The evil spirit of online games

Chapter 168: A Little Beauty in Qingtan

Chapter 168: A Little Beauty in Qingtan (4)
"Then I can only look forward to that day!"

"There will be such a day!"

The Indian Mahatma waved at Lu Xun. Lu Xun knew that this guy's work in Suez City had been completed and he was about to leave.But he didn't have any reluctance in his heart. Although the Indian Mahatma fit his taste and was a good collaborator, his political ambitions were too heavy and his thinking was too far-reaching. This was not what Lu Xun was willing to bear or expected to see. .

For Lu Xun, even "Man of the World", which drives a huge economy and can even affect the political situation, is nothing more than a game after all.For him, it is enough for him to enjoy the beautiful women in the game, linger with the woman he loves, enjoy the pleasure of abusing others, and satisfy the heroic plot.

What politics, what race, what conspiracy, go to hell!

Lu Xun stood up and shouted into the distance, "This shit is just a game!"

After yelling, Lu Xun felt much more relaxed. At this moment, the system's communication began to flicker.

Lu Xun opened it and saw that the miner MM Luoshen Yunyan couldn't bear it, and started to urge Lu Xun to do the task together... He replied casually: "Today is out of time, we will meet tomorrow in the tribe!"

The tribe that lost the Ye Mingzhu happened to be in a mountain range between Suez City and Western Region City. Lu Xun took advantage of the time left today and rushed all the way.

When we arrived at the mountain range, the sky in the game was already very dark, and the entire mountain range was winding in the night, like the throat of a tiger, very frightening.However, Lu Xunyi is bold, and he is familiar with the game and knows that there are basically no monsters nearby, so he went up the mountain at night, so as not to make Luoshen Yunyan wait tomorrow.

There was a rustling sound of wind blowing in the forest, and Lu Xun saw the lights of the mysterious tribe on the mountainside from afar.

The crisp sound of rushing water made him feel happy.

The mountain spring water in the game is very clear and refreshing. Lu Xun has been busy upgrading, killing people, and doing tasks these days, without a moment's rest. At this time, he suddenly felt tired and just wanted to sit quietly and wait for the offline.

"The moon is like snow, dreaming for thousands of years..." Qingyue's melodious voice suddenly came from the bottom of this small mountain spring, Lu Xun couldn't help but feel a little strange, because there is no leveling point nearby, and it is dark now, there is no scenery to watch. It is said that it is inaccessible, how can anyone still have the mood to sing here?

When curiosity arose, Lu Xun couldn't stop himself.

Walking a few steps down the mountain along the spring water in the direction of the song, the sound of rushing water became more and more urgent. Lu Xun saw that the mountain spring had turned into a waterfall and flew directly to the pool under the rock.

And that singing voice came out from the pond water.

Lu Xun carefully poked his head over to look, but he held his breath and stared intently.

So beautiful!The character is really great!
(End of this chapter)

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