Chapter 21 0021 Soul Power Fusion
"Dinglingling~" At the same time Xuanyuan Zixuan and Wang Dong just arrived in the classroom


"Come in." Zhou Yi glanced at Xuanyuan Zixuan and Wang Dong, and continued: "In this round-robin competition for freshman assessment, a total of six groups of students won all the results. There is only one group in our class. Originally, I I wanted to give them some class rewards, but unfortunately, they were late for class today. Therefore, the merits and demerits are balanced, and there is no reward or punishment."

Xuanyuan Zixuan and Wang Dong became the focus of the class, they were so depressed!What was finally obtained is now gone.They looked at each other.It doesn't matter if they look at each other, Xuanyuan Zixuan and Wang Dong are both stunned.

Because when they looked at each other, they could clearly feel that their own soul power had quietly fluctuated, and an indescribable sense of intimacy emerged spontaneously, and even led to a feeling of wanting to hug each other again.

At this moment, they all remembered at the same time, the reason why they embraced yesterday and then slept together on Wang Dong's bed.

Wang Dong whispered: "We can't be successful, can we?"

The answer in Xuanyuan Zixuan's heart was much more certain than his, after all, there was a communication between Tianmeng Bingcan and Ice Emperor!But naturally he couldn't be too sure, but his eyes still couldn't help showing eagerness.

"Maybe. Try it after class. But the chances of success are very high."


The two nodded to each other almost at the same time, an indescribable sense of tacit understanding emerged spontaneously, as if they could sense what the other was going to do next.It's like the mutual induction between twins.This feeling is both wonderful and special.


A loud noise awakened Xuanyuan Zixuan and Wang Dong, who felt the strange feeling of tacit understanding with each other.The two looked up at the same time, just in time to see Zhou Yi with an angry face.

Uh... I got caught for deserting class.Now Zhou Yi will let them know why the flowers are so red!

"You two go out and run laps for me, put on iron clothes, and you are not allowed to stop until the bell rings after class. You will be complacent as soon as you get a little grade."


Xuanyuan Zixuan and Wang Dong groaned in their hearts at the same time, but they also knew that as long as it was decided by this teacher Zhou, they would never change it.In desperation, he had no choice but to walk out of the classroom with a bitter face.Go back to the dormitory to get an iron suit.

Seeing the two of them going out dejectedly, Zhou Yi snorted and said, "Remember, no matter how much you have achieved, you must have a modest and prudent heart. Arrogance will not only make people regress, but also It will kill you. Tomorrow, the knockout round will start, and I will give you a brief introduction to what you should pay attention to in the knockout round."

Xuanyuan Zixuan and Wang Dong were destined not to hear what Zhou Yi said, but luckily they still had Xiao Xiao around, although Zhou Yi didn't say anything, Xiao Xiao wanted to convey the meaning to them.

"It's all your fault." As soon as he left the teaching building, Wang Dong had a fit, and shouted at Xuanyuan Zixuan angrily.

Xuanyuan Zixuan said with a look of grievance: "How can you blame me? You said you wanted to try it yesterday."

"What did you say?" Wang Dong looked coldly at Xuanyuan Zixuan with gritted teeth.

"Uh...we are a team, we must be united." Xuanyuan Zixuan said solemnly looking at Wang Dong's clenched fist.

"Unity ass, you caused me to be punished, what should you do?" Wang Dong said angrily, "Also, what should you do if you slept in my bed last night?"

Xuanyuan Zixuan raised his hand and patted him on the shoulder, put his arms around his neck, and said, "Okay, we are all brothers, so it's interesting to care about such a small matter? Let's hurry up and finish Teacher Zhou's task, so as not to waste money." She continued to rage."

With Xuanyuan Zixuan's embrace, Wang Dong was stunned for a moment, and Xuanyuan Zixuan's voice became smaller and smaller.When he finished that sentence, both of them stopped, Xuanyuan Zixuan subconsciously looked at his hand, and Wang Dong did the same.

"How could this be?" the two said in unison.

Yes, a very strange thing happened to them.When Xuanyuan Zixuan put his arms around Wang Dong's neck, it was as if the bodies of the two were connected to each other. Xuanyuan Zixuan's soul power naturally flowed into Wang Dong's body, and Wang Dong's soul power slowed down. It flowed back slowly.It seems that they have become a whole.Although it was only done between Wang Dong's neck and Xuanyuan Zixuan's arm, the feeling was very clear.

"No, try again."

Xuanyuan Zixuan withdrew his arms around Wang Dong, and grabbed Wang Dong's hands with both hands.

Wang Dong's hand was surprisingly soft, and very smooth and fair, making it very comfortable to hold.But at this time, he didn't care about the experience.

The moment the two held hands together, the soul power in Xuanyuan Zixuan's body moved first, flowing from his right hand into Wang Dong's left hand quickly, and then his left hand seemed to have another suction force, sucking Wang Dong's soul force into his body.The soul power between the two quickly circulated, at least twice as fast as Xuanyuan Zixuan's previous training.

Wang Dong himself was a genius among geniuses, and immediately realized something, "Try to control it and inject it into your body." While speaking, he pulled out the left hand held by Xuanyuan Zixuan.In this way, only his soul power injected into Xuanyuan Zixuan's body.

Immediately, Xuanyuan Zixuan only felt that his soul power was increasing at an astonishing speed, and an unprecedented sense of power filled his whole body.

There was already a tacit understanding between the two of them, and Xuanyuan Zixuan immediately unleashed his own spiritual detection and sharing to envelop Wang Dong.

The two looked at each other dumbfounded, and Wang Dong's voice trembled a little, "Zixuan, have you ever heard that two soul masters who can perform martial soul fusion skills can infuse each other's soul power for temporary use?"

Xuanyuan Zixuan shook his head blankly, and murmured: "How could this happen? Could it be that our attempt yesterday was really successful?"

Wang Dong said eagerly: "How about we find a place to try?"

At this moment, a roar sounded from the window of the teaching building not far away, "Don't you two quickly put on iron clothes and run, and hold hands and fall in love there?"

"Ah~! Yes! Go right away!" The reactions of the two were almost in sync!

Since they had already gotten used to running in iron suits, Xuanyuan Zixuan and the others didn't feel so uncomfortable when they ran to get out of class after class except that they were sweating a lot.

At this moment, Wang Dong who saw Xiaoxiao approaching immediately asked, "What did Teacher Zhou say?"

Xiao Xiao shrugged his shoulders, and said: "Actually, it's nothing, it's just to cheer everyone up, to pass on the aura of some of us who block people from killing people, and gods block killing gods, and then analyze the opponent's situation.

Besides, our group has a son of a god king!Still afraid?"

Xuanyuan Zixuan smiled wryly: "Oh, I think you are mocking me! Didn't you just lie to you?"

Xiaoxiao: "But I'm even more curious about why you are on Douluo Dalu!"

Xuanyuan Zixuan: "Anyway, my identity has been exposed, so it's okay to tell you. I came to Douluo Continent from the God Realm because of a mission."

Xiaoxiao: "Oh? Mission? Can you stop talking halfway!"

"Hey, support two sects from ten thousand years ago! One is the sect created by my father--Xuanyuanmen, and the other is the sect created by Thousand-Handed Douluo--Tang San--Tangmen!
By the way, we have to go beforehand. "

After bidding farewell to Xiaoxiao, Xuanyuan Zixuan and Wang Dong went back to the dormitory.

Back in the dormitory, Xuanyuan Zixuan locked the door so that no one would come in and disturb them while they were practicing, and at the same time hung up a do not disturb sign outside the door.There is this sign in every dormitory, as long as you put it on, even the teacher will never knock on the door to disturb you easily, because this sign means that the students inside are practicing.If you are disturbed during your practice, you may go crazy!The consequences could be disastrous!

However, Xuanyuan Zixuan's normal behavior in the past made him slightly embarrassed in Wang Dong's eyes. However, he quickly adjusted, and when Xuanyuan Zixuan turned around, his expression also returned to normal.

"How do we start?" Wang Dong asked Xuanyuan Zixuan.

Xuanyuan Zixuan said: "Let's try to work together for a period of time first, so that our soul powers can be fused with each other better and become more familiar. Then we can try to use the fused soul power to amplify each of our soul powers." Soul skills. Let's go outside the academy to try out the spirit fusion skills in the evening."

Wang Dong curled his lips and said, "You are quite organized."

Xuanyuan Zixuan smiled and said: "That's right, don't forget, I'm the monitor. Isn't being organized a must-have ability for a monitor? Come on." While talking, he was about to sit on Wang Dong's bed.

"What are you doing?" Wang Dong pushed his body.

Xuanyuan Zixuan: "Cultivation! How can we practice if we don't sit cross-legged?"

"Okay, come on then."


What will Xuanyuan Zixuan and Wang Dong's martial soul fusion skills be? Stay tuned...

 I have something to do recently, these chapters may be a bit watery, those who have read it, stick to it!It can be improved tomorrow

(End of this chapter)

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