The evil spirit of online games

Chapter 868: Cunning Tactics of Weary Army

Chapter 868: Cunning Tactics of Weary Army (3)
Feiyan was also very happy about her husband's satisfied smile, and she also found that after this, Lu Xun's attachment to her was deeper, which made her happier, and the little depression that was forced just now disappeared.

Lu Xun hugged Feiyan for a while, then looked at the time, and said, "It's time to make a move..."

The two walked out together, and at this time a new round of drums sounded again. Lu Xun felt very proud when he saw that no one came out of the rebel camp in Luoyang City down the mountain. No matter how intelligent an NPC is, how can it compare to my own real human brain? The classic tactics of thousands of years ago, it's really cool to get it here and use it!

Feiyan is also smart, and at this time she also saw the effect of Lu Xun's harassment by beating the drum, and happily took Lu Xun's hand like a little girl and said, "Husband, you are really cunning!"

"Soldiers never tire of cheating!" Lu Xun laughed loudly, then raised the Blade of Destiny in his hand towards the soldiers of the Hongshan tribe behind him, and said loudly: "The archers are ready to shoot arrows to cover, the knights charge, and the swordsmen press on!"

"Brothers, the time has come to create the glory of your tribe!"

As Lu Xun's voice fell, all the warriors of the Hongshan Tribe shouted loudly, "Come on—"

The rebels in Luoyang City were tossed all night by the sound of drums from Hongshan, and this was the most exhausting moment.Hearing the drumbeat again, most of them were completely unresponsive.

"The drums are ringing again!" Some soldiers still woke up from their dreams and sat up.The soldier next to him yelled, "Why are you arguing, they won't attack anyway!"

An arrow whizzed in from outside the tent, and the Luoyang city rebel soldier who woke up from his dream and sat up watched helplessly as the arrow shot into his chest.Enduring the pain, he screamed, "Killed——"

Countless screams like this began to sound, but before the Luoyang City rebels even responded, they were already beheaded by the soldiers of the Hongshan tribe who attacked.The cavalry rushed in first, and the camp was breached in an instant. Many rebel fighters in Luoyang City were trampled to death and stabbed to death while they were asleep, while those who woke up were followed by swordsmen before they could make any moves. kill.

The entire Luoyang City rebel camp was on fire, and everyone was running and shouting, but there was no resistance at all.

Lu Xun watched all this with squinted eyes and a smile. Feiyan beside him admired him a long time ago. She stared at this guy with big eyes, thinking sweetly in her heart how he is so smart.

If Lu Xun knew that Feiyan was thinking about this, he would definitely be more proud, but what he is thinking about now is how to rescue Cai Yan.

He casually grabbed a Luoyang City rebel who was about to flee, held the blade of fate against his neck, and asked:

"Where are the people you robbed from Luoyang City held?"

The soldier was so frightened that he couldn't hear what Lu Xun asked. He just knelt on the ground and begged for mercy: "Don't kill me! Don't kill me! I'll say anything!"

(End of this chapter)

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