20 is the peak of a soul master, so you absorb another soul ring to break through the bottleneck of level 20 , Only when you enter level 21 can you continue to practice and reach level 26, you have broken through the bottleneck twice and absorbed two soul rings, so you have two soul rings, right?"


Su Yuntao continued: "When my soul power reaches level 30, then my soul power will enter a bottleneck again. When I absorb another soul ring, then I can enter the next title. Your situation is quite special, sir. Some people slowly upgrade their soul power from level one or level two to level 10, and then break through the bottleneck in absorbing the soul ring. But if you directly awaken your martial soul, the bottleneck period of level 10 soul power is saved. It took quite a while, but it's a pity that your martial soul is just an ordinary blue silver grass, even if your martial soul is a rake, you can still become a powerful soul master, alas, what a trick of fate, I also Very helpless!"

(End of this chapter)

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