Chapter 76 0075 Apprentices

"Other years of hunting and absorption can only bring one soul skill to the soul master, except for mutation, of course, but a 10-year soul beast can bring two soul skills to the soul master! But the most important thing is not this but It is the 10-year soul beast that can be hunted and will produce soul bones!

Soul beasts of other years also have a chance to produce soul bones, but 10-year-old soul beasts are [-]%!

Soul rings are attached to soul skills.Although it also enhances the attributes of the soul master itself, the main effect is after all on the accompanying soul skills, while the soul bone is just the opposite.Perhaps the soul bone will not come with skills, but the enhancement of the soul master itself is huge. The growth potential of the soul bone is more valuable than the soul ring. The skills attached to the soul ring will increase with the increase of the soul power. The age of its own will limit its growth.But the soul bone is different.The soul bone will not be limited by the age of the soul beast that produced it, and will only evolve as the strength of the soul master itself increases.

In other words, the sooner you get the spirit bone, the longer it will take to evolve.Generally speaking, there are only a few types of spirit bones that can be absorbed, limbs, head and torso, that is to say.The average person can absorb six soul bones, just like a soul master can absorb nine soul rings. The quality of the soul bone and its effect on the soul master mainly depend on the time of absorption and whether the attributes are compatible with oneself.

Soul bones are divided into six categories: left leg bone, right leg bone, left arm bone, right arm bone, skull and trunk bone.

Among them, the strongest trunk bone, followed by the skull, and then the left arm, right arm, left leg, and right leg.

The soul bones produced by soul beasts of 10 years and below only have one skill, while the soul bones produced by soul beasts of 10 years must have at least two skills.Once the spirit bone is absorbed, it cannot leave the body. Unless the owner is killed, the spirit bone will automatically fall and become an ownerless thing.But the first four types of spirit bones are exceptions. When the owner reaches the level of Titled Douluo, he can cut off his own limbs with spirit bones, and take out the spirit bones forcibly at the cost of reducing his own spirit power by [-] levels.Because most of the soul bones are soul cores obtained from the cultivation of soul beasts, they must be fused with the soul power of the soul bone absorber before they can be used.Cutting off the limbs and stripping the soul bones means forcibly stripping away the energy that has been fused into the body's soul power from one's own soul power, and the consequence is that the martial soul is broken and even died. The Title Douluo level can temporarily eliminate this risk because it has a soul core. So the martial soul will not be broken or died, but the level of soul power will definitely drop.

Ten thousand years ago, Xiao Wu, one of the original Shrek Seven Monsters, made a sacrifice to Tang San, the founder of the Tang Sect, to escape from the clutches of the Spirit Hall!

Later, the reason why Tang San's ancestors used Xiao Wu's spirit bone to resurrect Xiao Wu was also because the spirit bone was Xiao Wu's soul core. If Xiao Wu didn't have a soul core, she couldn't quickly re-cultivate to become a 10-year soul beast, and the soul bone The energy in it occupied most of the essence of Xiao Wu's soul power. At that time, Xiao Wu had already resurrected almost half of it, but her cultivation was far from reaching the level of a 10-year-old soul beast, and her soul had not yet been formally classified.

Trunk-type spirit bones generally refer to the sternum, and the ability of the trunk bones is mainly related to the type of spirit beast and the number of years of cultivation, and will not increase with the improvement of the master's soul power.

Soul beasts over 10 years old will definitely drop 10-year soul bones after being hunted, but the corresponding soul bones may not necessarily appear according to the needs of the hunters.

External spirit bone: The most special and rarest kind of spirit bone, it is a special existence besides the six types of spirit bones.The degree of preciousness is almost comparable to that of the top spirit bones.In the world of soul masters, there is a list of the most precious things for soul masters, called the soul master dream list, among them.The external soul bone has always been ranked second in the dream list of soul masters.Second only to the number one, 10-year soul ring that is almost impossible to exist.The most special thing about the external spirit bone is that it will evolve with the improvement of its owner's spirit power.So the sooner the external spirit bone is absorbed, the better.If it is said that the probability of an ordinary spirit bone appearing from a spirit beast is one in a thousand.Then, the chance of the external spirit bone appearing is not even one in ten thousand.

Conditions for absorbing the external spirit bone: the spirit ring of the spirit beast that dropped the spirit bone must be absorbed, and the spirit ring must be absorbed before the spirit bone can be absorbed.

Therefore, if the 10-year soul beast is exposed, it will attract several Nine-ring Title Douluo, Super Douluo and even Limit Douluo to hunt down and kill them!

Of course, if the 10-year soul beast fails to be promoted to the ferocious beast or if the ferocious beast fails to cross the catastrophe, the soul core will explode and the soul bone will disappear accordingly! "

After a short rest, Xuanyuan Zixuan said: "Okay, children. Now let's go in and awaken the martial soul!"

"it is good!"

After entering the room, Xuanyuan Zixuan said, "Everyone line up horizontally and come one by one."

Saying that, Xuanyuan Zixuan also started to arrange the magic circle for awakening the martial soul.After he arranged them, those children were also arranged in front of him according to his requirements.

"Which one of you will come first?" Xuanyuan Zixuan asked.
"Let's start with me." The child who asked Xuanyuan Zixuan what the Wuhun was before said.

"Alright, come to the formation."

After the words fell, the little boy walked into the formation.

Soon, a blue grass appeared in the palm of his right hand.

Xuanyuan Zixuan glanced at it, and said, "Waste Martial Soul Blue Silver Grass? Oh, what a pity."

"Big brother, can't I become a soul master?"

"No, as long as you have soul power, you can become a soul master. Put your hands on the crystal ball."

Xuanyuan Zixuan said as he handed the crystal ball to test the soul power in front of him.

Not long after the boy put his hand on the crystal ball, a faint light appeared in front of everyone's eyes.

"Well, not bad. You still have soul power, which means you can practice!
You must know that the martial spirit of Tang San's ancestor ten thousand years ago was also Blue Silver Grass.You have to work hard! "

"Well, I see!"

The martial souls of the next few children have farming tools or blue silver grass, but unfortunately they don't have soul power!
"Xiao Yuhao, it's your turn."

Xuanyuan Zixuan looked at the last Huo Yuhao and said.

It took Huo Yuhao a long time to stand in the middle of the formation, but no martial soul appeared in his right hand!

Xuanyuan Zixuan looked at Wang Dong next to him, and said, "Wang Dong, you don't think Xiao Yuhao is the main body martial soul?"

"Well, it's really possible! Look carefully at where the light is shining on his body!"

With the "unremitting efforts" of the two of them, it was discovered that Huo Yuhao's martial soul was the Spirit Eye!

Wang Dong: "Zixuan, what is the potential of this martial soul?"

"The way to judge the potential strength of the main body martial soul is to look at its importance to the body! Now you know it!
Eyes, the importance of this to the body is self-evident! "

As he spoke, he looked at Huo Yuhao again and said, "Xiao Yuhao, put your hands up!"

The moment he put his hand on it, the crystal ball emitted a dazzling light!

"Innately full of soul power?!

Wang Dong, contact the teacher and tell him about Xiao Yuhao's situation!By the way, tell him that I want to keep Xiao Yuhao under the door and ask his opinion! "Xuanyuan Zixuan said excitedly.

"Okay, I'll go right away!"

After saying that, Wang Dong ran out of the house and contacted Mr. Mu with a soul tool.

After a while, Wang Dong walked in.He also nodded to Xuanyuan Zixuan.It shows that Mr. Mu agreed with Xuanyuan Zixuan to take Huo Yuhao into his sect.

Xuanyuan Zixuan: "Xiao Yuhao, your martial soul is the main body martial soul with great potential! I want to take you into my family!

Logically speaking, you should worship under the Noumenon Sect, so that your martial soul can be awakened for the second time.

Now, you choose.Do you want to join my sect or the Noumenon sect.Don't worry about our relationship.

Of course, if you choose the Noumenon Sect, then I will help you join the Noumenon Sect.

Well, you choose! "


(End of this chapter)

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