One Piece Demon

Chapter 108 Chambord Islands 3

Chapter 108 Chambord Islands III
The black-robed man, who had found nothing, stood up, held Siah's sword in his hand, pressed it against his neck, and said viciously: "Say, what happened to Dong XZ."

Xia turned her head away, snorted coldly, and closed her mouth tightly.

Seeing this, Yang Tian smiled and said: "I don't know how to advance or retreat, and I am arrogant and domineering. It seems that my prediction is correct. He likes to make troubles and is self-righteous. In this cruel world, he will not survive long with that strength."

Annie didn't know when she climbed onto Yang Tian's lap, stopped her brother's words, and nodded half understanding.But a pair of eyes never left the wine glass in Yang Tian's hand.Because everyone can do it but she can't, Anne who is discriminated against is very upset now.

The black-robed man was heartbroken, and the sword in his hand was facing down a few points. The sword edge easily cut through the flesh, and a bloodstain appeared on Xia's neck.

The coldness of the iron, and the slight pain in the blood coming out of the neck, the possibility of survival in Xi'an burst out at once.I saw his body tremble, and a hot air mixed with foul smell spread from his crotch.

The pirates and other hunters around burst into laughter, and the originally quiet bar was filled with laughter.

Taotu blocked his breath with his small hand, frowned and said, "It smells really bad."

Yang Tian said with a smile: "This is the taste of extreme fear."

The black-robed man was not interested in paying attention to these things, and the sword in his hand was a little stronger, saying: "Hurry up, otherwise..."

Xi Ya felt that the sword had been inserted into his throat. At this time, he was very cautious even when speaking, for fear that he would kill himself if he spoke, Xi Xia said in a trembling voice: "I said... I said... ..." Saying these words, Xia seemed to be drained of strength.

The man in black robe dropped the sword in his hand, pulled him up, and said, "Where is it?"

As soon as Jian left, Xi Ya seemed to own the whole world, savoring the fresh air carefully.

The black-robed man kicked him impatiently and said, "Let's go."

West Asia was immediately brought back to reality, and humbly said: "It's right here, I'll go for you."

Under the suspicious eyes of the black-robed man, Xi Ya walked directly towards Yang Tian and the others, and a cunning flashed in Xi Ya's eyes with his back to the black-robed man.

The man has gold under his knees, and Xi Ya’s gold must have been spent long ago. He knelt down at Yang Tian’s feet, like a pissed off daughter-in-law. You have to decide for me! Everything is given to you, and now someone has found it and wants to kill me. You can’t just ignore it!"

Xi Ya rubbed the corners of her tearless eyes, glanced at the man in black from the corner of her eye, and the corner of her mouth curled treacherously.

The black-robed man did not doubt that he was there. Although Xi Ya was a little famous, how could a small hunter dare to spy on his things. When he heard that Yang Tian was from the navy, he immediately believed him.

The black-robed man lowered his voice, and said in a deep voice: "Your Excellency, it's better to hand over your things. Although you are a rear admiral, don't think that you are so powerful. A strong major general is like a crucian carp crossing a river in the new world. A lot of people died under my hands..."

Yang Tian didn't seem to hear the black-robed man's threat, he gently put down the wine glass in his hand, and said to Taotu beside him: "I underestimated him, Taotu, do you know what this is called?"

Tao Tu thought for a while, and said uncertainly: "Planting blame?"

Yang Tian smiled and said: "This is called driving tigers and swallowing wolves, but unfortunately he is not Xun Yu. It is too young to want to catch fisherman."

Seeing Yang Tian ignoring him, the black-robed man suddenly felt embarrassed, feeling like a clown being teased by others, and his attitude towards Yang Tian being the chief envoy became more certain.

Seeing that the scene was gradually developing in the direction she imagined, Xi Ya couldn't help but blossom in her heart.Secretly said, "This black-robed man is really simple-minded. He was deceived by me in a few moments, and he still wants to take something back from my hands. Pooh."Seeing the black-robed man approaching her, Xi Yayou hastily withdrew her thoughts and crawled silently. The black-robed man approached and looked down at Yang Tian. The only pair of eyes exposed outside the black-robed man were a strange emerald green. Everything, including the whites of the eyes, is a bright green like green grass.

Hei Pao's eyes turned greener, he looked at Yang Tian, ​​and said: "You'd better not toast or eat fine wine."

Yang Tian said with a smile: "I only like fine wine, what kind of wine is toast?"

The black robe was furious, and said, "Bastard!"

Xi Ya was originally worried that Yang Tian would explain something, and he had already prepared a bunch of excuses in his stomach, but he didn't expect that the two sides would come up and talk directly without speculation, and he didn't know whether he was happy or sad for a moment——

What Yang Tian is, he is arrogant by nature, he can tell clearly with his fists, so naturally he doesn't want to waste his tongue, besides, this black robe is not a stunning beauty.

The black robe turned his hand into a knife, and slashed at Yang Tian if he disagreed with him.

Only a crisp sound of "ding" came from Yang Tian's ear, Jin Piluo's sharp knife cut on the fleshy hand, and there was actually the sound of metal impact.

The black robe who missed a single hit took a step back and looked at Jinpiro with blue eyes, admiring: "What a good knife, it actually blocked my attack. Come again!"

The black robe used both hands this time, giving the impression that two sharp blades were scissored.Taotu narrowed his eyes, and was about to take the move, but was blocked by the tea dolphin who made an advance move.

Seeing that his attack was blocked again, Heipao couldn't help but lose his patience: "Why do you think the group attack won't work?"

The tea dolphin frowned and said with a smile, "No, I'm alone."

The tea dolphin attack was naturally instructed by Yang Tian. Since Tao Tu realized his sword intent not long ago, the tea dolphin's current strength is far behind that of Tao Tu, so he needs to fight more powerful opponents now. , Only in this way can one improve one's strength faster. After all, the experience gained in battle is always deeper than the memory from books.

Seeing that the tea dolphin was on board, Taotu put away the golden pila and sat back.

Now Xi Ya was very worried. Xi Ya knew that the strength of the black robe and even the vice admiral would be difficult to take him down. Originally, he thought that Yang Tian and the others would fight together to fight the black robe. Walking out casually in the middle, thinking that he can block the attack of the black robe, the current West Asia is like an ant on a hot pot——

Xia carefully looked around her, seeing that everyone's attention was on the black robe and the old boy, Xia slowly moved back.He now only hopes that the black robe can block a few more people so that he can escape smoothly.

Yang Tian smiled lightly, like fluttering catkins, how could West Asia's small movements escape Yang Tian's eyes.But Yang Tian didn't pay any attention, he only waited for Xiya to slip away from the door, and he said to Taotu, "Taotu, let me go out for a while, if I don't come back tonight, then see you on the boat tomorrow."

Yang Tian picked Annie up from his lap and handed it to Taotu, then walked out of the bar, checked the direction where Xiya disappeared, and followed with a slight smile.

(End of this chapter)

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