The Prosperity of Xuanyuan in the Peerless Tangmen

Chapter 3 0003 Separated After Birthday

Chapter 3 0003 Separated After Birthday

God Realm Tang San Mansion
Tang San: "Brother came to see me today, what's the matter?"

Xuanyuan hesitated for a moment, and said, "I came here just to tell you that our plan has to be postponed."

Sending the God Realm back to the Lower Realm requires two masters of God King and above to work together to ensure the safe completion of the task.

Hearing Xuanyuan's words, Tang San thought that something happened to Zixuan, so he wanted to delay the time, and hurriedly asked: "Is something wrong with Zixuan?"

Xuanyuan couldn't help feeling a little moved, and said: "No, it's just that I didn't resist my wife's tricks and promised her to send Zixuan to the lower world after his third birthday."

Tang San couldn't help heaving a sigh of relief when he heard it, and said with a smile: "Hahaha, what's the matter, really, it's just that my sister-in-law is reluctant to part with Zixuan! It made me think something happened to Zixuan!"

After the two discussed some specific matters, Xuanyuan went back.After all, it's just that the date of Zixuan's lower realm has been postponed. As for his elder brother, the sooner the better!
Time always passes by inadvertently, and now it is less than five days before Zixuan's third birthday.

Xuanyuan Mansion

Ning Xiating looked at Zixuan who was playing and couldn't help thinking that she would be separated from her child in a few days, it would be heartbreaking and extremely painful.Zixuan, who was playing, accidentally noticed that his mother's expression was abnormal, and hurried over and asked, "Mother, why are you uncomfortable! I don't think your expression is quite right!"

Ning Xia Ting panicked, she didn't expect a child who was only two years old to know how to read words and expressions!Just as he was thinking about how to explain, Xuanyuan walked towards their mother and son and said, "Ting'er, I think we should tell him! Anyway, he will know later!"

Hearing Xuanyuan's words, Ning Xiating burst into tears, and Zixuan who was on the side saw her mother crying, and hurriedly wiped her tears away, asking, "Mom, what's wrong with you!? What do you want to say to me? "However, Ning Xiating didn't answer her question but just hugged him tightly!It seemed that Zixuan would disappear from his sight as soon as he relaxed!
After Ning Xiating's mood stabilized, Xuanyuan took them to the room and said, "Zixuan, let me tell you about the past between me and your mother.

Your mother and I come from a place called Douluo Dalu, where there is no magic, no Dou-Qi, no martial arts, but there are magical martial arts.Everyone here, when he was six years old, awakened his own martial spirit.Wuhun has animals, plants, and utensils, and Wuhun can assist people's daily life.However, some outstanding spirits can be used to cultivate and fight. This profession is the most powerful and glorious profession "soul master" on the Douluo Continent.Soul masters can cultivate soul power, and soul power can be divided into soul masters from 1 to 10, soul masters from 11 to 20, great soul masters from 21 to 30, soul masters from 31 to 40, and soul masters from 41 to 50. Soul Sect, 51~60 Soul King, 61~70 Soul Emperor, 71~80 Soul Sage, 81~90 Contra, 91~94 Title Douluo, 95~98 Super Douluo, Level 99 Ultimate Douluo, as long as you reach level 99, you can sense the call of the God Mansion, and if you successfully ascend, you will get a title!For example, I am the god of life, and my divine residence can heal everything!
The problem now is that the sect that my friend and I stayed on Douluo Continent went downhill again, we couldn't bear it, so. . . "

Xuanyuan didn't continue to talk about it, he knew that his son had already understood what he meant.Sure enough, Zixuan was silent for a while, and said, "You mean I need to go down to the realm to save the sect? But I can't complete the task alone!"

Seeing that his son showed no intention of resisting, Xuanyuan quickly said, "You're not the only one. Your uncle sent you to the lower realms after your full moon. Then my brother's heirs will also descend to the lower realms to assist you!"

Zixuan: "Then when shall I leave?"

Hearing this, Ning Xia Ting, who had finally held back her tears, burst into tears again, and Zi Xuan also understood that it seemed that the time for her to descend to the lower realm was not far away.He was waiting for Xuanyuan's answer.

But Xuanyuan remained silent, as if wondering whether he should tell him now.After about 5 minutes, he finally said, "After your third birthday!"

Zixuan was shocked when he heard the answer!


To be continued, so stay tuned...

(End of this chapter)

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