One Piece Demon

Chapter 10 3 Brothers

Chapter 10 The Three Brothers

"Ah, Grandpa. Bang" The little figure saw Karp the first time he opened the door, and slammed the door shut instantly.Run away, uh, yes, ran away.If I remember correctly, it should be Luffy. Yang Tian was really shocked when he saw Luffy's reaction.You must know that the current Luffy has not developed the second gear.But the speed just now is really unbelievable. What shadow did Garp bring to Luffy to make him have such a reaction.

When Yang Tian was shocked, the door of the bar was hit again with a "bang".The one who came back this time was Garp who had just rushed out after Luffy. I saw that Luffy was being brought back by Garp's shoulder pocket, and a series of extra red beans on Luffy's head were shining in the air. shine.

"Magino, have another glass of wine." Karp sat down in front of the bar angrily.From time to time, he slapped Luffy twice with his hand.

Luffy went to sea at the age of 17, and there are still ten years before Luffy goes to sea.Seven-year-old Lu Fei is still a kid, and his immature face is full of silly whiteness. Yang Tian found that Lu Fei who didn't eat the rubber fruit is already a silly attribute, and it seems that it is not all the fault of the rubber fruit. what.As for the other two brothers, Sabo and Ace, both should be ten years old.Who is better, Ace or Sabo?Yang Tian also always wanted to know.

"Hello, Makino" Luffy carried a chain bag on his head.With a wide grin still able to show a sunny smile on his face, he greeted Makino.

"Luffy, why didn't I see you say hello to grandpa just now. The most annoying thing is that you dare to run away, is grandpa a beast!" When Garp mentioned it, he was uncomfortable with a suffocation in his heart, and the iron fist of love endured I couldn't help waving it a few times, and then there were a few more bags on Luffy's head.

"Pain, pain, grandpa, it hurts so much to hit me." Luffy was clamped tightly under Garp's armpit.Move your hands and feet up and down in protest.But it seems to have no effect.

"Haha" Seeing Luffy's funny face, Yang Tian wondered if Luffy was beaten up by Garp when he was a child. .

"Hey—who are you!" Lu Fei heard the laughter and turned his face to Yang Tian.It was as if no one existed in this place just now.

"Bang, he is a righteous navy. He is also the brother I just recognized for you. Lu Fei, quickly call him brother," Garp proudly introduced, and gave Lu Fei some love by the way.

"Hey! I already have two older brothers, here is another one, I want to be an older brother too!" Lu Fei couldn't help but raise his mouth, and protested against Garp with a dissatisfied expression.

"Bang bang bang" Garp, who was already very angry, really didn't want to suffocate his body. The iron fist rubbed against the air and made a whistling sound. After a series of noises, the poor Luffy directly passed out with his head on his head.

"Stinky boy, you dare to protest even Grandpa's words, how can you be a just navy in the future?" Garp's face was about to turn black.

Yang Tian looked at Lu Fei who was beaten unconscious, and couldn't help twitching the corners of his mouth. Seeing Garp's way of disciplining Lu Fei, he couldn't help mourning for Lu Fei.Now Yang Tian can fully think that the role of old man Garp may be the bigger reason for Luffy being a pirate.

"Haha, good wine. Another glass of Makino." But seduced by the good wine, Garp instantly forgot the unpleasantness just now.

"Your Excellency Garp, it's gone." Makino also looked helpless about Garp's drinking capacity. .

"Ah, so fast. I haven't had my drink yet." Garp's voice was pulled, revealing a disappointment.

Garp, who was disappointed, seemed to suddenly think of something, sat up straight, and said to Yang Tian who was beside him: "Come with me, and I will introduce you to my remaining grandson." Walk towards the outside of the bar.

Following Karp out of the bar not far away, a mountain road appeared in front of Yang Tian, ​​the path was winding with green shade, warblers, roes, flying beasts hurried, Yang Tian followed Karp not long before a forest cabin appeared in his sight.

"Dadan, the old man is here to see his grandson. Haha" Garp shouted to see his grandson before he reached Dadan's house.

"Old man Garp, aren't you afraid of scaring your grandson away?" Yang Tian tucked his ears beside him. Garp's behavior at the moment was completely trying to scare the snake away, and he wasn't afraid that Ace and Sabo would run away after hearing it.

"Haha, kid, you still have a lot to learn. Luffy is in my hands." Garp smugly patted Luffy who was holding him and said with a smug smile.

"..., old man Garp took his grandson as a hostage!" However, Yang Tian really agrees with Garp's behavior.

"This is to make me love my grandson more, I have to. No, no." Karp pinched his nose and waved his hand.

"Old man Garp, you almost threw me just now. It's disgusting." Yang Tian looked at a large brown unidentified object flying over, and jumped back to avoid it. Yang Tian stabilized his body Roared directly at Garp.

"Garp, you're here. Take these three demons away. I beg you." When Dadan saw Garp approaching, he hugged Garp's thigh with tears in his eyes.

"Haha, it seems that my grandchildren are having a good time here! As expected of Dadan" Garp greeted Dadan friendly as if he didn't recognize it.

"It's not good at all," Dadan burst out instantly.The small universe is just about to ignite.

"Gululu" a series of voices sounded. "Ah~ Dadan, I'm hungry, I want to eat meat!" Luffy woke up wobbly, waving his hands and feet like a soft-footed animal and drooping his body, exaggerating as if he was about to starve to death.

Dadan glanced at Luffy, then at the grinning Garp, and turned around helplessly and walked into the house to prepare the barbecue.In fact, Dadan is quite a good person.

"Luffy, where's Ace?" Garp looked around and asked if there was no sign of Ace, putting down Luffy.

"I was guarding the house today, and Ace and Sabo went hunting. But I suddenly remembered that Makino told me to go find her today. Then I went to the village to find Makino." Luffy murmured Stomach, listlessly chatting with Garp every sentence.

"Well, who is Sabo? Could it be that the old man taught me another grandson! Hahaha"

"Luffy——, I caught a grizzly bear today. We will have barbecue later. I have already cut off your favorite bear's paw." Ace called Luffy in a long voice, and Together, Sabo came out of the forest carrying a brown bear that was several times bigger than the two of them combined.

"Hahaha, Ace and Grandpa are here to see you." Garp looked at the two men carrying the brown bear and boasted: "I didn't expect that I have grown up a lot, and I know how to take care of my brother, Ace."

"Ah, old Cap. Run!".As soon as Ace heard Garp's voice, he pulled Sabo to run away reflexively, and even threw the grizzly bear he had just hunted to the ground.

(End of this chapter)

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