The Prosperity of Xuanyuan in the Peerless Tangmen

Chapter 62 0062 Exploding Xu Sanshi

Chapter 62 0062 Exploding Xu Sanshi

I saw that a huge figure appeared in front of the audience. If someone pays attention to observe, then they will find that the figure is exactly the same as the figure that appeared when Xuanyuan Zixuan and Wang Dong performed the Bitter Burning--The Trial of the Holy Emperor!It's just that what he's holding in his hand this time is no longer a hammer but a sword!

On one side of that sword were engraved with Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus Rex, Xuanming Turtle and Soft Bone Rabbit, and on the other side were engraved Sansheng Soul-Suppressing Cauldron, Bright Goddess Butterfly and Jasper Blue Bird!

At this time, the figure said: "Seven in one—seventh-level holy sword soul!"

That figure, no, it should be said that the grown-up Xuanyuan Zixuan swung the sword in his hand and quickly attacked the opponent!

When the sword was about to touch Ma Rulong and the other seven people, a figure instantly stood in front of them, giving them the fatal blow!
It wasn't until Xuanyuan Zixuan, who had grown up, raised his sword that everyone realized that it was Tiansha Douluo who attacked for them.But now he is injured!One must know that he is a Titled Douluo!Even under his full defense, the power of this martial soul fusion skill that could hurt him is really extraordinary!
"Seven VS Seven, Shrek Academy wins! Both sides rest for half an hour, and there will be an individual match after half an hour." Huang Jinxu said.

At the same time as he announced, that figure split into seven people in Xuanyuan Zixuan again.However, the injuries of the seven of them were all different, ranging from mild to severe!Xuanyuan Zixuan was the backbone, and his soul power was the highest, and his injuries were also the heaviest, but he could barely use the life force in his body to restore his body.Beibei, Xu Sanshi, Xiaoxiao, Wang Dong and Nanmen Yun'er are alright, but Jiang Nannan was injured and passed out.

Seeing this, Elder Xuan and others immediately rushed to the stage to help the seven of them down.Cheers of "overwhelming" erupted from the square again.

"Shrek! Shrek! Shrek!"

"Tang Sect! Tang Sect! Tang Sect!"

As for the Sun Moon Royal Soul Engineering Academy, although they were rescued by the referee, there were also two deaths and one serious injury, and the rest were injured in varying degrees.

----------Dividing line---------------

Ten minutes passed quickly, and Xuanyuan Zixuan's injury has recovered by about 10% to [-]%. Now they are discussing countermeasures.

Ma Xiaotao asked: "Zixuan, who is your ideal player?"

Xuanyuan Zixuan thought for a while, and said: "The most suitable one is Third Senior Sister! Her Martial Soul Soft Bone Rabbit is the same as Xiao Wu, one of the original Shrek Seven Monsters. The most suitable one is to hit this person Sai! But she..." Speaking of this, he stopped to look at Jiang Nannan who was in a coma.Although Xuanyuan Zixuan had treated her, she still didn't wake up.

"Then there are me and senior sister Ling who are in the control department. Well, the second senior brother is also fine."

"Then what if we want to play two-two-three tactics again?" Ma Xiaotao asked.

"In the first round, you and Senior Dai, in the second round, me and Wang Dong! It's not a problem to win the first round with your strength. As for our second round, Wang Dong and I will use our martial soul fusion skills to beat him. Mom doesn't even know her!" Xuanyuan Zixuan said without hesitation.

Ma Xiaotao: "No, you still have injuries!"

Xuanyuan Zixuan: "It's okay! Although the other side was rescued, two people died and one was seriously injured! Although the injuries of the others vary, they will definitely not be able to recover in a short time!"

Ma Xiaotao then compromised and said: "Well, let's admit defeat in the individual competition. In this way, we also have a chance to win the championship. At worst, in the second, second, and third battles, Dai Yaoheng and I will fight each other in the first two rounds. I will fight for you more time."

Xuanyuan Zixuan: "No, it can't! We can't lose! Even if we win the individual competition, we still have to ask for two-two-three tactics!"

This time it wasn't just Ma Xiaotao and the other nine people, even Wang Yan didn't understand Xuanyuan Zixuan's purpose in doing this.

Wang Yan asked suspiciously, "Zixuan, is there any reason for you to do this?"

"Well, that's right." Xuanyuan Zixuan nodded and said, "Now that the Sun Moon Continent is getting stronger and stronger, there is a faint tendency to overwhelm our Douluo Continent. The Sun Moon Imperial Soul Engineering Academy is controlled by the Sun Moon Imperial family behind the scenes. ! So the purpose of my doing this is to combat their arrogance! Let them know how powerful the natives of our Douluo Continent are!"

"But will the Emperor of the Star Luo Empire agree?"

Xuanyuan Zixuan: "It should be. After all, if the Sun Moon Empire launches a war, the Star Luo Empire will bear the brunt of it! He will not let go of the opportunity to suppress their arrogance. Besides, he should also give I am a little bit of face. After all, I have great potential. When the game starts, I will go there to avoid suspicion."

----------Dividing line--------------

Soon, the individual knockout competition began, and the Sun Moon Royal Soul Engineering Academy sent Li Yan.

He was originally one of the seven members of the Sun Moon team, but from the fact that he was replaced by Meng Hongchen and Xiao Hongchen, it can be seen that he was ranked at the bottom of the original seven members, and his martial spirit It's a fire element, but it's not a pure fire element. It's Lihuo with many impurities. If you simply cultivate the ability of a soul master, it will be difficult to have enough strength, so he chose the route of soul mentor.He couldn't bring himself more soul power to continue fighting through his martial soul, but he could use his own fire to add the breath of fire to his soul tool through soul skills one by one.Of course, compared with Ma Xiaotao's phoenix flame, his fire was like a chasm.But who can become a fifth-level soul engineer before the age of 20, how can it be an ordinary existence?
"Alright, the first round of the individual knockout round begins!"

Xuanyuan Zixuan also took advantage of the time when Huang Jinxu announced the start of the competition and slipped away to meet the emperor of the Star Luo Empire—Xu Jiawei.

above the city
Guard: "Report to Your Majesty, Xuanyuan Zixuan, captain of the Shrek Academy's reserve team, is asking to see you."



After the guard left, Xu Jiawei looked at Dai Hao beside him and asked, "My dear brother, what do you think will happen when he comes to see me at this time?"

"I don't know about this..." Dai Hao shook his head helplessly.

Not long after they finished talking, Xuanyuan Zixuan also came over.

Xuanyuan Zixuan: "Let me make a long story short, now there is an opportunity to fight against the arrogance of the Sun Moon Empire, will you participate?"

"Of course I have to participate in such a good event. But, what do I need to do?" How could Xu Jiawei be unhappy when he heard Xuanyuan Zixuan say that he could beat the Sun Moon Empire? After all, what Xuanyuan Zixuan said was right, what if the Sun Moon Empire launched If there is a war, the first one to suffer must be his Star Luo Empire!

Xuanyuan Zixuan: "Additional [-]-[-]-[-] tactics! In the individual competition, we Shrek will definitely win! If our Shrek loses in [-]-[-]-[-] tactics, then we will hand over the championship. As for them losing, I will personally Talk to them. As long as your side has heard our request!"

"OK, no problem!"

"Well, then I'm leaving."

After Xuanyuan Zixuan left, Dai Hao said: "This little guy is not easy! If we can win him over, our Star Luo Empire will definitely be even more powerful!"

"I think so too! But you forgot, his surname is Xuanyuan!" Xu Jiawei said helplessly.

"Nuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuan..." Dai Hao said tremblingly.

"It's not just that. He is the young lord of Xuanyuanmen, and he has awakened the Nine Treasures Glazed Tile Pagoda, so he is deeply loved by Ning Lao Immortal."

" long as it's not an enemy."

----------Dividing line---------------

Xuanyuan Zixuan definitely didn't know about the conversation between Xu Jiawei and Dai Hao. Even if he knew, he just smiled and passed by. After all, his real identity is—the son of the god king!
When Xuanyuan Zixuan returned to the rest area, he just heard Huang Jinxu's voice.

Tiansha Douluo: "The winner of the first round of the individual knockout competition——Xu Sanshi from Shrek Academy! Contestant Xu Sanshi backs off, please send the No.2 contestant from the Sun Moon Royal Soul Engineering Academy!"

Xu Sanshi didn't take back his basalt shield martial soul, and retreated slowly. At the same time, he already had an extra feeding bottle in his hand. During the process of retreating, he actually forcibly used the feeding bottle without retracting his martial soul.It can be seen that circles of milky white ripples continuously spread outwards from his body and then retracted inwards.

Seeing Xu Sanshi like this, Xuanyuan Zixuan couldn't help saying: "..."


Stay tuned...

(End of this chapter)

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