One Piece Demon

Chapter 103 Departure

Chapter 103 Departure
At dusk, Taotu took Annie and knocked on the courtyard door.Little Annie was holding Taotu with one hand, and the other hand was not idle. She was holding a candy figurine about the same size as herself, smiling like a flower on her face.

The first thing she said when she saw Yang Tianhou was: "Brother, you see I asked the master to make it like me, it looks good!"

"It's very pretty, but how did you get in your mouth. You're eating yourself! Haha"

"Brother is bad, ignore you."

The tea dolphin who leaned over from behind Yang Tian also looked at the sugar man twice, then at Annie, and couldn't help but say, "It really looks like that! Sister Annie, where did you get it!"

"Wait... wait, call me Your Highness the Princess." Annie raised her chin proudly with her hips on her arms.

Garp, who woke up at some point, suddenly laughed and asked, "Who is this interesting little girl?"

"This is Anne, my sister."

"Come on Annie, this is old Cap. You can call him old..."

"Go" Before Yang Tian could finish speaking, he hit the head with an iron fist, and he swallowed the remaining two words.Garp looked at Annie, looking like a baby, and Garp waved to Annie: "Come on, Annie sits with me. Don't listen to your brother, call me Grandpa, Grandpa Garp. Remember? ?”

After Karp made his voice, Anne became a good girl in seconds, and she passed by as soon as Karp waved.Suddenly, Annie sat on Garp's lap, feeling out of place.

"Grandpa Garp, my name is Annie."

When Karp saw Anne take the initiative to say hello, the smile on his face became even stronger.

Garp and Anne are like grandparents in their previous life, and they can't stop talking about it.

Ignoring the old and the young here, Yang Tian took Taotu to sit down, and the two chatted: "Taotu, you have worked hard. My sister is very naughty!"

"Very good, lively and cute, if only there was such a younger sister!"

Yang Tian took Taotu's hand, clapped the soft and boneless little hand twice and said, "It's not too late!"

"Hmm! When are you planning to leave this time?"


"New World, you didn't take over the mission from Warring States. It's better to hurry up, after all, it's your first mission."

Yang Tian squeezed Taotu's little hand and thought about it.

"I've decided. I'll leave tomorrow for the new world. Taotu Chafu, let's talk about your respective missions first." Yang Tian stood up and ordered.

"Okay!" The two nodded.

The tea dolphin tightened its voice, looked at Lieutenant General Garp who had a happy chat and said: "Lieutenant General Garp gave me a task!"

"Oh, Lieutenant General Garp is my immediate superior. The boss and I are both subordinate to Lieutenant General Garp, so we need to get the approval of Lieutenant General Garp to receive the task. Of course, the task assigned by the marshal is another matter."

Garp stopped talking with Annie, thought for a while and said, "I don't have any tasks for you, you just follow Yang Tian."

After receiving the task, the tea dolphin nodded seriously and agreed.

The tea dolphin has a mission to go to sea, Yang Tian looked at Taotu again: "What about you, Taotu?"

"Me! I just follow you. Elder Sister He rarely asks me to do tasks, and I usually act with her."

"Did the Warring States already know that you have nothing to do, but let him betray you. Really worthy of the name of Zhixing."

After spending the night with Garp, the next day was bright, when the white just drove away the night, at the port of the Navy Headquarters.A warship has weighed anchor and is ready to embark on a new journey.

This warship was specially selected by Yang Tian. Although it looks like an ordinary warship in appearance, it is one of the few warships made of Adam treasure tree.

Although the ship was huge, Yang Tian didn't bring a single sailor with him. Apart from Yang Tian, ​​there were only five people on the warship, Taotu, Annie, Tea Dolphin, Ajin, and Al.There is also a cat, a turtle and an ant.

The first thing after boarding the ship is to allocate a room.Secondly, Ajin ran to the control room he cared about, and Al ran to the kitchen.Annie was the happiest, and ran to the highest observation deck, claiming that it was her exclusive territory.Taotu went to help Yang Tian tidy up the room, to be precise, it was the room shared by the two of them, Taotu kindly lit a stick of sandalwood in the room.The tea dolphin took out the fishing rod he brought, and planned to eat the big fish he caught with his own hands at noon.

The deck of the warship is covered with turf, which is a special kind of perennial grass. It is soft and comfortable. Xiao An fell in love with it as soon as he got on the ship. Once the sun shines on the grass, Xiao An always likes to curl himself up , enjoying a quiet afternoon.Whenever I see Xiaoan sleeping lazily and soundly, it always makes people relax.Xiao Gui was very naughty lying on the glass round table where Yang Tian was drinking, secretly drinking Yang Tian's leftover red wine. Always miss the taste of wine.

Yang Tian, ​​who closed his eyes and rested his mind, opened a gap slightly, glanced at Xiao Gui who was stealing the wine, and then closed his eyes and said leisurely: "Little Gui, drink less. I won't care about you if you get drunk later."

The little turtle who was drinking happily was startled by the sound, almost choked, quickly put his head back, and said embarrassingly: "Hee hee, I was discovered by you."

Yang Tian closed his eyes, opened his mouth and said: "Nonsense, steal my wine under my nose, I can't find out!"

"Hey!" Xiao Gui smirked twice, seeing that Yang Tian didn't intend to stop him, he drank it openly.

In order to save time, Yang Tian planned to go directly to the Red Earth Continent.After all, that pirate named Jem might go to see Big Mom anytime soon. As for the warship, Yang Tian directly reserved the same model, and he just waited for him to go to the New World Navy Branch to pick it up.

The sea breeze is like a knife, using the sea as a chopping board, knowing everything as fish and meat.

The tea dolphin has been sitting on the guardrail like a wax figure all morning, and the fishing rod hasn't moved since he sat down.

Yang Tian yawned, and stretched his legs to straighten his legs as much as possible, so that he could feel the short-term comfort of the whole body tense.Although he only spent one morning on the boat, he was really bored, which made him feel tired, and he always felt sleepy, it would be better to have a good sleep.

After tidying up the room, Momotu went to the observation deck to chat with Annie.The two of them didn't know what they were talking about, and the laughter that came down from time to time made Yang Tian unable to sleep even if he wanted to sleep.On the contrary, Yimo found a good place, relying on his own wings, flying in the sea, dancing with the wind and playing with the fish jumping out of the sea from time to time.

When lunch was approaching in the kitchen, there was a series of "dingling jingling..." sounds. Not long after the sound stopped, bursts of fragrance wafted out of the kitchen.

(End of this chapter)

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