The Prosperity of Xuanyuan in the Peerless Tangmen

Chapter 14 0014 Ice Emperor One Finger

Chapter 14 0014 Ice Emperor One Finger

Xuanyuan Zixuan: "Let's go, go back to practice and prepare for tomorrow's training."

Wang Dong said: "Don't worry about it. You have to go back to practice again. If the string is too tight, it will break. If you want to relax, you have to relax, relax. Let's go, let's go to the Sea God Lake and relax."

"Okay." Xuanyuan Zixuan agreed after thinking about what Wang Dong said was correct.He hadn't been to Poseidon Lake for three months after enrolling, and it was only a year before the Freshman Competition, so it was good to go for a walk.

The two bypassed the freshmen teaching building, walked eastward along the south side of Shrek Square, and arrived at the lakeside path in a short while.

Passing through the woods next to the path, the sparkling Poseidon Lake was presented in front of their eyes.

A soft mist mixed with fresh air blows towards our face. Although Poseidon Lake is only a man-made lake, the lake water is extremely clear. The azure blue water is pure, deep blue, and gentle and elegant, like a blue brocade. On the surface of the lake, there is a layer of slight ripples, like the watery autumn waves of a little girl.It reflects the reflection of the blue sky and white clouds and the shady green trees by the lake.

"It's so beautiful!" Wang Dong couldn't help taking a deep breath, and stretched his body vigorously.

"Huh?" Just as Xuanyuan Zixuan was thinking about how to increase the reputation of the Tang Sect, suddenly, he seemed to see a red dot appearing in the mist of the lake.

"What's wrong?" Wang Dong asked suspiciously.

Xuanyuan Zixuan pointed to the direction he saw, "Look, is there a red dot over there?"

Wang Dong looked in the direction of Xuanyuan Zixuan's finger, but only saw a mist of water, "Where is it?" He just questioned Xuanyuan Zixuan's words, but his eyes widened the next moment, and he saw it too, what is red? At that point, it was clearly a red figure running on the water at an astonishing speed, and it looked like it was rushing in their direction.

Xuanyuan Zixuan and Wang Dong looked at each other, and exclaimed at the same time: "Sister of the inner courtyard?"

The speed of the red figure is really astonishing. In just such a short time, he has already rushed to the middle of the lake. Every time his toes move on the lake, there will be ripples, but he just uses the slight buoyancy to keep moving. Accelerate, drifting forward like a group of red clouds.

As they got closer, Xuanyuan Zixuan could see more clearly. Not only was the red clothes on his body red, but even his hair was blood red. He was slender, but his whole body exuded a fierce and fierce power, like a Like a terrifying soul beast.He wore a mask that was also red on his face, and even his eyes were blood red.

The air around her body twisted slightly, and there were even patches of water mist rippling under her feet wherever she passed.

"This senior looks very strong! Look, he can run on the lake without releasing his martial soul." Wang Dong analyzed it to Xuanyuan Zixuan with an excited face.

Xuanyuan Zixuan "Wang Dong, why do I feel something is wrong!"

So he called Tianmeng in his heart: "Brother Tianmeng, can I beat her?"

Tianmeng: "With your current strength, you can only be crushed! Don't worry, I'm here!"

Xuanyuan Zixuan also relaxed a little after hearing Tianmeng's words.

Before that senior sister got close to Xuanyuan Zixuan and Wang Dong, she felt a violent and scorching power on her body. It would be fine if she hit her.So Xuanyuan Zixuan shouted directly in his heart: "Brother Tianmeng, you still don't make a move? If you consume it, I, the Ice Emperor and you will all be finished!"

The Bingdi looked at Tianmeng who was about to make a move: "Forget it, that girl looks like she is from the fire department, let me do it!"

Not long after the Bingdi finished speaking, the color of his eyes suddenly changed.The sparkling dark blue eyes turned white in an instant, as white as the eternal black ice.

An extremely cold air suddenly spread from Xuanyuan Zixuan's body.Unexpectedly forcibly dispelling all the scorching heat in front of him, the fiery red figure also let out a muffled grunt, and his body rolled backwards and fell.

Wang Dong on the side noticed that when Xuanyuan Zixuan performed the move just now, the soul ring rising from his feet was red!That's at least 10 years old!

With Xuanyuan Zixuan's body as the center, within a diameter of [-] meters, it instantly turned into a world of ice and snow.Even the Sea God Lake in front of him was frozen.

The red figure seemed to be trembling violently. In the air, the terrifying coercion continued to condense. Xuanyuan Zixuan slowly raised his right arm. His right index finger had turned into ice blue at some point, and his eyes were white. shine.The gloomy voice sounded directly in the air.

"Damn human, dare to touch the person I choose, dare to disturb my sleep. Go to hell."

Pointing forward with the index finger, suddenly, an icy blue light flashed and disappeared in the air, heading straight for the red figure.

The temperature around the body of the red figure dropped sharply under the effect of the extreme chill emitted by Xuanyuan Zixuan, perhaps because he sensed the approaching crisis.She twisted her body violently, and then, a loud and clear phoenix cry suddenly sounded.

From behind her, a huge fire phoenix floated up, two yellow, two purple, two black, and six soul rings also rose up.Soul Emperor level powerhouse!
Among the six soul rings, the second, third, and sixth, three soul rings flashed at the same time.The flame behind him instantly turned dark red.A finger-like fiery thread spewed out from the mouth of the fire phoenix, and collided with the ice-blue light emitted by Xuanyuan Zixuan's right index finger.

"Chichi—" a series of strange voices sounded.The line of fire collapsed in an instant, and the huge fire phoenix rushed forward, blocking the front of the red figure with its huge body.

Amidst the violent roar, the fiery red figure rolled back, its whole body was covered with a layer of ice blue, and fell directly into the distant Sea God Lake.

Xuanyuan Zixuan patted Wang Dong who had already stayed there, and said, "Let's go! Do you still want to stay in this place? Anyway, I can't stay any longer!"

Wang Dong was stunned for a while, and said, "Was that person just now you? I feel that my temperament is different!"

Xuanyuan Zixuan hesitated for a moment: "Wang Dong, I'm sorry, I can't tell you this yet."

Wang Dong: "Oh, it's okay! Who doesn't have a little secret! Let's go, we'll stay in the dormitory to be safe!" Afterwards, he complained again, "Really, didn't we just go out for a walk, and almost got caught People have been attacked!"

Xuanyuan Zixuan: "Want to go back now? Then I don't want to! Let's go, I just contacted Xiaoxiao, let's go to the fighting spirit area to watch the game and gain combat experience!"

Wang Dong had no choice but to be dragged by Xuanyuan Zixuan to meet Xiaoxiao.

When they were meeting and going to the direction of the fighting spirit area, they ran into acquaintances.

Xuanyuan Zixuan: "I didn't expect you to be students of the academy!"


"Hey, don't be too polite! Senior Beibei, senior sister Tang Ya." Xuanyuan Zixuan stopped the two "acquaintances" who wanted to salute.

"Who is this?" Tang Ya asked Xiaoxiao who was beside Xuanyuan Zixuan.

Xuanyuan Zixuan: "Oh, I forgot to introduce. This is my classmate and friend, and another teammate in this freshman contest——Xiaoxiao. Xiaoxiao, they are Tang Ya and Bei Bei, and they are ours. Senior sister senior."

Xiaoxiao: "Hello."

Tang Ya/Bei Bei: "Hello."

Xuanyuan Zixuan: "Senior Beibei, who is this next to you?"

Beibei: "You should just call me Beibei." After all, Xuanyuan Zixuan is the current head of the Tang Sect, so asking Xuanyuan Zixuan to call him senior puts him under pressure.

Xuanyuan Zixuan was not a hypocritical person either, and said: "Okay, then you can just call me Zixuan. Don't be embarrassed."

Beibei: "Well, this is my friend and my opponent who is going to compete with me in the soul fighting area this time—Xu Sanshi. Xu Sanshi, this is..."

Seeing Beibei's difficulty, Xuanyuan Zixuan said: "It's okay, Beibei, let me tell myself. I am the current head of the Tang Sect and the young head of the Xuanyuan Sect—Xuanyuan Zixuan! As for the person next to me is my classmate And a friend——Wang Dong. You should know the other one too."

Xu Sanshi: "Why did you join two sects at the same time? Isn't that not allowed?"

Xuanyuan Zixuan: "Hmph! You think I'm willing! If it wasn't for someone's entrustment, my other companion and I wouldn't have come here! As a result, I haven't seen either of them yet."

Wang Dong on the side heard Xuanyuan Zixuan's words and could only say in his heart: "Fool!"

Xu Sanshi: "Then who is that person?"

Beibei: "Do other people's affairs have anything to do with you? Hurry up and go to the soul fighting area, there is no one there right now!"

Saying that, Beibei directly dragged Xu Sanshi to the soul fighting area!
What will happen to the match between Beibei and Xu Sanshi? What will the upcoming six-month training be like? Stay tuned...

(End of this chapter)

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