One Piece Demon

Chapter 132 The Family War Is Over

Chapter 132 The Family War Is Over

One was tall and the other was short. The taller was a frail scholar with a long sword at his waist, and he was gentle.The short one was carrying a huge hammer on his shoulders, the hammer head was a bit bigger than his whole body, which was quite inconsistent, but the powerful appearance of Kong Wu made people feel intimidated.

"Brother Right, it's still too late."

"Nonsense, am I blind? Open the barrier soon."

The frail scholar had long been used to his partner's wild personality, so he smiled slightly.He opened his hands cooperatively, and in an instant a dark purple barrier began to envelop Yang Tian and the two of them.

The appearance of the strange combination did not attract the attention of Yang Tian, ​​​​the center of the battle. It seemed a long moment, but only a few seconds passed.

And just in these few seconds, a white light that no one noticed, from weak to strong from Yang Tian and Shun's fists colliding together.

"No, it's about to erupt. Hurry up!" The tall scholar exclaimed, mustering up all his strength, a burst of energy followed, and the purple energy shield instantly became several times faster.

White light flashed.At this moment, the world was overshadowed, and the birds and beasts on the Red Earth Continent panicked and ran wildly.

The enchantment is still a little slow, and in the direction where everyone faces each other, there is a hole several meters wide that has not been filled.Looking from the loophole, a gully stretches from narrow to wide, from shallow to deep, and stretches for kilometers, rushing into the depths of the sea.Carrying the surging waves at any time, they rushed to rush into the strange continent that they had never reached before. After the sea water smoothed the wounds on the earth, the waves gradually lost interest and calmed down.

Looking at the scars left by the earth, everyone couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.Perhaps, this may be a place to be thankful for. If the energy squeezed in the enchantment did not pour out from such a loophole, it would probably have a greater impact.

"Phew, his grandma, is it so scary?"

"Haha, Brother You, don't underestimate the people of the world."

"Hmph, let's talk if he can withstand my hammer."

Seeing this, the scholar smiled loudly and changed his weak appearance.

Seeing that the situation had calmed down, Sir Siritos and Natsume Yado stepped forward one after another.

"Thank you, the priest and the master came to the rescue."

The master book is naturally a scholar, and his title is a scholar, and the priest is a short middle-aged man with a giant hammer. His hammer can not help but be used as a weapon, and it is also the official seal of the priest, which can convict the Tianlong people.If the five old stars are the ordinary sanctioners of the Tianlong people who control the outside world, then the two of them are the sanctioners of the Tianlong people.The rights he owns represent the highest rights and interests of all Tianlong people, and no one is allowed to have doubts about his life.

"Haha, this priest is here for the benefit of the Tianlong people, you don't have to thank me, and I am not here to save you, but to sanction you in the name of trial..."

Ding~ When the time came, Yang Tian's "alarm" rang, and the countdown that appeared in front of him all reset to zero.The four numbers that stirred for 10 minutes gradually became transparent, and finally disappeared before Yang Tian's eyes with the sound of piercing radio waves.

Without the system overdraft authority, Yang Tian, ​​who had already been overloaded, smiled slightly and passed out.Shun also had a hard time. Although the King of Heaven was an invincible existence, he was not a King of Heaven after all. Shun looked at his right arm that had evaporated long ago with a godless gaze, feeling a little sad that he had lost this battle.He knew that if Yang Tian hadn't left room in the end, he might not even leave a trace now.Seeing the falling Yang Tian, ​​Shun flew over with his creaking body, gently caught Yang Tian, ​​and slowly put him on the ground.

Yang Tian's state at this time can be described as extremely bad, his consciousness fell into the abyss and he couldn't extricate himself. At this time, Xiao An, who cooperated with Yang Tian to open the system taboo, slowly woke up. Xiao An naturally felt the changes in Yang Tian's body in the system, and sighed softly. : "Maybe it's all fate. The taboos of the system are the existences that all the demon kings of the past have feared. Then we can only see your good fortune."

After Yang Tian lost consciousness, the interface of the system began to undergo earth-shaking changes, and no one could predict the changes.

During Yang Tian's coma, the high priest, a short middle-aged man named "You", issued an order to arrest him. He was charged with wantonly instigating the internal unity of the Tianlong people and wanting to destroy the family of the same Tianlong people because of personal interests. Saint Siritos was also detained on the charge of failing to report the knowledge and almost causing the demise of most of the Tianlong people due to selfish desires, which is a contempt for the authority of the Tianlong people's temple.

It has to be said that the control of the Celestial Dragons is extremely pedantic, but the two represent all the Celestial Dragons, behind them is the Temple of the Celestial Dragons, and Im, the highest decision-maker of the Celestial Dragons, stands behind it.

However, this intrigue and war that has lasted for many years has finally reached a high level.The trial of the Tianlongren Temple will be held in a month. During the period, the temple will want to collect evidence from each other to make the most fair judgment and give all Tianlongren an explanation...

"Boom~" The deafening bell rang, one after another, resounding through the majestic and magnificent mountains.

This sound is the wake-up bell of Buddhism. It can teach people, cross people, and precepts. It is a sacred guide. This is Buddhism.

In the past, the place of trial, Buddhism Dukong came from this temple. This temple is called Wanfa Temple and lives alone on an island. The temple collects almost all the truths of Buddhism in the pirate world.But this Wanfa Temple lives in seclusion on an isolated island, and does not do missionary work, but only cultivates its own clarity.There are old people, children and women in the temple. Although it is a temple, it is a country of its own.

In the temple, in a towering pagoda, a man and a woman kneel and pray in front of the Buddha. The man has only one arm and one palm in front of his chest, his eyes are closed and he prays silently.A woman, exuding a mature charm, twirling the beads between her fingers, chanting something in her mouth, as if praying for someone to be safe.

At this time, a green girl ran in from the outside excitedly, out of breath and happily said: "Queen Emily, Brother Shun, he~he has something to do."

"What!" Shun opened his tightly closed eyes and Ai Mier disappeared in front of the girl in a blink of an eye.

"Really, people came to report with good intentions, and didn't even wait for them. It's really bad. Hmph! I'm not happy." The girl pouted and complained for a while, then turned and ran towards the place she came from.

"Tyrael, Tyrael!"

Before people arrive, the sound comes first.Coming all the way from the pagoda, Ai Mier felt all sorts of feelings in her heart. She was the one who fell into Yang Tian's current appearance, and she was the one who was extremely worried now. She didn't know what would happen if Yang Tian saw her, scolding, getting angry, Or ~ drive yourself away.She doesn't know, and it's hard to make up her mind, but she knows that she wants Yang Tian to be safe and sound, otherwise she wouldn't beg her mentor hard, risking great taboos to bring people who have not cultivated the Buddha's mind to this Buddha.

The bead curtain swayed, leaving behind a faint feminine fragrance. Ai Mier, who walked into the room, looked at the last curtain in front of her, but didn't know what to do.

(End of this chapter)

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