One Piece Demon

Chapter 13 Hotel Cuisine

Chapter 13 Hotel Cuisine
Under Sabo's explanation, Yang Tian gradually understood the whole story, followed by a long-lost system prompt: "Ding, the task: get the approval of the three of Ace, completed."

The use method and operation of the instant skill "Shadow-Flash" after completing the mission surfaced in Yang Tian's sea of ​​consciousness.

The three of Ace told Yang Tian their biggest secret, which made Yang Tian, ​​who had lived for two lives, feel trusted for the first time.Feeling warm in my heart, I secretly made up my mind to guide them in their cultivation.

In this way, under Yang Tian's scientific training plan, the three of Ace were at least [-]% stronger than before in just half a month.And just when Yang Tian was going to invite them to the city to have a big meal in order to celebrate the growth of the three of them, Dadan, who couldn't get any news from Yang Tian and others, was in a hurry. Dadan's younger brother came to report that Blue Jem His subordinates are about to search for the three brats, and Dadan has no news of them now, so he is naturally nervous. Now Dadan can't help but pick up his big axe and go to Bruggem to ask for clarification.

Under the leadership of the three little ghosts, they quickly passed through the garbage mountain. Before entering the city, the three little ghosts even put on makeup one by one. Not to mention the noble temperament of the clothes, the four successfully avoided the guards at the city gate and came to the town. Seeing the skilled cooperation of the three of Ace, it seems that these guards have suffered a lot.If the three little ghosts entered from the front, they would have been surrounded by guards long ago.

When you first arrived in the town, you saw a dazzling array of commodities, and the sound of the violin circled the elegant melody in the square.Aristocrats are chatting on the open-air coffee table, feeling uncomfortable.Luffy yelled to go to the biggest restaurant, because he thought that in a big restaurant, there would be more meat and the dishes would be delicious.

In the past, when the three of Ace came to eat Bawang's meal, it was Sabo's father who wiped their ass secretly. After all, Sabo's father attached great importance to noble etiquette.He was afraid that after Sabo was caught, he would be implicated too. In order to save face, Sabo's father had to secretly finish Sabo.

However, the three innocent little ghosts still enjoyed it.They don't even think about coming to eat so many Bawang meals, even if their makeup skills are so high, how high can they go.There is no reason why it is possible to entertain the three of Ace.

"Go, you little brats who are dressed in such shabby clothes, leave quickly, or I will ask the guards to throw you out." The lobby manager looked at Ace and the three of them in shabby clothes, with disgust on their faces , seemed very impatient to drive away.

"Ahem, they are my guests."

Yang Tian, ​​who came in last, coughed twice to attract the lobby manager's attention, and looked at Yang Tian behind the three of Ace, with beautiful clothes showing his noble spirit and handsome face.The manager changed his face in an instant, bent down and waited with a smile: "I'm very sorry, it was all my fault just now, so I'll take a few of you to the best private room."

After waiting, the manager turned around and straightened his back, and ordered to the waiter standing beside him, "Four distinguished guests, take the distinguished guests to the best private room on the fourth floor. Be sure to serve me well, do you hear me?"

"Yes, some distinguished guests, please come with me." Under the leadership of the waiter, the four of them walked through the gorgeous corridor, past the glittering glass and gold windows, and came to the private room on the fourth floor. It was the first time for the three of Luffy to come Arriving at such a gorgeous place, my eyes were overwhelmed, and I kept looking around.

"Hello, guest, here is the menu." The service staff handed the menu to Yang Tian politely, but seeing the funny looks of the other three, the service beauty also suppressed her smile.

"I'm coming, I'm coming!" Lu Fei saw the menu, his attention was immediately seduced, and he begged Yang Tian with longing eyes.

"Okay, okay, here you are and don't look at me like that in the future!"

"Yeah, Yang Tian is the best."

Luffy who took the menu was as happy as a child, although he was a child in the first place.The mouth-watering pictures whetted Luffy's appetite.His fingers kept tapping on the menu.

"I want this, this, this, um. And this, this, and this, um. Forget it, let's bring up all the delicious food. Ordering is so troublesome!? Hehe" Luffy looked at the delicacies behind the menu, I couldn't control my saliva more and more, and I drowned the menu. In the end, I was so greedy that I didn't even want the menu.

"Guest!" The beautiful waitress turned her eyes to Yang Tian, ​​the leader of the four, in embarrassment, as if asking for his approval.

"Listen to him, put all your signature dishes on the table." Yang Tian waved his glasses and said lightly, which was in response to what Lu Fei said.

"Okay, the customer will be here soon." The beautiful waiter bowed with a smile, turned around and backed out with the wet menu in her arms.

Outside the room.

"Manager, the guests at that table just now wanted to serve all the dishes on the menu, do you think so?"

Hearing what the beautiful waitress said, the manager pinched his mustache and said, "serve the food first, wait a minute, go to the front hall and ask a few more guards to guard this box. If there is any change, I want you to come first." Time is under control, understand?"

"Yes, manager." A bright light flashed in the waiter's beauty's eyes, and she backed away.

As expected of a top hotel, the speed of serving food is fast, before Yang Tian finished his cup of tea, the delicacies were put on the table one by one.

"Golden Dragon Yulin Brocade, Kidney Cod Rotten Snapper, Hundred Flowers Desperate for Rain Brocade, Double Dragons Playing with Jade Beads, Thousands of Silkworms and Hundreds of Tears." The vegetable reporter skillfully reported the name of the dish, and the accompanying fragrance was enough to make people intoxicated. Big moves, knives, forks and chopsticks, and all kinds of tableware that can be used, even if Yang Tian put down his usual aloof image, the chopsticks in his hands are as fast as knives, and the squeezed dishes are just right. It melts the whole person, the delicacy erodes the taste buds, occupies the mouth, and conquers the stomach.

Yang Tian remembered that on the small island, he and Mihawk ate some bread besides barbecue. At that time, bread was so scarce because it was scarce. Now it was the first time for Yang Tian to taste the delicacies of this world. Naturally, he couldn't stop.After a gust of wind and clouds passed, there were only clean empty plates left on the dining table, and Luffy was licking the last bit of soup.The stomachs of the four of them were already swollen, as if they were pregnant in October, and each of them still had an expression of not enjoying themselves.The beautiful waitresses on the side were stunned.

"Hey~" Yang Tian looked at the empty plates stacked one person high in front of him.He burped comfortably, and his swollen stomach has shrunk a lot. This meal has greatly benefited Yang Tian. Let’s not talk about the deliciousness of the dishes, just say that these ingredients are all very rare , many of the meat came from sea kings or ferocious land overlords, and all of these meats contained the energy Yang Tian needed.It fully increased the energy in Yang Tian's body to a level of 45/50, which seemed to be full.

(End of this chapter)

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