Chapter 2 Rankings
Bibi Dong naturally didn't believe that this scroll just appeared suddenly for good looks.

Although she didn't know what the people in the God Realm intended to do by putting this thing in the Douluo Continent, she didn't care as long as it didn't affect the forces of all parties.

Wuhundian will sooner or later dominate the Douluo Continent.

Thinking of this, Bibi Dong's face turned serious.

Today, the original three sects of Douluo Continent, the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon, the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School, and the Haotian School, which doesn't care about worldly affairs, are still powerful.

Even if you don't ask Haotianzong, the other two sects are definitely on the opposite side of Wuhundian.

Bibi Dong had been waiting, waiting for a suitable opportunity to wipe out the two sects.

But if the scroll is dropped today, even if she doesn't know what kind of treasure it is, she always has a bad premonition in her heart.

It seems that the plan to eradicate the last three cases must be implemented as soon as possible.

She didn't want anything to go wrong at this juncture!

Shrek Academy.

"It has been three days since the scroll appeared, and Xiao San and I have been searching there for two days, but still have no results."

Ma Hongjun spread his hands wearily.

As they expected, on the day the scroll was first released, various forces sent a large number of soul masters.

Among them, the Star Luo Empire and the Beidou Empire also sent several titled powerhouses, but unfortunately they all returned in vain.

"However, our trip is not completely without receipt."

Dai Mubai stepped forward, and said to Flender.

"What receipt?"

"We saw someone from the Haotian School ten miles away from the scroll."

While talking, Dai Mubai looked at Tang San beside him.

"This is quite interesting. The Haotian School lived in seclusion for a long time, but they didn't expect that even they couldn't bear the disturbance this time."

"Maybe, just curious."

Tang San didn't expect the appearance of Clear Sky School, but luckily he could still keep calm, and didn't say much.

"In your opinion, what exactly is this scroll?"

The master has read all his books in the past three days, but he has not found any information about the scroll from heaven.

Everyone looked at me and I looked at you, but they didn't guess how much.

Until, Xiao Wu's eyes lit up, and she pointed her finger out of the window.

"Look! What is that!"

I saw that the sunny sky was suddenly covered by dark clouds, and the clouds were densely covered in an instant, and lightning was faintly mixed in the clouds.

The scroll glowing with golden light finally moved, and slowly opened towards the air.

Several light spots gathered in the air, forming a list, spreading from top to bottom.

On the blank scroll, there were three words written impressively.

"Martial Soul List!"

The moment the martial soul list appeared, everyone felt that their martial souls were a little afraid of the list.

This influence is without exception, and the soul beasts in the Star Dou Forest can most clearly feel it.

If it weren't for the suppression of the two great beast kings here, I'm afraid that the Star Dou Forest will once again cause a wave of beasts due to external influences!
"What is the Martial Soul Ranking? Is it based on the existing Martial Souls on the Douluo Continent?"

"But there are hundreds of martial spirits on the Douluo Continent. How did this scroll get the detailed data?"

"Besides, the types of martial souls are also different, how can we compare them!"

The appearance of the Wuhun list has been closely watched by all soul masters on the Douluo Continent.

Everyone is at a loss.

"Hey, look, the list has changed!"

I saw that the Martial Soul List at the top of the scroll page had changed and replaced it with 7 large characters!
[Beast Martial Soul of the Martial Soul List]

For such changes, many soul masters have speculated that they were probably assigned by God Realm and others.

Since this is a list exclusively for beast spirits, many soul masters who possess weapon spirits all heaved a sigh of relief.

Among them, Ning Fengzhi of the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School had an even more relaxed look on his face after hearing the news.

"It seems that this list has nothing to do with us."

Ning Fengzhi secretly began to worry when he couldn't find any news.

Because he guessed that the appearance of this scroll is likely to change the Douluo Continent.

As one of the upper three sects, Ning Fengzhi is very clear about the position of the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School.

They achieved the status of the top three sects only by relying on their martial souls, but among the major sects, their combat effectiveness can be said to be very weak.

If it weren't for the guards of Sword Douluo and Bone Douluo, the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School might not be safe today.

Ning Fengzhi knew very well that the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Sect would definitely not be able to join forces with the Wuhundian, and that being the case, the first step for the Wuhundian to dominate the mainland was to eradicate the sects that were not used by them.

We all know that persimmons have to be picked softly, I am afraid that among the three schools, the first one that Wuhundian wants to eradicate is their Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School!

Thinking of this, a trace of heaviness appeared on Ning Fengzhi's face.

"Sovereign, it's better to have a look at the benefits of this list first, and think about it later."

Sword Douluo Chen knew what Ning Fengzhi was worried about, so he spoke out to comfort him.

"Well, yes."

"However, Bone Douluo will also be involved in the ranking this time."

In the entire Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School, only Bone Douluo Gu Rong's martial soul is a beast martial soul, a bone dragon.

"Well, exactly."

Gu Rong echoed at the side, and he was also waiting for the results of the list to come out.

"Then let's just wait and see."


Everyone in the Douluo Continent knows that the Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus Rex is recognized as the number one beast spirit in the entire continent.

At this time, the list of beast spirits came out, and the most excited ones were no different from the people from the Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus family.

Because in their view, the number one on this list is already theirs.

As the patriarch of the Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus Rex family, Yu Yuanzhen's smile never faded after hearing this news.

The entire Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus rex family was filled with joy.

"Send a few disciples to pay close attention to the information on the list at any time. This time, we are sure to be number one on the list!"

Yu Yuanzhen held the wine glass in his hand, with a smile that was bound to win on his face.

"Yes! Disciple, let's do it now!"

As the first list to appear on the scroll, the first place on the Wuhun list must be the most eye-catching.

Yu Yuanzhen also had some plans in mind, if the Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus Rex could win the first place, maybe he could use this to intimidate the Wuhun Hall!

There have been too many rumors recently, I am afraid that the people in Wuhundian will not be able to bear it anymore.

I only hope that the appearance of the list can make them restrain themselves, otherwise...

Thinking of this, Yu Yuanzhen's hand holding the wine glass tightened a bit.

Not long after, a disciple rushed from outside.

"Sovereign, a ranking has appeared on the list!"

"Come out and watch with me!"

In the sky, a line of small characters faintly appeared on the originally empty scroll.

It is impressively written that there are 20 places in the list, and the rankings are released from low to high.

There was another burst of lightning and thunder, and under the watchful eyes of everyone, the scroll began to move!

(End of this chapter)

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